• @Shadywack@lemmy.world
    1711 year ago

    What the UAW is doing here is fighting for all workers. This sets precedents that ripple across all industries. What formed the UAW back in 1937 took some balls, and so does this.

    It’s not communism to fight for dignity and a living wage. We’re practically fighting for some more table scraps, but the rich are acting like we’re threatening social fabric.

    Go and get it Shawn, this is exactly what we all need right now. Support the UAW.

    • @Furbag@lemmy.world
      551 year ago

      In the last 20 years, we’ve seen the most rapid rise in productivity since the industrial revolution, and just like in the wake of the industrial revolution, there was massive worker exploitation that led to reforms and eventually unionization that ushered in a golden age of labor in America where workers were fairly compensated for the work they provided, so much so that it was easy for a salaryman to support a nuclear family on his single paycheck.

      Since then, the business owner class has been working hard to dismantle unions while refusing to pay their fair share of the massive profit windfalls to the bottom rung workers. We are long overdue for sweeping multi-industry unionization effort. Only then will we start seeing something more than just table scraps.

      • @DarthBueller@lemmy.world
        101 year ago

        You don’t seem to understand that your distinction between the theory of communism, and communism as practiced, are both equally valid and accepted uses of the word. One is a theory, one created reeducation camps and killed millions of their own people. It is not capitalism that convinced me of this.

        • @theuberwalrus@lemmy.world
          251 year ago

          Your comment is fair, but please allow me to deflect for a moment with a few questions:

          The nazis called themselves national socialists, do you believe they were socialists?

          The north korean government has called their country a democratic republic, do you believe that?

          I’m guessing you answered no to both. If that’s the case, why do you believe the ussr and the ccp when they say they were/are practicing communism?

          Additionally, who benefits more than capital if you believe socialism and communism equal authoritarianism?

          • @WhipTheLlama@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            If the only way to defend communism is by claiming that no country has ever done communism correctly, then that’s a problem. You can’t point to a single successful communist country because there aren’t any.

            China became far more successful since it abandoned communism for its own flavor of capitalism. Private ownership in China has led to a massive improvement in quality of life for most Chinese residents, and more opportunities for success than ever before.

            Meanwhile, most complaints about capitalism have almost nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with laws and regulations or human greed (which is the worst part of any system).

            • @jmankman@lemmy.myserv.one
              11 year ago

              Yeah, point to all the communist countries that failed with the US was relentlessly fucking with them despite the fact that “Communism will naturally fail if left to its own devices”

              Pointing out greed as a problem of capitalism is valid when money is power and all decision making is based around profit.

          • @DarthBueller@lemmy.world
            81 year ago

            If you guys understood marketing, you’d stop insisting on your version of the word being the one people should embrace. Socialism sells way better than communism even though it still gets people as riled up as Sen Kennedy reading “not all boys are blue” while pretending that it’s legally mandated to be given to white Christian boys at birth. 9/10 you guys rail against European social democracy, regardless of the fact that it would be a far easier reach for the US and would dramatically improve the lives of workers.

      • @zbyte64@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        81 year ago

        Communism provides a theoretical framework to advocate for those things, but it is not the same as doing those things. I think the distinction is important because it allows you to have a plurality or support

      • @Shadywack@lemmy.world
        71 year ago

        I mean, I can see a utopian vision of Communism where dignity is forefront, but I’ve also seen where it’s dystopian. Correct me if I’m wrong but the basis is to each according to their need and from each based on their abilities. Dignity isn’t mentioned, but the happiness and contentment of all is the goal so I suppose it’s inferred but not specified.

        Either way, it doesn’t have to be viewed with any kind of social opposition. If we keep following the slippery slope of late game capitalism, who’s to say companies don’t just purchase legislation that re-establishes full on slavery? We have a fucked up oligarch system, and moments like this where workers unite is a good thing in any system. Free market my ass, and this is a moment where arguing for semantics is a side-discussion, for now it’s us against the oligarchs.

        • @theuberwalrus@lemmy.world
          121 year ago

          I think a better way to describe the essence of communism is an end to dominance hierarchies. Authoritarians often use leftist rhetoric to gain power, which is why so many of them have called themselves socialist or communist, while being the exact opposite of the ideals they claim to support.

          You are 100% correct, it is us against the oligarchs. That’s also the entire basis of communist theory, btw. Regardless of terms used though, we are on the same side of this fight, and I am glad that we are.

          • @khalic@lemmy.world
            21 year ago

            Seems like you’re describing anarchism, not communism. Go have a read, it’s an interesting field.

    • @Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
      61 year ago

      I work at the corporate headquarters of a company that provides contract services to industrial plants. Not related to the car industry, but I literally just had a meeting today with some folks from HR to add a way to our central system to track what plants our employees have unionized at. The general tone was “oh crap we have union workers now, how do we not accidentally break the law because we’re quickly seeing more and more of our workforce unionize”

  • @nucleative@lemmy.world
    1431 year ago

    Even China knows this. Give the hard working people a better job than mom and dad had and they won’t rebel.

    The people who are rolling in their next billion have forgotten what happens when you take that away.

    • @eestileib@sh.itjust.works
      611 year ago

      China is about to find out as well, they have something like a 30% new-grad unemployment rate, and Pooh Bear is on a bootstraps kick saying that social protections encourage laziness.

      They’re on even thinner ice than the US.

      • @DrPop
        161 year ago

        I mean we all know what “didn’t” happen last time students got together in protest. Whatever became of the Hong Kong protest btw?

        • @jaybone@lemmy.world
          31 year ago

          This is a good question. Last time I brought this up on Lemmy, someone said they were better off under the CCP than British rule. 🤔

    • Calavera
      261 year ago

      They are in the economic industrial boom that already happened to western countries decades ago. The problem is that eventually all booms end

      • @Syldon@feddit.uk
        361 year ago

        That is just buying into accepting the current model where the rich can have it all at the expense of the poor. The model is the problem not the amount we have to distribute.

    • @Squizzy@lemmy.world
      31 year ago

      Well nothing has happened, what is being asked of them is less than what they’ve taken. Worse case scenario is they give back some of the stolen goods.

      But this is the same as a fine for breaking the law, they made more than they lost as a result so this is all factored in.

    • Flying Squid
      331 year ago

      The UAW has always been pushing for Americans as a whole. Hats off to them.

      • @OwenEverbinde@lemmy.myserv.one
        231 year ago

        Yeah, but Fain is the first democratically elected UAW leader (prior leadership was chosen by delegations and was fraught with racketeering and embezzlement) and it shows.

    • @solstice@lemmy.world
      591 year ago

      Wasn’t it that same episode where Rom basically says word for word that he doesn’t support unions because one day he might own Quark’s bar and then he’ll be able to oppress people too? What a great show, some people dislike the ferengi episodes but they’re some of my favorites in the series.

        • @solstice@lemmy.world
          211 year ago

          Ikr? Some people hate 'em. They’re really goofy and cartoonish so I guess I get it. Profit and Lace is pretty tough to watch. The Magnificent Ferengi is my personal favorite (Iggy Pop guest stars too, what a treat!) And I quote the Rules of Acquisition in real life somewhat regularly, heh

          • @FordBeeblebrox@lemmy.world
            121 year ago

            The first couple episodes Rom is a real dick pushing the shit downhill onto Nog but once he goes from basic greedy goblin to engineer savant the dynamic is great

            • @solstice@lemmy.world
              141 year ago

              Yeah the Ferengi were cartoonish evil space goblins at first and weren’t very well received. They worked much better as comic relief when the writers toned them down.

              • @FordBeeblebrox@lemmy.world
                51 year ago

                Quark is also a great foil to the stiff backed Federation ideals that Sisko is always preaching. It’s nice to see life on the station outside of the rules of Starfleet, and the Ferengi episodes became some of my favorites cause it’s heartwarming in a way to see them try so hard, especially Nog. Toss up between Quarks and Ten Forward

    • @Illuminostro@lemmy.world
      51 year ago

      I can’t say it’s a fact, but I’m pretty damn sure the inspiration for the Ferengi was Milton Friedman, himself a malignant leprechaun.

  • I Cast Fist
    961 year ago

    I vote for wrecking the rich’s yachts. There’s even a great capitalist reason to do it: the companies that build them might make new sales! Win-win!

    • @clanginator@lemmy.world
      501 year ago

      When you think about it, at that point at least the rich are spending their money again in order to buy another yacht, actually putting money into the economy.

      It’s like trickle down economics, but we gotta shoot some holes in the water tower to make it trickle down.

      • @Qwertzwertz@lemmynsfw.com
        401 year ago

        Building a super yacht means that dozens or hundreds of people work for the benefit of one person. As craftsmen, they could have improved the lives of tens of thousands in their community instead. As engineers, they could have built products serving millions.

        Not to mention the natural resources used for one person’s benefit.

        There’s nothing positive about super yachts (and mansions, private jets,…) being built. Don’t let the flow of money confuse you.

        • @starclaude@lemmy.world
          151 year ago

          the problem is actually how the rich keep buying the houses and making the prices increase for inorganic reason making people who really needs house cant afford it while at the same time the rich keep the house they bought empty

        • @SCB@lemmy.world
          41 year ago

          Building a super yacht means that dozens or hundreds of people work for the benefit of one person.

          And then they take the money they earn and they buy shit, directly helping other people

          • @clanginator@lemmy.world
            31 year ago

            Nah, directly helping other ppl would be the person who bought the yacht instead spends their money on things that enrich their community/society/their workers.

        • @clanginator@lemmy.world
          41 year ago

          To be clear my comment was intended purely as satire. I definitely don’t view the construction of yachts as positive in any way.

      • @eestileib@sh.itjust.works
        271 year ago

        This is actually an example in The Wealth of Nations; Adam Smith considers whether a hooligan smashing a window is a benefit to society because it creates work for the glazier.

        Smith concluded that no, it isn’t a net benefit because the glazier could have made a new window instead.

        However, given that megayachts are net negative to society, I’m not sure how he’d view this case.

      • @SCB@lemmy.world
        41 year ago

        When you think about it, at that point at least the rich are spending their money again in order to buy another yacht, actually putting money into the economy.

        People who think the rich just have vaults full of money are so fucking ridiculous.

        Poor people sit on cash. Poor people hide cash in their house. Almost the entirety of any rich person’s wealth is invested, because rich people generally pay smart people to handle their money.

        • Miqo
          1 year ago

          “We were very wealthy,” says Errol Musk. “We had so much money at times we couldn’t even close our safe.”

          With one person holding the money in place, another other would slam the door.

          “And then there’d still be all these notes sticking out and we’d sort of pull them out and put them in our pockets.”

          You are willfully ignorant.

          • @SCB@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            You’re an idiot if you thinks fucking safe holds any real amount of money, or that one South African semi-rich person counts as any sort of evidence.

            Cash depreciates over time. No rich person keeps a ton of cash, because it means they get less rich every day.

        • @Daisyifyoudo@lemmy.world
          91 year ago

          Poor people live paycheck to paycheck, 1 disaster away from bankruptcy and absolute poverty. What the actual fuck are you taking about??

          • @SCB@lemmy.world
            11 year ago

            Yes, and a big part of that is that rather than get bank accounts, savings accounts, and any sort of money discipline, they fly blind and end up turning to terrible shit like payday loans.

            See, one of us has actually worked to help change the spending habits of low-income people and the other person gets their information from memes.

            • @Daisyifyoudo@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Source- trust me bro!

              That’s a pretty cool story you’ve got going on in your head there lol. You’re a fucking 🤡

                • @Daisyifyoudo@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  7 million out of 39 million living in poverty don’t have bank accounts. Lol, that’s your proof for your argument. And that’s not including the working poor. Wow, I don’t know what’s scarier- the fact that you think this is proof that the PoOr aRe CoNdItiOned tO noT uSe bAnKs- If OnlY thEy’D oPen Savinzgs AcCoUnts, or that you think that you “got me” with that stat. Fucking 🤡

            • @zbyte64@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              41 year ago

              Underbanking is a problem, and so is underinvesting. Both are caused by profit motives because investors rather put in pay day loan services instead of grocery stores in historical redlined districts🤷

              But sure, blame the habits of poor people.

        • @lingh0e@lemmy.film
          91 year ago

          Yeah, all those poor folks literally sleeping on cash under their mattresses because they don’t have to spend it immediately on things like, you know… staying alive.

          • @SCB@lemmy.world
            51 year ago

            Tell me you don’t actually know any poor people without telling me you don’t actually know any poor people.

            • @lingh0e@lemmy.film
              61 year ago

              Lol. Sure sure. Apparently I’ve been living poor incorrectly by immediately spending my money on things like food, shelter and childcare instead of hoarding it like some kind of Scrooge McDuck wannabe.

              You think poor people have money they don’t need to spend, so they just keep it stashed away in a shoebox or something? How out of touch are you?

              • @SCB@lemmy.world
                11 year ago

                This is an endemic problem with poor people, actually, because poor people are often conditioned not to “trust” banks.

                You’d know that, if you knew them.

                • @lingh0e@lemmy.film
                  61 year ago

                  You must be right. I’ve never lived in and among poverty. Thank you for explaining my life to me. Is there anything else I didn’t actually experience?

                • Evie
                  41 year ago

                  Yeah, cause poor people and low income people are so much more rare to encounter during a day, then a millionaire/billionaire or people in top 5%… /S

        • @clanginator@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Almost the entirety of any rich person’s wealth is invested, because rich people generally pay smart people to handle their money.

          Damn, maybe poor people should just hire a full-time broker and give them the $20 they can spare this month and let that smart person invest it so they’re not poor anymore 🤓

          Being poor in the US is a literal trap. It is intentional. It is exploitation. The lack of financial education isn’t the fault of poor people who grew up going to schools that could barely afford to run, and/or went to school hungry.

          And once you’re poor, it can be extremely difficult to escape, bc the system is designed to punish poor ppl. Poor ppl sit on cash bc if it’s in a bank the money they need for food might get taken away bc of some bullshit overdraft fee or similar. I know bc I’ve been poor and know poor ppl.

          Poor people aren’t poor because they don’t invest wisely enough. They’re poor bc the system is designed in so many ways to keep it that way.

          Also rICh pEoPle dOnT Sit ON tHeiR MoNey ThEY iNvEsT it

          Yeah, putting billions of dollars into stocks and letting it sit there is still hoarding wealth. Call it “investing 🤓” or whatever. It’s still hoarding, it’s still immoral and detestable.

          You sound like you’re 17 and just started listening to Fox Business for financial advice.

        • @bdonvr@thelemmy.club
          11 year ago

          You’re kidding right?

          1. The yachts are probably insured

          2. Just because they don’t literally have millions sitting in a checking account doesn’t mean they can’t liquidate some of their investments and get it in short order.

      • @unfreeradical@lemmy.world
        11 year ago

        The argument is sloppy.

        The working class makes gains when our work helps us as a class, not when we are forced to serve.

        If the wealthy are able to support the creation of wasteful luxuries for their own vanity, then they must be able to support activities that help the working class.

        The difference is that the latter may require some encouragement.

    • TwoGems
      361 year ago

      Better yet, train orcas to attack yachts!

    • Fr❄stb☃️te
      51 year ago

      I need a couple of their yachts to drag over some sturdy icebergs. Re-enact a much more expensive Titanic.

    • @WhipTheLlama@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      There is nothing communist about that. He’s not advocating abolishing private ownership. Businesses and workers both operate in the free market, which allows workers to advocate for their position in the market.

      The free market doesn’t exist in a communist economy. Communism uses a planned economy, so the government strongly regulates both businesses and workers. This eliminates workers’ leverage over employers.

      • @unfreeradical@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        There is nothing communist about that.

        Seeking a new economy, based on the challenge that the current one serves the owning class, is the very essence of the communist movement.

        He’s not advocating abolishing private ownership.

        Billionaires are the owners, and they are being challenged, as well as the system that serves them.

        Businesses and workers both operate in the free market, which allows workers to advocate for their position in the market.

        No. Markets confer freedom only to those who enter them already having the more advantageous position.

        The free market doesn’t exist in a communist economy.

        You previously gave an accurate definition of communism. Markets are not specifically or fundamentally rejected by communism, even though many would wish to see their eventual abolition.

        Communism uses a planned economy, so the government strongly regulates both businesses and workers.

        Communism seeks direct control of the economy by workers.

        This eliminates workers’ leverage over employers.

        Workers have no leverage over employers, because employers already own everything. Workers have only the power to withhold their labor, though doing so carries great risk.

    • @NaoPb@eviltoast.org
      101 year ago

      Isn’t that what they want you to think? Throwing around words like communist and making it seem like a bad thing to share wealth?

      • Franzia
        111 year ago

        Exactly. Unions exist in Liberal and Social Democracies, too. They want to keep us on this Neoliberal path, because it’s so very exploitable. Unions are just a drop of democracy, but for your workplace, or sometimes renting and transit systems.

  • Image Transcription:

    X/Twitter post by user Teddy Ostrow @TeddyOstrow reading ‘“In their economy, workers live paycheck to paycheck while the billionaires buy another yacht… So we’re gonna wreck their economy cuz it only works for the billionaire class,” says @UAW prez Shawn Fain in Detroit.’

    Attached is an image of UAW president Shawn Fain speaking passionately at a targeted strike rally against the Detroit Big Three automakers (General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis).

    [I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]

  • @A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world
    601 year ago

    Why not? Megacorps and billionaires wreck the economy all the time, and exploit it for their favor.

    Why not let the poor and worker class wreck it for once.

    Set the whole goddamn thing on fire, and throw the rich into it.

  • Jake Farm
    1 year ago

    That is something I wonder about. Inflation makes the poor poorer but when asked, economists are like “trust us, inflation is good”.