So as you know I am Palestinian ,I am from Nablus and I live there ,I have a friend from Gaza who I have known for a year before the war had started .

he was born and raised in Gaza and even lived in Gaza during the war for about 7 months before managing to go to Egypt ,I’ve asked my Friend if he’s okay with this and he has said yes and the mods have approved of my request as well

So come on ,you’re not gonna get this chance again

ask him anything

  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    5 months ago

    I know I’m not my government but I want to apologize to him for “my” government for being a bunch of spineless cowards who absolutely know what they are doing and what they are supporting being done in Palestine.

    It boils my blood to hear them talk as if it’s a war rather than a mass slaughter and to hear them act like “the hostages” (Israelis) are the only ones who matter, as if Israel isn’t holding thousands of Palestinians hostage right now and as if all of Gaza and the West Bank aren’t held hostage by them as well.

    I don’t want to say too much but have a family member who is very, very closely connected to the upper ranks in “my” government but I haven’t had contact with them for a long time, which is lucky because if I was near this family member and their colleagues I’d spit in their child-murdering faces and tell them that they’re lucky that it’s the only projectile that I sent towards their heads.

    I can’t put it into words how much I hate the injustice of the world and that you, your friend, your families and your people are subject to some of the worst of these injustices. I don’t have a question, I just want both of you to know that I’m sorry that the world has failed you for over a century and that my heart breaks for all of Palestine.

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    The people of South Africa stand with you and your friend forever and always, we try our best to help even though we’re a poor third world country on the other side of the globe. I hope one day that you can rid yourself of this horrible Israeli apartheid and live in freedom and peace in your own land. It seems impossible, but that’s what they said about South Africa in the past.

    As for a question, what kind of music does he like/listen to? I always find that can be helpful for the soul when going through difficult times.

    • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      5 months ago

      قول له أن الشعب الفلسطيني بحبكم وانتوا اول من وقف معنا وانتم في عقليتكم و إنسانيتكم أغنى البشر و حقا شكرا لكم على كل شئ قدمتوه لنا

      المشكله انا في الأوقات العصيبة بتذكر يلي استشهدوا و ببقى كدا زعلان وقتها بفتح هي الانشودة ما في موسيقى تخفف عليا و تغير مود تاعي

  • kristina [she/her]
    5 months ago

    Ever heard of any trans people in Gaza? How receptive are people to communists?

    Oh and as a fun little fact, all the lgbt people here in my american lgbt org support Palestine and wish you the best. It feels like the dominant opinion among LGBT people here as a whole.

    • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      5 months ago

      On the trans question no he doesn’t ,on the communist question he has said that Palestinians love everyone that supports them , Putin is popular in Gaza because he’s seen as an anti western figure and a supporter in a sense ,same with China and North Korea ,many people in Gaza love China and the Soviet Union in the past

      I asked him about Gaddafi and he said كل غزة بتحبه ,which means all of Gaza loves him

      He said nice in Arabic with some ❤️ ❤️ and he said may Allah have mercy on him in Arabic ofc

      As for your other comment احكيلها شكرا لهم على وقفتكم معنا وانتم افضل من الكثير من العرب الصامتين

      He tells me to thank you for your support for us and you’re much better than the silent Arabs and better than the Arab rulers and their normalization with Israel

    • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      5 months ago

      He said to stop the war ,stop arming israel because thousands of women and children have martyred cause of that, stopping the seige and surrounding of gaza thats been ongoing for 18 years and taking israel to trial and ending the occupation

      When I explained that you meant people, he said financial help because everything Is expensive and no one can afford anything and the winter has come and many tents gave sunk and people need new tents and its very expensive (the material needed) ,he says when he asks or sompne from gaza asks they really need help ,they’re not scamming anyone because if you had 100 thousand before the war then they have all gone becausethey were all spent, everything has multiplied in terms of price

      He says you should help people individually on a financial level rather than donating to a food aid

      Like giving money through PayPal or GoFund Me’s

      And he says to help the people who have not made any money yet nor the ones who have gotten over 100 thousand

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    5 months ago

    Does he still have family in Gaza? Are there any plans to get them out?

    What is his daily routine like? Is he able to find employment in Egypt?

    What is the mood like in Egypt? Are Egyptians supportive of Palestinians, wary of Palestinians, etc?

    • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      5 months ago

      صحيح اغلب عائلتي في شمال غزة و يوم الجمعة أمس يعني هددوهم لكي يخرجونهم من شمال, وغير أنهم اغلب ابنائهم استشهدوا

      Most of his family is still in the North and thete are plans to move them from the north to the south

      His parents are with him ,the rest of his family is still in gaza, aunts ,grandma and uncles

      As for routine ,he sits in his house ,there’s no work in Egypt and its really hard to find any and even if you find a job it will be for less than 70 dollars a month

      There were organisations for helping palestinians when they first came to Egypt but now there’s no help or aid at all

      The Egyptian people are good but their government is hostile to us , its better for me not to go to the mosque because I could be seen as a “Muslim brotherhood” supporter

      And thats why I am trying to travel to any country

  • daniyeg [he/him]
    5 months ago

    i want to apologize to him for us iranians being too weak to protect them. i wish we were a better run country so this could’ve never happened. all my support goes to him and his family may god protect them.

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      5 months ago

      If you don’t mind, I have a question to ask you.

      Has sentiment between Iranian and Iraqi populations improved much, or at all, since 1989? I’m thinking about histories like this around the world.

      • daniyeg [he/him]
        5 months ago

        i don’t know about the iraqi side but in iran there is no negative sentiment towards iraqis because of the war.

        now don’t get me wrong there is negative sentiment because of general arabphobia and because of rumours that iraqis are buying out housing supplies in some cities like Mashhad but most of the hate was directed towards the ba’th party and Saddam which have since now been deposed.

        i have heard nothing bad about iraqis from people that went on religious pilgrimage in iraq however i also think there’s negative sentiment from iraqis to iranians more so because of the belief that Iran is controlling iraq and meddling in its politics rather than the war itself although i wouldn’t know anything about that.

  • asante [comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    no questions, I pray for peace in the Middle East and the disestablishment of the genocidal Israeli state.

    so many Africans (in Ghana as well) are in solidarity with Palestine. we too have experienced subjucation, oppresion and genocide at the hands of imperialists and settlers.

    just like how the people of Zimbabwe were liberated from the settler colonial state Rhodesia through armed liberation and international pressure, I know that one day, the people of Palestine will be liberated as well!

    • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      5 months ago

      He says Egyptian people are really good with us and treat us like family, ge didn’t manage to find a Palestinian community because of them are in Cairo and they are in Sinai because rent is very high in Cairo, they pay 200-220 dollar per month in sinai ,But in Egypt its 500 minimum

      As for safety ,he says Alhamdulillah he’s safe but internally he doesn’t feel safe because the war is ongoing ,ge feels as if an F16 plane will come and bomb him and he gets Afraid to go to to the balcony because he still thinks he’s ving in gaza from the shocking things he’s seen, he imagines himself there

  • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
    5 months ago

    A question I haven’t seen anyone ask: Is there anything he wishes people in the USA knew about the ongoing genocide our evil government is actively conducting via proxy?

    And not a question, but I send all my solidarity, love, and support.

    • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      5 months ago

      تعرف أنه كان في أربع جواسيس من وكالة دخلو غزة في حجة مساعدة

      كل السلاح و صواريخ يلي بيقتلنا هو من مساعدات الأمريكية ل اسرائيل و يوجد انواع من صواريخ توزن أطنان يتم ضربها على اطفال و نسوان

      ف أنه في كتير منهم يوصلون معلومات استخبارية و ميدانية للصهاينة و حماس عرفت اكتر من شخص كانوا متوجهون إلى مناطق القتال لم تقتلهم لكن تم ترحيلهم

      من منظمه الوكالة

      كان في مساعدات الأمريكية ل غزة

      اغلب مساعدات كانوا يوقعون في البحر

      من طائرات يبعتوهم

      لكن على فكرة طعمهم مقزز جدا

      الاكل كان عبارة عن اكل جنود الامريكان

      هما كانوا يرمون المساعدات في جهة البحر كان في من مساعدات تقع داخل البحر

      لكن مش الكل الاكل

      لكن طعمهم كان غريب جدا

      الاكل نفسه كان مكتوب عليه أنه أكل الجيش الأمريكي,فا يكون طعمه مش زاكي كتير,هاد بالنسبه ل مساعدات الجوية

      لكن مساعدات الأمريكية يلي يوصلون برا كان كويس,لكن مساعدات البرية يلي كانت توصل من الشعب الأمريكي,كانت من افضل الانواع و الغذاء

      احكيلهم أنه مساعدات الأمريكية بصراحه كانت من افضل مساعدات يوجد فيها كل الغذاء الأساسي

      حكومه الامريكيه هي السبب الاول في مقتل كل طفل و برئ في غزة

      في كتير من جنود الامريكان قتلوا في غزة

      خصوصا اول العملية البرية على غزة

      كان يوجد فرقة من القوات الخاصة الامريكيه مع جنود صهاينه

      لكن وقتها تم قتلهم كلهم

      في كمين في شرق بيت حانون

      هو اهم شي يعرفون أنه سبب الاول في قتل الأطفال و نساء و الأبرياء هي حكومه الأمريكية

      و كان في جنود امريكان يحاربون في غزة لمصلحة الصهاينه

      و خصوصا في ميناء التي عملوها

      يلي عملتها امريكا في غزة

      و كانت أحد الأشياء المهمة أيضا لإسرائيل كانت متل قاعدة عسكرية

      على فكرة امريكان اولاد حرام

      كانوا جنود صهاينه يهربون هناك

      و اذا ضربت حماس ميناء رح تعرف شو رح يقولوا في اعلام

      • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
        5 months ago

        Thank you. You’re absolutely right, America is responsible for every murdered man woman and child. I’m so sorry. Some Americans care and are trying to oppose the genocide, but we’re severely outnumbered. I really think most are too stupid, evil, and self-centered to care about anyone other than themselves.

        • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
          5 months ago

          انتي على حق و لقد تحدث مع الكثير من الأمريكيين و قالوا لي ذلك يوجد الكثير منكم جيدون و يحاولون أن يدعمونا في اي طريقة واي شكل كان و شكرا لك على إنسانيتك

          You’re right and I have talked to many America and I have found that many of you are good people who try to support us in any way possible,t thank you for your humanity

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Please ask your friend to accept the deepest sympathies and support here from the dark heart of the imperial core. Ask him for forgiveness for the evil our leaders do in supporting the zionists. We are not all like that.

    I would like to ask what the mood is like among Gazans in particular and Palestinians in general. Is there hope for liberation? Are there parts of Palestinian society who doesn’t support the resistance but instead believes that more liberal, western approach can solve the conflict?

    • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      5 months ago

      اكتر ناس يكرهونهم فلسطين و خصوصا شعب غزة هم الغرب يلي و خصوصا الحكومه الامريكيه و كلهم عارفين أنه النهج الغربي كذاب وأنه ما رح يحل شي و أنهم بس يريد مصلحة إسرائيل ولا يهتمون ابدا فينا

      و قول له شكرا على إنسانيتك و تعاطفك معنا

      مزاج أهل غزة متل الزفت الجميع متدمرون من الداخل, والله انهم على وشك الانفجار من شدة الضغط , الحياة هناك صعبة جدا و فوق ما تتخيل

      The people who the Palestinians hate the most and especially the people of Gaza are the west and they all know and understand that the western framework is full of shit and wing solve anything and they just want to benefit Israel and that they don’t care about us

      Tell him we appreciate your humanity and kindness towards us

      The morale of the gazan people is absolutely horrifically bad and are people there are destroyed on the inside ,I swear by Allah that are about to explode from the pressure, the situation and life there is way worse than you could possibly imagine

  • Seasonal_Peace [he/him]
    5 months ago

    As-salamu alaykum, comrade.

    The Chechen people feel deep solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for justice and liberation. Your fight is our fight. Allahu yuthabbitkum, may you stay strong in the face of oppression.

    I believe in a future where Palestine will triumph. Glory to the resistance, long live Gaza.

    • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      5 months ago

      الشيشان يااااه على شيشان والله بنعشقهم و نعشق ابطالهم الملاكمين قديروف أنه شعب عظيم و قوي قول له أن شاء الله سوف تنتصر المقاومة و تتحرر فلسطين و تأتي تزور المسجد الأقصى

  • refracting [she/her]
    5 months ago

    I don’t have a question to ask, but sending all the love and support I have. There are so many thinking of your situation, donating, and never letting a zionist go unchecked abroad. It pales in comparison to what’s happening every day, but Palestine is never forgotten. heart-sickle

    • MohammedTheCommunistPalestinian [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      5 months ago

      اشكرها جدا جدا جدا و احكي لها انتم من الأسباب في صمودنا أمام إبادة جماعية و شكرا على إنسانيتك

      He said thank her very very much and you’re on the reasons for our survival in this genocide ,thank you for your humanity

  • PointAndClique [they/them]
    5 months ago

    I don’t have any questions, at the end of the day I’m a dipshit lib, so I’ll leave it to other more informed hexbears. Thanks to your friend for taking the time to answer them maduro-salute

  • vovchik_ilich [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I wanna say that the world’s people are with you, even if the bourgeoisie isn’t. Yesterday tens of thousands of people came out to the streets in Spain alone to protest (possibly hundreds of thousands), in a general strike day summoned by CGT (a union) and coordinated by other organisations like the students union, which was in charge of the prior protests in universities. We’re protesting for our government to stop all relations with Israel, both economical and political, stop the weapon deals, and to close the Israeli embassies.

    As a question, I wanna ask what’s some music you love that you can recommend, and what’s a delicious Palestinian dish that I can make at home to eat and to cook!

  • Redcuban1959 [any]
    5 months ago

    Let your friend know that the people of Latin America support Palestine. Cuba, Honduras, Bolivia, Colombia, and Venezuela have broken relations with Israel. The Brazilian, Chilean, and Mexican presidents have also shown their support, both in the ICJ case or by sending aid to Gaza.

    And ask them if they know about Club Deportivo Palestino, a popular football/soccer team in Chile (Chile has the largest Palestinian diaspora outside the Middle East).