Of all the age of consent arguments libertarians make this is by far the weakest. Age of consent is literally up to a vote and can be changed. Thats how Arizona got it’s Romeo and Juliett law in the first place.
Weak, sure. It’s also a public argument made by an official Libertarian Party politician. Most of the stronger ones come from more anonymous libertarians. If that’s what they’re saying in public, etc. etc.
Of all the age of consent arguments libertarians make this is by far the weakest. Age of consent is literally up to a vote and can be changed. Thats how Arizona got it’s Romeo and Juliett law in the first place.
Weak, sure. It’s also a public argument made by an official Libertarian Party politician. Most of the stronger ones come from more anonymous libertarians. If that’s what they’re saying in public, etc. etc.