Well that’s dystopian and dark.
Gotta find plenty of distractions less people wise up and realize Putin is the real enemy of Russians.
lest is the word you’re looking for.
A lot of young people in Russia know that Putin is evil, especially in major cities. The problem is that they don’t protest, as that would put them in danger.
Putin? You mean this guy?
I never understand these posts, I get the excuse of ‘but it upsets putin’ because he’ll off course be annoyed when doing his morning lemmy scroll but I don’t get the message.
Putin is not gay or trans, the problem with him isn’t that he’s secretly queer his psychological issues stem from him being hyper masculine and deeply hetero. I understand the picture from the perspective of a Russian putin hater who is also homophobic but I don’t understand why I see it posted endlessly in more leftwing and progressive spaces
Because he tried to have the image scrubbed from the internet. It pissed him off that much. So by everybody posting it in more and more places, it makes it infinately harder to scrub the image from all the places.
You’re getting entirely too psychological with it.
“It pisses him off, and this ensures more people will see the image, and save the image, and later spread the image.” That’s it. That’s the end of the thought process.
Exactly. Same reason China’s dictator will be Winnie the Pooh for the rest of his life.
So if someone made a photoshop of him in blackface with racist iconography and he didn’t like it you’d post it everywhere? ‘Look at putin depicted as a disgusting stupid black guy! It sure is humiliating for him to be associated with terrible things like black people!’
And yes I know it’s tempting to write off things like this with ‘it’s not complex bro, I just do what I feel like and it’s OK because in my heart it’s a progressive act of kindness!’ but life isn’t so simple, actions have unintended and unconsidered implications.
There’s so many reasons to laugh at putin, even if he was gay it wouldn’t be one of them. Assume the story that this upsets putin didn’t exist as a meme (which btw is likely nonsense anyway) what would be the point of this image? What would it convey? Just homophobia.
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Russian trans politician… Damn, talk about going through life on hard mode.
As if there weren’t already enough reasons to get the fuck out of Russia… I predict they sadly do not have long to live no matter what is decided by the courts.
Clown country 🤡🇷🇺
I was able to find two additional articles:
- Russia’s First Transgender Politician Announces Detransition [May 16, 2024 | The Moscow Times] https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/05/16/russias-first-transgender-politician-announces-detransition-a85136
The Moscow Times is Russia’s leading, independent English-language media outlet. Our team of Russian and English journalists provide readers across the world with breaking news, engaging stories and balanced reporting about the largest country on Earth.
- Transgender Russian politician says he has detransitioned [Lucy Papachristou and Bernadette Baum | May 16, 2024 | Reuters] https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/transgender-russian-politician-says-he-has-detransitioned-2024-05-16/
Ground News service for free! Thanks, random Lemming!
Inb4 hexbears memory hole their dearest despot acting like a cunt.
Title addendum: Or fall off a window from a dangerous height or drink toxic tea, etc
Hopefully it’s:
Find cool doctor.
Wear suit.
But Russia being Russia… Man fuck this timeline.
I’m hoping for
Be yourself
I’d rather flee my country and find a new career than forcibly change genders, jfc.
looks doubtfully at thumbnail of Vladimir Putin
Roman Alyoshin, formerly Yulia Alyoshina
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Human population is the highest it’s ever been in history. America is the 3rd largest country. Who gives a shit if some people don’t adhear to your perceived gender norms? Why? Cause they won’t have kids? You sling your same shit mouth hate at infertile people too? People who do adhear but choose not to have kids? Nah, you don’t. Because it’s a front for your irrational hatred. Give yourself any excuse you want. Pretend your being a logical Nazi when your just an insecure lil bitch boy who can’t handle his snowflake normality being challenged.
Ah yes. It’s teh gays that dun did it. Not the system that makes it increasingly hard for people to meet their basic needs and forces them to work ever harder just to survive. Sure, buddy.
Yes, good thing Russia forces people to change genders!
…not what you meant, huh?
“Russia may engage in bigoted torture of trans people as part of their genocide of queer people, but at least they refuse to fall for Western propaganda!”
Well fortunately we have you. Who contribute a great deal I’m sure