I feel as if technology has stagnated, all that are left are grifts or just make everything terrible, like AI. I was thinking Zoom calls maybe? The tech has definitely improved since Skype.
I feel as if technology has stagnated, all that are left are grifts or just make everything terrible, like AI. I was thinking Zoom calls maybe? The tech has definitely improved since Skype.
there are none and no one in this thread have posted any. GPS? ever heard of a map? wireless earbuds? yeah i love worse sound quality and throwing lithium into the landfill. SSDs? yeah i love it when my slop machine gets me faster to my slop
nothing good has happened in the last thirty plus years
Okay Mr.
time to get you back to your cabin in the woods
If I could afford a cabin in the woods I would
It’s funny to see unironic anprims posting on the internet
I’m unironically blocking you
Oh no, where else am I going to see anti-intellectualist rants from someone who doesn’t understand the topics they’re trying to critique?
We need to un-invent the car and the Internet