
Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign failed to connect with low-income workers due to a perceived lack of listening, according to AFL-CIO, the largest federation of labor unions in the US.

While union members largely supported Harris, many low-income voters backed Trump, swayed by his messaging on economic insecurity.

Despite Biden’s pro-labor policies, including infrastructure investments, the AFL-CIO now faces challenges under a likely Trump presidency.

AFL-CIO emphasized labor unions’ resilience and commitment to fighting rollbacks while advancing organizing efforts.

With public approval for unions at a near 60-year high, the labor movement plans both defensive and offensive strategies to protect workers.

    5 months ago

    First of all, fuck the Guardian; the best thing they ever did was leave X. They’ve been carrying water for the center-right as much as the left for a long time (American Granuiad that is, I dunno about the other one)

    Secondly - BULLSHIT. YOU FUCKERS HAD THE CHANCE TO SAVE EARTH AND YOU DIDN’T. Don’t give me that “ignored the working poor” bullshit. FUCK OFF. Just because you see an opening to jam your moral high horse up the asshole of the election conversation YET AGAIN doesn’t mean you’re right any more than it ever did. We lost the chance to help the working poor. The working poor chose that? Fuck. They’re as evenly split as you arrogant bastards that had college paid for.

    THE STAKES WERE THUS: SURVIVAL OR EXTINCTION. If you’re arguing that the Harris campaign insufficiently convinced enough mouth-breathing fucksticks not to vote for extinction, you’re wasting your time.

    You non-republiQan fuckers didn’t show up. Plain and simple. So shut the fuck up about it. You suck, we’re all gonna die, the end.