glad you included the “gregnant” in there
I’m… Afraid to translate
It’s just all the variants of “pregnant” from “how is prangent formed” but spelled in katakana.
pureganto → pregant
puragunento → pragnent
paaganto → pargant
guregunanto → gregnant
peguneeto → pegnate
pegurento → pegrent
puregegunanto → pregegnant
puregoneeto → pregonate
purengan → prengan
pureregunanto → prregnant
puregante → pregante
paagaato → pergert
pegunatto → pegnat
puragunetto → pragnet
paajanatto → pergenat
purangunetto → prangnet
puragunan → pragnan
puregunaato → pregnart
bureganto → bregant
puregaanto → pregarnt
puregatto → pregat
furegunanto → fregnant
paagunetto → pargnet
piigunanto → peegnant
paagunatto → pergnut
pugurenanto → pgrenant
puragananto → praganant
puranjento → prangent
purefunatto → prefnat
pureganananto → pregananant
puregaanetto → pregernet
purenguto → prengt
purogunanto → prognant
purettonetto → pretnet
I can believe they watch anime.
Like Goblin Slayer and Shield Hero.
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“well in that conveniently arranged society slavery was actually the best option and everyone was happy with it.”
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The goblins somehow weak and cowardly yet become a bigger threat to settlements in numbers
Slaughtering goblin infants is morally justified. They’ll always be bad
Goblins use human shields particularly human women. Also the only way of reproduction is rape of human women
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Everything about these goblins conveniently justifies their complete extermination. Makes you think
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The Iron Dream called out this bullshit back in the 70s and yet it persists
Um ackshually
my favourite Goblin Slayer discourse was all the vomit-inducing takes on SV
“its just a normie filter bro”
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I’m ashamed that I ever said I liked that slop. It’s pure Disney morality (the good guy and bad guy are totally apparent and nothing is allowed to be complicated, ever. Now it’s super easy to project whoever you don’t like or let’s be honest, less than popular ethnic groups onto the goblins.)
At least Frieza had something material to gain in Dragon Ball, at least in Persona 4, the killer’s a cautionary tale of people with CHUD brainworms: a misanthropic chanlord with a superiority complex cutting themselves off from the world and refuses to connect with others.
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I do gotta say I like the Wisecrack video essay on Goblin Slayer that goblins represent everyday tragedies and that Goblin Slayer is himself a representation of the often maligned but essential labor that maintains society whilst “true heroes” represent and fight more existentialist and bourgeois “world ending” calamity.
Shield Hero is just straight up slavery apologia and harem fetishism like all fucking post 2010 Isekais once studios realized lonely men spend a LOT of fucking money on that shit.
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Miyazaki was right that anime was a mistake
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chuds seem to enjoy the simulacrum copy-of-copies more than the original thing itself. they like how everything in anime is set along rigid tropes and formulas, with immersion-breaking gimmicks like fan service. they like how everything is video-gamey and follows a very specific set of in-universe “rules” that is very hierarchical and systematized and quantified (ever notice that every single world with super powers has a ranking system where the powers are boiled down to 1-dimensional quantities?)
This lack of realism, and favoring of idealistic platonic forms, soothes the chud mind who hates the messy chaos of the real world and wishes everything fit into tiny boxes they could sort. This sort of guilty pleasure of re-making reality to fit into platonism and overpowered main characters is inherent to the appeal of anime to a lot of reclusive people who aren’t looking for any type of realistic portrayal or connection to the world, but instead want to get lost permanently in a fake one that they have full mastery over.
Hence waifus becoming more desirable than actual women.
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If you can track down a copy of Otaku: Japan’s Database Animals, Hiroki Azuma actually describes this process.
To summarize the book- he says that in our current postmodern landscape, what consumers want isn’t narrative (because stories are pointless). What they want is a database of their favourite things, and they want to selectively consume the things in the database based on their own tastes, just remixed forever (A Tsundere is a Tsundere is a Tsundere, it doesn’t matter what color is the waifu’s hair). In effect trading ‘humanity’ to become ‘animals’, just mindlessly consuming the same things over and over again.
The analysis is postmodern and not marxist tho, so he attributes all this to the death of grand narratives and not capital. Still, the book is interesting since you can see those processes happening right now, with the Marvelification/Disneyfication of media
He honestly saw where the industry was heading before most and as a communist knew that capital would ride an industry into the ground to better reap money from easily pleased groups such as men with disposable income and very little in the way of inhibitions.
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The consequences of Macross
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I was thinking you guys were talking about redo of healer… Then I realized this is another anime. These isekai really seem to like this
Yeah it’s horrifying yet also weirdly funny in the saddest of ways that male isekais are largely on desire fulfillment instead of any self actualization meanwhile you look back on the first ever isekais (those with female protags) and most of the plots dealt with growing up and coming to terms with some form of trauma or issue to be better self actualized.
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Oh damn that’s one of my favorite films. Was made by Wolfgang Peter so existentially German without catering to the Americanized culture of wacky childhood hijinks, instead depression and trauma.
Thankfully Redo seems to not have legs like its more softcore counterparts
Holy shit my curiousity got the best of me and in the very first episode slave trade just as you guys said
Oh God now they’re on “hey I treat my slave well” second ep.
I already see grooming coming. I absolutely hate this shit
When demis level up they becoming instant grown ups. Ok I’ve had enough
Yeah again no joke it is legit “oh no guess I gotta buy slaves” instead of you know just killing the slaver
Great example of how otaku and libertarians damn near intersect into a perfect circle at times
Yeah seeing a few episodes of this. Fuck this shit
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Don’t forget Gate.
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Oh god, it was like an isekai but for an entire military organization for fascists longing for Imperial Japan to fetishize all the while a fucking Abrams tank gleefully runs over people and commits war crimes because yeah no shit a fantasy swordsman versus a fucking gunship is an already forgone conclusion.
I can at least respect Gundam for 1 being anti-war, and 2 not fetishizing it whilst also have believable parity of power matchups.
Mushoku Tensei
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I’ve been subjecting myself to this show for the last few days now because apparently I can’t escape dealing with it in anime communities and I do actually need to know what I’m talking about in order to shut down moderator opposition.
It’s sus af in premise but Shield Hero is actually 100x worse. In practice the mc in Mushoku Tensei doesn’t really do much beyond the usual bad anime sexual harrassment jokes and when he does finally lose his virginity he’s practically jumped on while repeatedly saying no. His relationships with others are generallllllly healthy and promote being a very good person other than it being through the eyes of a neet shut-in and the incel stuff that comes with that. The character arc is one of a person genuinely overcoming their issues and being a (mostly) good person. This is just my impression of season 1 though, no idea about the other.
Shield Hero on the other hand justifies actual slavery and actual grooming. The mc is an asshole, does not change or improve, and their assholeness is simply justified by everyone else in this world being a big asshole to him too. He has literal slaves, and he genuinely grooms those slaves for sexual desires. Everything is bad about this. It has zero redeeming features.
When I contrast the two, I actually can’t put them in the same categories.
In short, what I’m saying here is that the Shield Hero fans are irredeemable but the Mushoku Tensei crowd seem to me like they can be redeemed.
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lmao yeah this is a good description
Don’t get me wrong though, Mushoku Tensei is still quite bad. A shut-in virgin neet with pedophile tendencies dies and goes to a fantasy land as a newborn child. He continues to display an attraction to girls that are very young. He performs the usual anime sexual harrassment jokes, although the worst of these are reserved for adults at least. The redeeming part is that the dude does actually become a hero, he does actually try to be a person worth emulating besides this stuff. There are redeeming qualities here. He wants to be a good person. He actively seeks out ways to be a good person, to self improve, and to do his life right in ways that he failed originally.
Shield Hero on the other hand is a fucking asshole who quickly decides owning slaves sounds great and then also sexually grooms his slaves and this is fine because he doesn’t just beat them like the other slave owners do. His slaves LIKE him! Yay! But then he’s also an irredeemable asshole in every other interaction too, he never grows, he never tries to be better, he’s never depicted being remotely heroic, he is an asshole. The only “hero” shit he does is because he is thrust into it without real choice.
Of the two stories one is trying to justify every belief that reactionary shutins have while the other is trying to empathise with the depression that creates those shutins while also promoting the kind of healthier life that they should be seeking. I think when you lay the two shows out like this they can be viewed slightly differently.
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The first refreshing discovery was that there was no “isekai” protagonist asshole. AT ALL. If you haven’t seen it, please do.
You might enjoy Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, but for different reasons. It’s much more about the character development and struggles of a group of people trying to learn to work together. Everyone in the group is given fairly equal screen time, and the world is extremely dangerous in similar ways. It’s very slow though, sort of plays like Slice of Life but in a world where the only means of earning food involves dealing with dangerous near death experiences regularly.
Unfortunately it’s not long enough and the audience didn’t take to it immediately because the characters are all slightly unlikeable in various ways to begin with, so it didn’t really get the popularity needed for it to get more seasons.
Faraway Paladin stays away from the video game analogue and is just pure fantasy without any real , from what I could remember, slavery/harem tropes.
Ok ok ok I had to come back to this thread to tell you about Season 2 of Mushoku.
The entire fucking season is about the MC overcoming their erectile dysfunction. That’s it. That’s the season. All of it. The entire character motivation of the season is having ED and not being able to get it back because he doesn’t trust women after his first time went so badly wrong (the aforementioned jumping on him while he said no dozens of times, which ended with her running away the next day when he loved her) and the entire basis of his ED is that he needs to be in a relationship with someone he actually has real intimacy with and has built up real trust with.
That’s it. That’s the entire season. Episode after episode about erectile dysfunction.
Oh and they still have to solve it in the end with magical viagra juice.
This show is unbelievably stupid and definitely problematic at an elevated level but it’s also not Shield Hero. I do think however it is trending towards a harem, a sort of Edward Elric meets Sword Art Online harem meets sexual harrassment.
tl;dr: MC gets ED from being traumatised by girl he loved that kinda forces him into sex when he didn’t want to then runs away giving him huge abandonment issues. MC pursues a multi-year journey of study at university to cure ED, with the cure being real intimacy, real trust, and drugs.
Don’t think I’ve seen any anime about impregnation, the fuck are they on about?
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I have seen It a few times on the season list over the years. Something like World’s End Harem or Maburaho the others are legit hentai’s so I don’t count those.
For a lot of chuds Berserk is their favorite anime/manga and well the world of Midland is in constant war and is ruled over by masochist fascists then it’s taken over by demons, said demons are overthrown, and a beautiful demon god takes over.
Wow, so uplifting.
berserk has been read by way too many edgy teens seeking to cause permanent brain damage to themselves.
Sucks because I really enjoy the manga, but I didn’t discover it until I was an adult, and when I went looking for the fandom I found out it was full of toxic morons.
Problem is that a lot of people like Berserk, but due to the nature of online discourse the people who are the most prominent in the discourse are often the most annoying. If you don’t like constant rape jokes you’ll likely not be part of any of the open fandom groups. There are simply too many edgelords.
A beautiful demon god whose capitol city is modeled on Germania, a hypothetical world-capitol envisioned by the Nazis
I will never forgive the folks who recommended Berserk without a CW on it because I was not prepared and was not in the headspace for it and it absolutely fucked my shit up right at the end and I will never forgive it for that
DAE think Griffin did nothin wrong?
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The protagonist of Sailor Moon becomes a global monarch though
She is born into nobility, in fact
Well, technically she’s the reincarnation of someone who was
I’m sure I’m not the only one, but when I was a kid I found this whole queen of the future thing very boring. I still find it silly and boring, they should have kept the focus on something else, like the slice of life, the comedy and the battle against the villains.
Let’s see…
- Blonde
- A monarch
- tries to redeem Sailor galaxia, a /pol/ user with cosmic powers?
Yep, Usagi is a reactionary.
Maybe Usagi, Mamoru, and Chibi-usa should be Romanov’d.
She also started out as one. There’s seemingly only a brief window where the world in Sailor Moon is normal while the fated magical dictator of everything is still a child after being reincarnated, while both before and after that it’s some sort of bizarre magical nightmare hell, since even the supposed utopian future bit seems to just be a tiny isolated island of magical space crystals of ontological good in a desolate post-apocalyptic wasteland.
The real question is how the world wound up normal after the magical Earth vs Moon war ended up with the Moon princess doing the Third Impact in retaliation for the invasion of the Moon.
Maybe the Witches 5 were the real heroes after all, Mimete did nothing wrong except all the innocent people she attacked and the teammates she killed.
“You idiots, don’t you GET IT!? The western imperial establishment WANTS you to criticize it, and eventually overpower it! I’ll show them, I’ll obey norms even harder!”
This sounds like they miraculously fell for an op a couple interns at the CIA cooked up as a joke and only 4chan is dumb enough to fall for it. I can’t believe we ever took 4chan seriously, especially after 2009. It’s just aging millennial facebook without accounts at this point.
my favorite anime is one where someone works hard then gets impregnated
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smartest cracker on the internet: “we must stabilize current society (impregnate)”
Who TF says impregnate
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Abe-ist anime gets the
Yes gundam series famous for impregnation not being anti war
I completely forgot about that series lol. Still have no idea what it was about
Yeah I watched the first few episodes and couldn’t get past the doggy style piloting and the “pistil/stamen” metaphor.
Nerds do not understand subtext, curtains are blue because blue
Same with the coolist looking uniforms are best
Honestly it’s too much of a minor point to mention YYH when there are such stronger examples like One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach (to some extent), Sakamoto Days, and so on. Naruto/Boruto is like the only really conservative manga that’s big (in the action genre), not to mention big on the “impregnate” thing, and it gets routinely ridiculed because of those very traits because it just completely wastes the setting and characters.
MHA is explicitly collectivist, so it probably isn’t what these guys are talking about even though I would call it conservative for other reasons. In many ways, it kind of stumbled into the most stereotypical possible set of values for a Japanese cultural export with conservative collectivism and being custodians of society, etc. Still better than atomized American conservatism.
I guess you can make an argument for Mob Psycho, but they don’t really defend or improve existing institutions, they just protect humanity in general from would-be conquerors, with very little attention paid to the structures rather than individuals protected. Maybe you could say One Punch Man by a similar token, but Saitama is constantly clowning on the Hero Association by doing nothing but vibing, and the current arc in the manga and webcomic is about the Hero Association being inadequate and corrupt and being challenged by a seemingly even-more-corrupt competitor. It’s pretty unclear where it’s going, imo, though there’s a chance it does end up extremely conservative by just re-enforcing the status quo.
Chainsaw Man is spoilers, but if you know them, it needs no explanation how not-conservative it is.
JJK? Uh, Gojo wants to use his totalizing power to reshape society and is seen as a hero for that, so he’s something of a blanquist I guess. It’s like Naruto in that the institutions are all fucked up, but unlike Naruto in that most of them get absolutely destroyed, albeit for various reasons. idk, maybe it is conservative, but really the main message is about being empathetic to all of humanity, even people who are different from yourself, and the other totalizing force is viewed as explicitly pitiable because he doesn’t have that capacity for empathy.
Mob psycho isn’t very political, but there’s one moment I really like in the season 2 finale where where Mon gets really angry at some Claw members who break some windows or something. He asks them if they even know how to make a can of tinned food, or if all they know how to do is destroy. That’s a nice critique of basically any fascist movement that glorifies physical strength and hierarchy instead of the ability to create and work. Imo Mob Psycho gets away with not being political in general because it’s about the beauty of the human experience and that’s already in line with leftist ideals.
Jujutsu Kaisen is full of criticism of conservatism, some vague anti-capitalism in Nanami’s backstory, and criticism of misogyny. It also does the classic shonen thing where it criticises violence in the text, but the reading experience is all about cool fights. Also, it’s about to end and it looks like the problems with society aren’t going to be resolved or addressed.
Remember there’s the season 1 finale where Reigen basically lectures the first set of Claw members about how they aren’t special and need to start acting like adults and get real jobs and such. I think MP100 is pretty political since it usually frames its theses around political points, it’s just difficult to parse in a nuanced way because most of what actually happens isn’t distinctively political.
Late addition: Kimetsu no Yaiba gets the same ruling as MHA, that one is actually conservative. Cowboy Bebop is mostly personal and oriented towards letting go of the past (or rather, failing to and suffering). Space Dandy might be a proper conservative anime despite being funny. I never watched Eva.
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Also Monster:
The main villain turns out to be a secret group’s attempt to recreate Hitler, and he basically just manipulates everyone he meets to either commit murder or suicide; also it shows people from all parts of the world as being really friendly and to have a human side to them (which by the way was one of the things I hated about the live action movie Taken, which I felt depicted that people all over the world are evil and scary). It showed the people who tried to recreate Hitler were killed by him and were just losers trying to…I can’t remember, make a fourth reich or something? They also make it clear that the villain isn’t genetically predisposed to evil, he’s a product of environment.
The main character trying to save Hitler 2’s life at the end again despite everything he’d seen and experienced was just basically peak liberalism, but I can understand it would turn off most viewers to watch the protagonist double tap the villain.