This is photoshopped… the picture was with mitt Romney and trump with his shiteating grin… why the edit?
As I live alone and pay $500 a month just to be able to see a doctor, I am more and more enraged yet disillusioned the older I get. This is not living—this is fascistic technofeudalism.
What do you think “the left” is??
The only war is a class war.
The only tragedy is our lives.
Messaging aside, be aware that this photo is edited, Musk wasn’t originally in it.
Wasn’t it Ted Cruz originally?
EDIT: ah it was Mitt Romney.
“this isn’t right vs left, this is right vs left”
uh… okay?
No, this is Good vs Evil. Right vs Wrong. Truth vs Deception. But yeah, Billionaires are the dark half of those and develop extreme sociopathic megalomaniacal malignant narcissism apparently. How else can we explain it?
Medicare can’t help a guillotine
Good luck getting partisans to buy into this meme, but it is correct.
Left doesn’t mean the democrats.
Reads as: I hate it when people have more money than me
The wealth gap can’t simply be captured by “more money”. Here’s my favorite visualization of the wealth gap for the ultra-rich. Enjoy!
What these dumbasses don’t realize is that they do rely on these things - every minimum or even low wage worker absolutely needs these services to make ends meet. These people aren’t just evil, they’re stupid.
They’re in a cult.
How did low wage workers survive throughout history without Medicare and Medicaid?
They died substantially more often and sooner. Look up the working conditions prior to the union wars in the US.
How much is “substantially”? And why do you think union wars were the reason for the decrease in deaths? Maybe it’s just the technological progress or something.
Statistics tell me there is a relation between healthcare and life expectation.
Note the US is the outlier here: that’s the only country in the world with significant spending and no universal healthcare system (only 10 countries in the world don’t have one). And even with that, medical debt is still the first cause of bankrupcy.
If you slash medicaid, you go to the left of that chart, but you also go down. That’s a political choice, really.
Fortunately, enough institutions were torn apart that soon the US will also be the exception for being unable to provide numbers for the years to come.
Because I’m not deluding myself. You wanna continue being a dip shit regarding how improved workplace conditions decreased workplace deaths be my guest. I’m gonna actually use my brain, though.
EDIT: got alittle heated and used some mentally ableist language. I’m trying to break that habit so I’ve edited that language to reflect that.
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deleted by creator
this is egg vs noegg
Fight a class war, not a culture war.
And you, who thinks you are in the “upper class” by making 500k a year. You’re not, you are among the poor.
We fight the people who own billions, not you.
500k a year is a doctor or something. Someone who actually contributes to society. That’s someone who should be rich because of how hard they worked to get there plus how important they are to our society. Elon musk shouldn’t get paid a fucking dime.
Elon isn’t getting paid. He’s not a wage worker.
Don’t fight class war.
I mean technically how they make that 500k matters. If it’s all just being a landlord we are definitely fighting them too.
We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it. Let’s handle the people owning a thousand homes first. Then move on the ones who own a dozen or less.
I’d disagree. Though I understand where you are coming from. I’m not saying behead the petty landlords first. However, often times the easiest way to fuel class consciousness is on these easier fights. Obviously a mom and pop single property landlord isn’t making 500k a year I’m not talking about grandmas that have a property as their retirement savings.
But these small petty bourgeoisie (think the dude on tiktok telling people how to make passive income) of 10-100 tenants are often the ripe conditions for the creation of tenants unions which can fuel class consciousness. They lack the power of large capital and the power of state violence in the same way. I think material support to these areas absolutely helps the working class.
But we might just be disagreeing on definitions here.