• Lopen's Left Arm
    875 months ago

    All it would take would be Trump dropping a single line in one of his rambling diatribes about how he ate a guy once, and folks like this would do an immediate about face and push to legalize cannibalism.

    • He was a great guy, the best, so smart, just the smartest. He had a brain the size of a watermelon, it was just so huge. It tasted so good. It was so huge and jiggle. And so tender, you didn’t even need a knife we all just had spoons, they came from my great Uncle’s spoon factory. He had the best spoons, my Uncle, he knew everything about spoons. Do you all have a spoon guy? If not you need to get a spoon guy, you haven’t lived till you had a spoon guy.

  • originalucifer
    615 months ago

    in one of the only states that already has anti-cannibalism laws. a completely ignorant ‘lawmaker’

  • Hegar
    435 months ago

    “I thought — this is going to be normalized at some point,” Scott said. “The way our society is going, and the direction we’re going, this is going to be normalized.”
    “There is a lot of documentation out there,” Scott insisted. “If you just google it, people showing it, and how they’re doing it.”

    After watching a decade old David Spade show! 😂

    Of the Republican party’s two main factions - the grifter wing and the rube wing - it’s pretty clear which one she caucuses with.

    • @some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
      235 months ago

      The absolute disconnect from reality truly is disorienting.

      “I heard about a thing that seems so implausible as to be ludicrous. I won’t verify it. It has to be true!”

      These people are living in a fantasy world that doesn’t remotely exist. It’s no wonder we’re so fucked.

  • Melllvar
    285 months ago

    Without looking at the article, guess what party she’s a member of.

  • @Cruxifux@lemmy.world
    195 months ago

    If you’re wasting government time making something that’s already as illegal as cannibalism illegal then you should be declared unfit for office.

    It’s not like you’d lose anything of value in the interim while you’re finding someone else. It’s not like she’s fucking doing anything.

  • “So, I wanted to address this because what I didn’t want to see is bags of compost with human bone fragments.”

    “I didn’t want to see that in my Home Depot stores,” Scott said.

    Sorry what??? Like what the fuck is happening in her brain? Having said that. I would totally buy the human bone meal at Home Depot.

  • peopleproblems
    135 months ago

    She was upset because Washington legalized human burial without preserving the dead?

    So, hold up. Are they worried that if you don’t preserve the dead they turn into zombies or something?

  • @Phillmebucket@lemmy.ca
    75 months ago

    It’s because sooner or later they know we’re going to have to eat the rich and they’re getting a leg up before it starts.

  • Jokes aside, this bill is problematic for a couple of reasons I can think of (although this bill isn’t going to pass unless big funeral throws money at it). It sounds like this bill would ban green burial practices. Embalming is not good, the chemicals leech into the ground and eventually can end up in the groundwater. And some of those non embalming burial methods are basically the equivalent of chaining yourself to a tree for the foreseeable future due to the way our culture treats burial sites - your body is protecting the existence of a forest or similar.

    Another non-embalming burial is a traditional Jewish one. They wrap a body in a decomposable sheet and bury it in a hole in the ground. It’s pretty eco friendly too. Would this bill end up with freedom of religion issues?

  • The official statement of purpose of House Bill 522 states that the expanded law “has no fiscal impact,” because it “causes no additional expenditure of funds at the state or local level of government, nor does it cause an increase or decrease in revenue for state or local government.”

    But it is revenue neutral.