OpenAI’s history as a nonprofit research institute that also sells commercial products like ChatGPT may be coming to an end as the San Francisco company looks to more fully convert itself into a for-profit corporation accountable to shareholders.

The company’s board is considering a decision that would change the company into a public benefit corporation, according to a source familiar with the discussions who wasn’t authorized to speak publicly about them.

While OpenAI already has a for-profit division, where most of its staff works, it is controlled by a nonprofit board of directors whose mission is to help humanity. That would change if the company converts the core of its structure to a public benefit corporation, which is a type of corporate entity that is supposed to help society as well as turn a profit.

    1816 hours ago

    Capitalism is already a superintelligence, and its goals are misaligned with those of humanity.

    10723 hours ago

    This was so predictable. It seems they only care about profits now, and also positioning themselves to be a monopoly, so they really haven’t been compatible with the non-profit model for a while. Especially since they just raised more than $6 billion.

    It’s truly amazing to me that a “non-profit” that has disingenuously represented itself from day one, and is based almost entirely on the theft of intellectual property that would get normal individuals prosecuted out the ass, can continue to rake in absurd amounts of cash. I really dislike this company.

  • enkers
    1819 hours ago

    Shocking. Absolutely shocking, I say. It’s almost like we’ve seen this exact pattern a hundred times before.

    716 hours ago

    Well yeah. They’re selling snake oil, and they better get as much money as they can now. That cash is going to dry up in a couple of years, and then where will they be. They’ll have to do real work again.

        110 hours ago

        Yea his “funny story” about carrying around a briefcase to explode his data center is just an asshat wanting to play James Bond.

    919 hours ago

    I was looking for a job in the San Fran area by keyword for a product I am a near expert on. I happened to find a listing for a position that I was qualified for at OpenAI. The post was truly creepy and had a weird fascist smear all over it where they were writing in all caps, multiple times that there would be no work from home or even hybrid work. It was unnecessary and very strange. I ran away and never looked back. Nothing of this surprises me.

    20 hours ago

    PSA: There is a super easy to use app called “GPT4ALL” which lets literally any idiot run an open source LLM on their local machine. (As long as you don’t go fucking crazy and try to run a huuuuge model, that is)

    Smaller models run at pretty good speeds on my RX 5700 XT. Yes, you heard that right, you can use Vulkan to run them on an AMD GPU