I trust Trump about as far as I can throw him, and at the end of the day it’s really the Pentagon calling the shots here not the POTUS.

But dudes clearly speaking to a public sentiment here.

  • CommunistBear [he/him]
    913 months ago

    Biden and the Dems are so bloodthirsty that Trump is the nominal antiwar position. I hate this fucking place

    • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]OP
      673 months ago

      Trump is the nominal antiwar position

      Trump isn’t anti-war, or at least I don’t trust him to be actually anti-war. He’s anti-this-war, but his administration did plenty of hawkish shit towards Iran and Venezuela. I’m not even confident he’ll actually do anything to deescalate in Ukraine, I think it’s all bluster.

        • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
          3 months ago

          Trump’s actions are often just attempts to satisfy his ego through positive media and supporter reaction. The issue with Iran if you recall is that his main supporter at the time, Fox news had a mixed reaction, with Tucker Carlson being extremely critical, something obviously like hell freezing over.

          You can go and check back on the entire Carlson arc back then but here for example Fox’s Tucker Carlson slammed conservatives for pushing Trump to go to war: ‘About 20 minutes ago we were denouncing these very people as the deep state’

          His base didn’t particularly like that idea, he was MAGA and isolationist and yet he was about to put the US into a war with a nobody-country that wasn’t a threat at the time. It wasn’t Bush post 9/11 even though he thought that was an easy win.

          As soon as the base consolidated into the neutral/negative camp which he didn’t expect, he backed off. Right now his base is very much positive towards ending “Biden’s war” so he is very likely to do it.

          But his base also doesn’t like China so that will be the next target.

        • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]OP
          113 months ago

          At the very least, you can still argue that Trump was duped by his advisors into thinking that assassinating a “rogue general” can solve the Iran problem.

          Thing is, if that’s the case he can probably be duped again.

          After Soleimani was killed and a war was nearly started with Iran in January 2020, there was still an “oh shit” moment from the Trump government and they quickly walked back and prevented a war from being escalated.

          Is that because he’s genuinely anti-war or cuz some Brass at the Pentagon thought it wasn’t an opportune time to start shit with Iran and told him to cool it?

          Really at the end of the day I don’t think it matters, the PSL could win this Presidential race and it wouldn’t change a thing foreign policy wise (and probably not much domestically either), those aren’t decisions any elected leader has any meaningful sway over.

            • @HakFoo@lemmy.sdf.org
              93 months ago

              In doing so, they’ve signed the death warrant for their own credibility as an ally.

              You aligned with the US/NATO explicitly because they were a big, strong military and economic partner, who could provide deterrence, and if that failed, prevent you from losing the war.

              This alliance will deliver Ukraine less-than-zero benefit: they’ll still lose the war, but being propped up and egged on means it will take longer, be bloodier and more destructive, and leave them with more debt.

              Perhaps the “deterrence” factor was limited because they weren’t Core NATO and there was no Article 5 trigger risk. It still suggests there’s no value in cozying up to the institution if you can’t qualify for full membership, and even then, would they really pull out all the stops for a new member of low value?

          • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
            3 months ago

            Is that because he’s genuinely anti-war or cuz some Brass at the Pentagon thought it wasn’t an opportune time to start shit with Iran and told him to cool it?

            16 or so ballisic missiles pounded the Al Assad Airforcebase and did “Only Braindamage + some later death” to some 100 soldiers… while the USA had Nothing to respond ,even just verbally to respond with some stupid" Though talk" at this moment would have forced Iran to preempty flatten all the Other bases they have there (they nervously shoot down a hole airliner, so they where extremly on edge) … So Imagine there was a collective experiance of “Oh Fuck oh Fuck+ we are Powerless” in the Command center or whatever… Thats some experiance that produces wisedom

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
    713 months ago

    The problem with Trump is not that he can’t read the room. On the contrary, that’s part of the problem. The room is filled with transphobic, military thumping, chauvinist, xenophobic, treat gobbling bullshit.

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Love when every Republican president for the past fifty years is ideologically to biden’s left

    edit: they’re right, Bush is the only exception (and still to Biden’s left on border and immigration policy)

  • adultswim_antifa [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Trump was already president and his foreign policy was pretty bad. He threw Rojavah to Turkey and was trying hard to start a war with Iran, assassinated Soleimani, and people just forgot about that when the pandemic started. He tried to coup Venezuela for guaido, remember that pathetic boat thing where they all got caught immediately? Remember the Bolivian coup that Amerikkka was almost certainly involved in?

  • CommCat [none/use name]
    353 months ago

    Biden and any other POTUS runs US Imperialism by the playbook. Trump will not change US Imperialism, but he does disrupt it and panics the deep state (Industrialists and the MIC), I don’t think any other POTUS would’ve gone to the DPRK

  • Hohsia [he/him]
    63 months ago

    American electoral-brained mouth breathers are no different than monkeys

      • Hohsia [he/him]
        3 months ago

        Genuinely curious how you injected race into a completely innocuous point where I made no claims about race whatsoever. This honestly reads like concern trolling

        • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]OP
          23 months ago

          Cuz there’s a pretty well documented history of black people being compared to primates to paint them as primitive and backwards.

      • Hohsia [he/him]
        3 months ago

        You’re projecting what you want to be true. Monkeys behave by instinctively reacting to the leader lmfao this is actually a great example of the reasons why leftists continually have infighting and fail, you hyper focus on a minute aspect of something completely unrelated to the point

        And the people who instinctively upvote this virtue signaling bullshit? Lmfao no different

        • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]OP
          23 months ago

          Lol I don’t WANT it to be true that historically black people have been compared to monkeys to paint them as undeveloped and savage. To me it’s in the same vain as people calling Russians “orks”.

          • Hohsia [he/him]
            33 months ago

            You are projecting so fucking hard right now, monkeys exist independent of whatever use they had as a tool to dehumanize people in the past. And humans share a common ancestor with monkeys and when they don’t use their brains to think, that primate comes out.

            Anti-intellectualism is quite the hill to die on, especially when veiled in some silly moral posturing

            • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]OP
              13 months ago

              I’d argue refusing to acknowledge the historical context in which such an insult has been used is the real anti-intellectual act.

  • JerkyChew
    43 months ago

    Read between the lines based on his past behavior. “Getting it settled” means “Just give everything to Putin”. It’s like solving the gay marriage debate by just taking away gay marriage.

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        153 months ago

        Putin is a Nazi memorial collector and he knows he can easily get the most impressive collection of statues of SS war criminals if he just takes all of Ukraine’s land.

    • edge [he/him]
      3 months ago

      What kind of peace deal would you not count as “just give everything to Putin”?

      What kind of peace deal do you think should happen?

      What kind of peace deal do you think is realistically possible at this point?

    • Rod_Blagojevic [none/use name]
      493 months ago

      good-morning “Putin is gay and woke up one day and decided he would conquer Ukraine. There’s really nothing else to know about this situation.”

    • Azarova [they/them]
      463 months ago

      his butt humper

      Can liberals ever bash Putin without resorting to homophobia? Regardless, Trump wouldn’t have control over that policy anyway, it’s a Pentagon/security state adventure, which is ending in a complete disaster for them even without a president hostile to Project Ukraine.

    • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
      3 months ago

      Casual homophobia, classic lib. Can’t express your point without making it about sexual pathology or slagging off the gays, right? Have you ever had a thought about politics or power and not somehow forced an analogy with a penis involved? Freud was right you twisted little pervert.

      Anyway, go figure Russians are people too so stopping their deaths is a good thing too if you, you know, give a shit about people. And even if we took your point at face value, an end to the war on Russia’s terms - which is all but certain anyway given the trajectory here - will still result in the end of maiming and murder of Ukrainian men on the Frontline and any civilian deaths from infrastructure bombing deeper into the country. The only reason that corrupt little rump state is still feeding bodies into the grinder is because Europe and America would rather sacrifice Ukraine than fight directly (CAN’T fight directly based on industrial output) and are happy to see others die on their behalf. Otherwise peace could have come long ago. But you bloodthirsty dogs believe whatever you’re told and clap along to the slaughter as your social benefits are converted into weapons and shipped across the Atlantic so they can be blown up in some trench in Eastern Ukraine all so that some military contractor can redo their kitchen in Boston. You want to talk about cucked? Look in the fucking mirror you sniveling worm.