Linux Gang
Hi :-)
We installed an update while you were asleep. Do you want to upgrade to Windows 11? How about sign in to your Microsoft account? Oh, I see, well we turned all of the ads and tracking back on so have fun finding the settings page to turn them off again!buried in a microsoft support forum post somewhere:
we also moved where that settings page is. enjoy
Fucking right? I need to get better at linux. My mint install keeps crashing in weird ways but i haven’t cared enough to fix it.
I’m lucky in that almost all software i use that isn’t games is foss already.
Fucking “ai”
Hey what if you had a personal assistant who couldn’t do anything right and was always slpurnned out of their mind on halucinogens?
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They’d provide company and be fun, unlike the cold robotic eye of a windows machine that dissects you in to consumer categories and then sends a unique code describing the position of your moles, which are not shared by anyonje else, to the NSA’s death squad division.
Okay but they also inform on you to literally every fed agency billionaire and corporation, and everything they bring you that isn’t ‘put glue on pizza’ was an ad.
Ubuntu is nice. I had mint on my desktop, but I just like Ubuntu way better. I find Ubuntu to be the Windows of Linux, without all of the spyware/malware shit. It’s the most popular, it’s kept up to date, and it works out of the box.
I’m typing this on Ubuntu from a Windows Surface Laptop Go. This little ultrabook is hella cursed and it just… worked. Ironically, the 5 minutes I used windows 11 on this thing were chugging like hell. This is an Ubuntu only device now.
I have one of those windows surface tablets from an ill-considered mania/panic purchase years ago and I rarely use it because the touch interface is so wretched on windows. :(
Oh, the Surface Laptop Go’s are like Macbook Air clones, really nice.
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And also was snitching on you to literally every corporation and all your least favorite governments! Also maybe some of the ones you like, if you like any and have great access.
Anyone else have their firefox keep crashing on Linux Mint? Particularly when I’m on websites like discord or youtube that aren’t just text.
Yes, same. Haven’t taken the time to look in to it but I’m having it a lot. Remving the default install of FF and pulling it from the repository or program library or whatever it’s called on Linux reduced the frequency of crashes a lot but they still happen.
using windows is basically like having a fed standing behind you at all times but also the fed likes to gossip with anyone that asks
but the most annoying part is that the fed is also trying to gossip with you while you’re trying to do shit on your computer
And gets in the way and fucks everything up if you misclick and select the little unremovable fed button instead of tgd thing you wanted to do. Also replaces random shit like your file explorer with the fed button sometimes.
Also hardcodes your keyboard configuration (yes it does this, I am using a european keyboard and had to do all sorts of fuckery in order to make hotkeys in google docs work.)
Wow, this is awful!
Fuckers installed co-pilot on mine when I was away and now my laptop has “no available device” for audio out. Like there’s no option in settings for the speakers. Can’t even plug in an audio cord. Nothing. They broke my shit and installed AI
This would genuinely disrupt my business to a wild degree . Like cost me thouuuusands
I got 10 years until steam drops win10, if win7 is any guide
Please, for your own sake and sanity, try Fedora. You can test drive it on a live disc.
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It’s probably the most polished non-enterprise distro. I avoid anything based on Ubuntu like the plague, though.
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The Ubuntu release philosophy just never worked for me as someone that’s used to using up-to-date software. I don’t mind the little (sometimes big) issues that crop up. Then there’s the snap debacle, especially how they surreptitiously install snap versions of apps even when you use apt-install. I can’t trust software that lies to me. I use Arch but always recommend Fedora as that seems to be the best balance of stability and keeping current on drivers and software.
trust nothing
Meditations on trusting trust. You trust your compiler, unless you programmed something in an electrical diagram on paper then went down to a hardware store, paid in cash, and built it
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Just pointing out that certainty is vulnerability.
Ubuntu was dead to me when they started pushing hard on their wall-garden Snap nonsense. Good on Mint’s devs for not just doing the lazy and just going with stock Ubuntu, but instead taking the time to make a base variant with Snap specifically ripped out.
I’m curious why a Fedora user is a Fedora user.
They’re a Fedora user because they use Fedora
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ora posting
The packages get updates fairly quickly for a non-rolling release distro, and the distro is more batteries-included and tends to adopt newer technologies like BTRFS faster than other distros. It also has the immutable Silverblue variant which looks neat although I’ve never used it myself.
I’ve got a really powerful machine and the Debian kernel wasn’t compatible with my graphics card. Mint kind of felt like Windows but a crappier, older version. Fedora felt like something that is actually making a break away from stale old things. And, everything was just plug and play for me.
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I’m so glad I switched to Linux full-time years ago when Proton dropped.
my pc is perfectly fine but they’re going to EoL next year forcing people to buy new computers they shouldn’t have to
maybe 2025 will finally be the year of linux on the desktop
A very old computer will last a very long time running Linux. Microsoft want you to buy a new computer every 2 year. I feel that ten years old computer is still good for most people.
I swear I’m switching to Linux when they stop supporting Win 10
Me too tbh when I get a new PC it’s gonna be Linux
Get a new PC now… They just getting more expensive
Why wait? Buy a cheap ass laptop and have it as a Linux machine.
Whats that quote about the best time to start doing something is a decade ago, the second best time is now?
Anyways, it will be easier to switch if you have a working machine with Win10 instead of waiting for your machine to shit the bed while upgrading to 11
I did that not to long ago and it worked kinda OK, then it did old laptop things and stopped turning on. I’ve used Linux on a couple of old computers now, and for the most part it worked fine after a little fiddling with the setup.
my machine won’t even run that so they can’t get me
Linux is the only option.
Not because FOSS is glorious and the most communist your computer can be without violating the DMCA. Though it is also that, and you can seed generously from a machine running Linux.
Not because Linux is much better lately. It is BTW.
Not because using a system that is designed intelligently and respects you as a fucking adult and might not always be easy to use, but won’t generally fight you, so solving problems feels collaborative rather than like youre a persecuted victim about to have everything you just learned and built crushed with the next patch feels really good and generally is an improving cool experience. Though, I mean, that should be enough on its own, right?
But because capitalism is in late stage decline and everything it touches is going to turn to shit and exploit you and surveil you and coerce you and infantipize the fuck out of you and you’ll have to get on your knees and crush yourself in terrible ways to check your fucking email or you’ll have to fight it tooth and nail every god damn inch fighting a different system each time you want to check your fucking email or see a naked picture of a hot person-even one they took for and sent to you directly.
Last time I tried Linux there was no native Google Drive application and none of the third party ones worked properly to sync my files. Has that changed at all?? Don’t tell me to stop using Google Drive I’m locked in for work
If you’re interested in switching over and that’s the only hang up, I can give a few solutions a try on my machine at home this weekend and let you know if there are options for you that might not have come up through forum posts.
I know a lot of times when something gets added and “just works” no one bothers to talk about it so you don’t know until you poke around yourself!
That would be incredible. The main thing is that it needs to sync the files from cloud to desktop and vice versa like the first party application does. Most of the work arounds provide remote access to files from the desktop, but I actually need them physically synced on the drive.
I ended up having a bit of time (and remembering
), I would second what u/ProletarianDictator said. Celeste (which can be found on FlatHub and is fully free) seems to do exactly what you’re looking for, checking for updates to files in the cloud or on your machine constantly and pushing/pulling as needed.
I will say that the method is… rough right now. Assuming you’re working with a modern system you should be fine, but if you’re on laptop you might not want it running 24/7. Rather than waiting for changes to occur and then sending the data around, it seems like it’s constantly checking to make sure the local/remote files are staying in sync.
It’s all open source though and works very smoothly, so I’d definitely give it a try!
Edit: I also want to note that I specifically checked that the files are really located on my machine - I can confirm they are present in both locations and after severing the link between directories, the files persisted in a usable state on both ends. The drive integration as part of GNOME does not do this and I confirmed that.
I will definitely check Celeste out. I appreciate you taking a look at this for me!
I have no clue; I don’t touch that corpo garbage, but if there’s not and yyou can’t, and wine doesn’t work:
Run a windows (or android? Android seems lighter) VM, give it no permissions it doesn’t need, sandbox the fuck out of it, then sync from there.
Edit: quick search reveals likeliest solutions are tied into the ux… Thingies, forget what they’re called. Like KDE and gnome. Try the one for yours; gnome and KDE generally have their shit together.
The constant tension between “Try Linux! It’s so easy” and a reply like this
I know this is mostly Google’s fault, but I just can’t switch if doing this is required to run a program I need to use daily
The constant tension between “Try Linux! It’s so easy” and a reply like this
Sorry, this made me have to hold back my laughter so much on the train that I repeatedly snorted. EVERY LINUX SOLUTION REPLY IS LIKE THIS.
Youre married to a specific corpo shit thing that is shit and specifically does not support Linux, on purpose. Google is fighting you, they are making this hard. And your ux (probably gnome or KDE) is what looks like it has the solution here. Try that instead of acting like a libchild. Dual boot or whatever til you find a thing that works (windows updates gave been known to kill dual boots partitioned on same physical drive)
And the reason to switch isn’t because it’s ‘so easy’. I made a kind of linger post somewhere in this thread on it.
Like I said, I’m well aware this is mostly because Google refuses to make a Linux client. Also the UX solutions you mentioned are ones I’ve already looked at and they don’t actually sync the files, which is what I need. The one program (Insync) that actually seems to do this is not FOSS and costs $40 per account
And it looks like there are Linux tools that do what6ou want, integrated into at least the two major UX’s.
I have no clue; I don’t touch that corpo garbage
He was an asshole, but he wasn’t wrong.
You could always run Google Drive online, or run it with a Brave (Chromium) Web App, which would run the web version in an application displayed on your desktop. I don’t know if this is the kind of thing you’re looking for, I’m just trying to think of solutions.
The problem is that I need the actual files to sync to my desktop and the cloud which appears to be the sticking point
Yeah, I don’t know if there’s a way to do that. That’s rough…
Yeah, frustrating because I tried to switch a couple of years ago and mostly really liked it, but I really need this one thing to work
I really hope you find a way to get it working one day, it’s annoying to have everything working nicely except for that ONE THING.
Maybe I’ll just break down and get the paid program. Idk. I really don’t want Windows 11
I am confused. Google drive has been on my computer for years. I don’t use it much, I don’t like storing things there. But Dolphin just mounts it and treats it like another drive. Maybe I am missing something? Like when you use a certain application it doesn’t see the google drive in the file dialog or something?
Here is a screen cap of the gdrive with folders in it:
Your imgur link is down, but let me ask: are those files actually physically present on your hard drive or they streamed from the cloud server
The imgur link is down? That would be bizarre. Opens on my desktop and my phone…
The files are on the google drive in the cloud. I believe there is a package to sync them with local files if I HAD to have them local. Or I suppose a rclone or syncthing script could run locally to do the same thing.
Do you need to disconnect your laptop from the cloud and then sync them later? Is that what I am missing?
It’s that I need the files available locally across multiple devices, synced through the cloud. Ideally automatically, but I’d take a manual sync
Unfortunately I have already read through this, and only the paid, non-Foss solution actually syncs files as far as I can tell
sometimes it do be like that
if a windows reinstall ever comes up, can try the mod that uses official windows .iso files but prevents them from installing the bad stuff
I haven’t even read the comments am I’m 100% sure it’s been flooded by the illinuxati being like “hah, you use a WINDOWS?”
We’re going to keep installing clippies until you get the point :bill-gates:
universal paperclippy machine
Operation Paperclippy