Religion doesn’t count. We’re on Lemmy, so neither does communism.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Most communists organisations are absolutely dogshit at communication. Get a nice professionally looking website. Get a SoMe strategy. Get a consistent visual identity. Do some SEO. It doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. This is what Lenin would have done. And stop writing in that horrible jargon that makes everything sound like a resolution from your 1976 congress, normal people find it weird and off-putting.

    You don’t have to be a theory nerd to be a real Marxist. Not everyone has the time, energy or personality to sit in a book club for hours. And that is fine. You can understand plenty without having to feel you’re back in school doing homework. If communist movements wants any kind of success they have to make theory accessible, relevant to what people are going through and attractive enough that people will want to engage with it.

    I don’t care whether you put pineapple on your pizza or not. I really don’t.

      3 months ago

      I think some people in niche communities (such as communist groups in this example) actually want the group to stay insular and personal. They like feeling part of a special little group, and if it started letting just anyone in then that would be lost.