Recently started looking into actual decent hard-left content creators, discovered BadEmpanada. I could give more detail, but I’m more interested on any critiques from those who know him or his content better.
Recently started looking into actual decent hard-left content creators, discovered BadEmpanada. I could give more detail, but I’m more interested on any critiques from those who know him or his content better.
bayarea didn’t get doxed, he posted personal info on his reddit account and then kept using that reddit account for his persona
i guess you could say steve huffan doxed him but like, fucking use alts and don’t post personal info. don’t walk outside naked if you don’t want everyone to see your ass hair.
textbook victim blaming
well yeah he functionally self-doxed.
publicizing public but not publicized information is doxxing
yeah let me just dig around all your accounts to find personally identifiable information it’s not doxxing tho bcz it’s already public amirite??
he shouldnt be doxed but come on, its like making a username “123MainStSanFranciscoCA” and wondering why people are finding your address
your username is publicized, this is not the same