• @Synthead@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    You know, it’s kind of fascinating that this is happening. I fully believe they we should investigate wrongdoings, but Biden didn’t storm the capitol, withhold supplies from Ukraine, store secret documents in his bathroom, etc. There’s a bunch of Biden conspiracy theories that seem to never lose attention, but the things Trump is under scrutiny for is on public record.

    Perhaps the “he did nothing wrong” rhetoric is so ingrained in some folks that they really think he was impeached and indicted for “no reason,” therefore its just as legitimate to go after Biden for loose claims, too. Like maybe they simply can’t flip on the switch that that lets them believe anything Trump has ever done was bad.

    In my personal opinion, if you can’t find 10 things you don’t like about a politician, even ones you agree with, then you need to practice nuance and cognitive thought.

    • @letsalllovelain@discuss.tchncs.de
      10 months ago

      It’s populism. Donald Trump everytime he speaks, speaks to his constituents. Joe Biden addresses the whole room. Donald gets to say “these people on this side, with the blue name tag, those folks are bring our society to its knees” where Joe has to play “some of those red-tagged folk don’t like change.” It’s a lack of historical context that makes the same event repeat over and over again, and societies repeat the cycle over and over again.

      Many prominent Greek philosophers, then Roman philosophers, then French philosophers (and in-between) thought that the power structure naturally drifted from Monarchy->Republic->Anarchy->Monarchy ad infinitum. But I think that the only true constant here is lack of context. This type of soft-balling, easy to chew bs that dems propogate isn’t popular, it isn’t compelling, it isn’t dramatic. It is mostly geniune, even if geniuenly worthless. And that doesn’t play to a crowd filled with people who are willing to accept the first idea that drift into their hearing range.

      The only thing that wins is fighting fire with fire. And after a certain point, was it worth it? Wouldn’t things just be better if it wasn’t so damn complicated? Let us return to the Earth that we so desparately categorize ourself as without.

  • Jordan Lund
    7410 months ago

    Let’s take this a point at a time:

    “The first is Hunter Biden was put on the Burisma board.”

    Well that’s true.

    “Second, he was put on that board with no qualifications.”

    That’s false. He previously served on the board of Amtrak, appointed by President George W. Bush.


    “Third, Burisma, asked him, can you weigh in with DC to relieve the pressure we’re under from the prosecution, from the prosecutor here in Ukraine?”

    That’s false. The prosecutor in Ukraine was FAILING to investigate corruption, that’s why the IMF wanted him removed. That’s why the Ukranian ambassador from the US wanted him removed. That’s why 100 members of Ukranian parliament wanted him removed.




    “And fourth, Joe Biden did just that. He leveraged our tax money to get the prosecutor fired.”

    That’s true, after multiple levels of both the US and Ukranian governments asked for it to happen. Biden got it done.

    “And that fourth fact is, is validation of what the confidential human source said in the 1023 form. So that is what is central to this case.”

    No, it isn’t. The 1023 form is a statement of “someone told us x”, it has no validation.

    • @Whirlybird@aussie.zone
      210 months ago

      You don’t have a problem with a US vice president blackmailing a foreign government to get rid of a government official?

      • Jordan Lund
        110 months ago

        Nope, because that was in the best interests of Europe, Ukraine, and the United States.

        Everyone wanted Shokin gone because he was dragging his feet when it came to prosecuting corruption, Biden got it done.

  • @theostermanweekend@lemmy.ml
    3910 months ago

    You know…just bums me how the GOP is wasting out time with shit like this and with shit like trump, instead of working on actual problems like the environment, corporate malfeasance etc. Don’t @me. I’m just venting.

  • BarqsHasBite
    3710 months ago

    All they want is their talking yelling point to put on Fox.

  • @argo_yamato@lemm.ee
    1510 months ago

    Makes sense since facts are “woke” to Republicans and conspiracy theories are for “real men”

  • @saltesc@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I’m not American. But I do wish the United States would be more united again.

    Feels like a one-step forward, three-steps back sort of deal for a while now. Not what you want seeing happen to friends

    • keeb420
      910 months ago

      How can anyone unite with these fucksticks who want to turn America into a christofascist country.

    • Jordan Lund
      210 months ago

      The inherent problem is this:

      Republicans in power:
      “We’re the majority! Elections have consequences! You have to do it OUR way or YOU aren’t being ‘bipartisan’!”

      Republicans not in power:
      “We’re the minority! You have to do it OUR way or YOU aren’t being ‘bipartisan’!”

      “We COULD call them out on their bullshit, but that would be ‘uncivil’. When they go low, we go high…” And get their asses kicked from below.