its at 11:35, lol yes mr 120 million dollars tell the proles why the sanctioned rump state can affort all those 3 things but the world hegemon cant.
lmao i guess after episode 1 reactions they decided they cant lose too many blue maga viewers
its at 11:35, lol yes mr 120 million dollars tell the proles why the sanctioned rump state can affort all those 3 things but the world hegemon cant.
lmao i guess after episode 1 reactions they decided they cant lose too many blue maga viewers
Oh because that police crackdown doesn’t happen in the US? Our politicians would never attack opponents protesting and inconveniencing? Been under a rock Jon? Actual journalism?
cough Assange cough
Oh it’s not a 3rd Red Scare as I ooga booga about Russia and big bad Putin. It’s
culture wars and totally not wall street’s resource wars. Yeah that’s it Jon.
You fool, you have made the classic farce of mentioning the US! I cast WHATABOUTISM! behold, your argument has crumbled to dust before your very eyes!