I still like how the least realistic part of this entire episode was the metric system in common use in the US.
Also they were using Health Care IDs for identification, from the universal healthcare, that’s the most unrealistic part.
You only saw people in the sanctuary districts using them though, right? Arguably, that’s just Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid program.
It could have been wasnt it for orange man.
Hey now, he definitely, totally has a plan that he’s been working on, we just have to vote him in again and he’ll get it out in like two weeks. 100%.
Free euthanasia for anyone who didn’t vote for him.
As I have noted elsewhere, that’s just because the guy who installed the clock didn’t bother to change the units to fahrenheit.
Isn’t it 15 degrees every day in San Francisco
Don’t ruin it for us.
Did a 5 mi hike from West Portal to Funston the other day and it was 60f and melting me. Then I sat at home in avenues where it was 60f and I was freezing.
Fun fact: in aviation, a “standard day” at sea level is defined as 29.92 inches of mercury of pressure an 15°C in temperature, and San Francisco is a coastal town so it’s near as makes no odds to sea level.
15°C is basically the most average temperature on Earth.
Why is it defined in inches and centigrade? Why not inches and fahrenheit or cm and centigrade? Mixing systems hurts my brain :(
Mercury would typically be measured in mm in metric and my brain just fully glossed over the inches part
I don’t know why it bugs me so much, but whenever I see mixed units it really does. It’s like my brain itches or something.
Also, yeah, mm makes more sense.
You ever hear the expression “Fahrenheit is how humans feel, Celsius is how water feels?” Pilots in flight are concerned with how water feels, so we use Celsius.
My favorite “mixed” unit has to be the standard adiabatic lapse rate, which is 2°C per thousand feet. 1000 feet above your head right now it’s 2 degrees Celsius cooler than it is at your altitude. You can use this along with the current surface temperature and dewpoint to determine things like where clouds and icing will form.
The one that gets me is speeds and distances are usually expressed in nautical miles/knots, while visibility is expressed in statute miles.
Nice read. I find it really interesting that due to the unwillingness of many to learn something new, America is almost the only country that still uses these silly measurements.
5280 ft in a mile my ass. You don’t even use 0.x numbers but fractions like 7/8th instead. And still some people believe that 1/4 pounder is bigger then a 1/3 pounder. That’s crazy
I’m on the record as genuinely preferring fractional inches to decimal units in the wood shop because it’s inherently a fractional task. 12 inches in a foot; keep dividing that by two and you get 6", 3", 1 1/2", 3/4", 3/8" and so on. 3/4" is the basic unit of woodworking. I have to divide by two and three quite a lot in the wood shop, so dividing 3/4" by three is 1/4" Easy.
Did this today: I had a 1 1/2" thick board, and had to cut a 1/2" groove down the center of that board. 1 1/2 divided by three is 1/2" so I chucked a 1/2" spiral bit in my router, set the fence 1/2" from the bit and the grooves are perfectly centered. Easy.
I’m not against the metric system, I learned chemistry and physics in metric, I own a set of metric wrenches. My measuring cups are graduated in fractional cups and milliliters, my kitchen scale measures in ounces, pounds and grams. But I build furniture in fractional inches and I learned to fly a plane in feet, pounds, gallons and nautical miles, and I’m damn good at both.
Not to mention that there’s a temperature range throughout the day.
It was not a prediction. They literally time traveled there. Did you guys even watch the show?
They have a show!?
Yes. At Quark’s every Thursday, the Dabbo girls do a Rockettes number.
Star Trek accurately predicted…
Star Trek accurately re-enacted
One fan theory is that Star Trek is told from the perspective of a time traveler using the technology available at the time to tell the stories of something in the future.
So it would be re-enacted from that perspective.
Is there a write up of this theory?
Me getting memes ready for tomorrow:
Why meme tomorrow what you can meme today?
Don’t let your memes be memes.
Lower Decks!! Lower Decks!!
Ugh you know what I just realized guys
The Bell Riots won’t happen tomorrow because the timeline got fucked up when Gene Roddenberry told the stories of the future. The warnings about the Temporal Cold War was really about the fact that we’re already knee deep in it.
Yeah we live in the timeline where the sanctuary districts didn’t happen so we never riot we just keep collectively watching everything burn to the ground.
The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.
Holy hell
One slight, tiny, intsy-wintsy, little discrepancy: 8/30/2024 is a Saturday; not Friday.If ever there was a day to not wake up, I think today is that day. 🤦♂️
I don’t know where you live, but it’s Saturday, August 31st here.
Can confirm, the 30th was a Friday for me
I wasn’t in SanFran yesterday but I’ll wager it was the 30th there.
Crew, I think dohpaz fell into a spatial anomaly. OPS get a tractor beam on him so we can slingshot him to the right date.
Might want to look at your phone real quick. You happen to be quite wrong.
If you told someone 30 years ago to look at their phone to get the time they’d look at you weird.
It was, however, common to listen to your phone to check the time.
I don’t remember the local number to check the time when I was a kid. But I remember the local number to check the weather.
334-1515. “Brought to you by WGTC, where we’ve got the country.”
Don’t ask me how I remember something like that from 40 years ago.
The phone was used for all sorts of pre-internet information back then. Pretty innovative. I remember calling up the university agricultural extension to get plant info by entering various codes (entering, as in rotary dialing each number). Also the futuristic registering for college classes through a touch tone phone vs. standing in lines.
I remember calling up for.movie times. Sitting there waiting for every fucking movie to be listed before finally hearing yours and hitting the button, them listening to every fucking date before hitting for Saturday, then hearing every fucking time until the evening ones come up and your friends yells something at you and you miss the time.
For a while, the town I lived in had a big sheet they distributed with a ton of different free phone services you could use- including games! A bunch of choose-your-own adventures which would be updated regularly, I think once a week. It was great as a kid.
There was one that would say, “At the moan, the time will be [HH:MM] and [SS] seconds” and then there’d be a woman doing a sexy moan.
Time and the weather. We had it good. Still works too, so maybe we still have it good. =)
30 years ago they had to look at their phones? Doesn’t their implant tell them when they think of time?
deleted by creator
Dohpaz, friend, pal, please… look at the date.
They clearly consulted the wormhole prophets for this one
Yet they had nothing to say on the price of a Big Mac .
Surge pricingRiot pricing
Aw shit