Starting to find it really hard not to hate NT people in every single facet of my life tbh
It is possible for everyone to have empathy for other humans yes. It should be expected. The problem is that it is not expected or even supported by broader society.
I would advise some caution conflating empathy with caring. Many NDs have decreased–or possibly even a lack of–empathy due to the construction of their brain. This does not mean that they do not care, though. Even a lack of empathy is no excuse, NTs just fuckin hate us.
In my experience, no. Even when they intellectually understand, they just expect you to “try harder” or “push through it”.
I once stumbled across one of Dan Hentschel’s YouTube shorts entitled “How to Get a Person With ADHD to Do Something” (massive CW if you search that up) and while I get that it was just a joke, I started tearing up and felt like an anxiety attack was coming on because it sounded so much like a conversation with my spouse.
Oof, 100%.
it’s not possible for them to truly understand the struggle. the good ones work hard at it anyway but there’s not enough of them and the needed pathways don’t exist
I find trying to explain my anxiety to NT people is like trying to explain a new color, completely different from all the other colors.
I feel like an alien most of the time.
To be fair… most conflicts and wars are caused by NTs, so it’s understandable
It’s not possible/very hard for me to explain my neurodivergence to anyone, so I kinda doubt it.
Sometimes, but I am more used to “having you just tried focusing harder.”