“I can’t help you with anything cuz I’m too cool for that.”
Wow they stock that cool thing that the guy reading this likes
just the usual thanks
One box of MAGNUM condoms
Magnums are too small for me. What else do you carry?
Well I could get some monster condoms, for magnum dongs
cheers see ya tomorrow
oh and you need to get a bigger tip jar btw
cranks my hog ooouugh im gonna jelq oooughhhhh
Need help bro?
Oh… my penis is big *starts jelqing everywhere(
TLDR ? Didnt read the OP since im to cool
one smart cool guy, please
Sure thing my man!
no not like that
Sorry my cool dude, what would you like
oh my mistake i thought this was the smart cool guy store, not the smart cool guy store for smart cool guys
Rats I wanted a smart cool guy
Go find it yourself!
Hello fellow cool guys
Imagine being a nerd