I know nothing should surprise me with these fucking people at this point, but my mouth still dropped open when I read that.
I know nothing should surprise me with these fucking people at this point, but my mouth still dropped open when I read that.
It’s almost as if there should be 3-4 parties because not everyone in one party is going to agree about everything else that others in that party agree with if it’s supposed to represent 50+ percent of the population.
Great, I mean you guys keep saying this. I’ve been hearing it from Americans for decades. Maybe that’s the problem, you guys always have this defeatist attitude like “well if the system was better” well it isn’t, so work within it, or you personally get out there and work to change it. Otherwise there’s nothing you can really do but complain. You don’t get to just complain online about a lack of change, you actually have to go out there and help in some way physically