• @moshankey@lemmy.world
    1659 months ago

    Retired schoolteacher of around 25 years. Blah blah blah. Yes, we have no private lives. I was warned of that every year. She did nothing wrong. More importantly, ask why she had to supplement her income. I would not be able to survive on what I would be making today.

    • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      719 months ago


      If this is the one from a while ago, she was making 40k teaching and 120k on OF…

      The only reason she kept teaching was she actually likes teaching.

      But yeah, the best thing for a country long term is if educators are some of the highest paid positions. The investment into the next generation is one of the biggest pay offs. There’s a lot of geniuses out there that just get a dog shit education and never live up to their potential.

      Too many adults/voters just don’t see the benefit of investing in the future

      • sadreality
        9 months ago

        The investment into the next generation is one of the biggest pay offs

        It would be nice for the peasants but the country is not ran for wage slaves’ benefit

    • @fne8w2ah@lemmy.worldOP
      329 months ago

      It’s especially criminal how teachers salaries have been allowed to outright stagnate over god knows how long.

    • HubertManne
      49 months ago

      I almost changed careers to teaching and dodged a bullet. Still a very worthwhile masters with the combination of philosophy, psychology, statistics and data interpretation ,management, and assesment. Its really an incredible field and its to bad it gotten such a short shrift.

  • Melody Fwygon
    9 months ago

    It’s sad that a teacher could possibly have no private life. It’s even more questionable how the account was “found”. I see no one is mentioned as having found it and reported it.

    I think it was foolish of the district to fire her; if no student knew about it. The article also neglects to mention parental outrage; so it would seem that not even a parent discovered this either.

    If all of this was done explicitly outside of the school, off grounds, and not mentioned ever; it makes no sense other than a few adults finding it awkward.

    • FuglyDuck
      629 months ago

      If the students didn’t know about it before…. They do now.

    • @Frozengyro@lemmy.world
      189 months ago

      Missouri is a very conservative place. They would see this as too scandalous, think her to be an immortal person, and not fit to be around children. I’m not saying it’s right, just the perspective of the majority in that area of the country.

      • @lolcatnip@reddthat.com
        9 months ago

        an immortal person, and not fit to be around children

        Nobody wants vampires around their kids!

        But seriously, though, the people you’re describing sound like they’d be right at home in Iran—moreso than a lot of Iranians.

      • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
        39 months ago

        Missouri is deeply stupid. But not “conservative”. And I say that as a lifelong resident. Talk about any liberal, progressive, or possibly socialist policy in isolation. Most Missourians would find them favorable. The biggest trick is to avoid their programmed triggers. If you can navigate around their programming. You will get rational and reasonable responses most times. But that’s the trick. So many of them are so heavily programmed and tightly wound. That rationality is almost a foregone conclusion out of reach.

      • @quindraco@lemm.ee
        169 months ago

        I seriously doubt that. You’re putting way too much stock in that BOE to have sane practices like making their rules known ahead of time.

        • Melody Fwygon
          29 months ago

          Yeah it’s most likely she didn’t know they would fire her if they found out she was also an adult entertainer.

          Even if it’s buried in her contract; it isn’t something that’s typically discussed; and I doubt that they even so much as warned her once they found out. Literally she has the grounds for a lawsuit, but probably could care less as she makes better bank on OF anyways.

          • Nusm
            49 months ago

            Assuming it’s anything like the multiple ones I’ve signed, the morality clause is not buried in the contract. She would have had to sign that specific section saying she understood it.

            She rolled the dice and took her chances, but she got busted.

    • @BertramDitore@lemmy.world
      249 months ago

      Fully agree. If no one is getting hurt and all are consenting adults then no one has any right to criticize.

      We should all be shamed by teachers’ salaries.

  • Андрей Быдло
    389 months ago

    People fuck. Their granny fucked in order for their mother to fuck in order to born them. Dogs fuck in the park. Cats fuck. Everything fucks. Yet they behave like teens (the horniest creatures judging by my own past classmates and poor-written fanfics I sometimes encounter now) don’t know what sex is. Or don’t know kids have seen it everywhere before these offended snowflakes been born. Their ancestors were arranging the bull to inseminate cows on a farm, other domestic species too.

    It’s all about power.

    • @BertramDitore@lemmy.world
      99 months ago

      Yup yup yup! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: most people think sex is awesome. If you don’t, then by all means don’t have it or watch it. But don’t you dare judge other people for doing one of the most natural and enjoyable things on earth.

      It’s so strange to me that people stigmatize the one thing most humans have in common: that most of us are the byproduct of fucking.

      • Андрей Быдло
        39 months ago

        I agree with you.

        The thing is… The game was fucked from the start.

        – probably Benny, Fallout: New Vegas

        Sex is the den of hypocriticism. It’s shamed, it’s not welcome anywhere, it’s included in popular products, it’s the biggest seller. Abscence from it and abundance of it were used as a tool to manipulate people up to the point it all get mixed up and makes no sense. It’s as natural as sneezing, yet it’s special status makes everything about it weird.

    • @Auli@lemmy.ca
      59 months ago

      Their ancestors where fucking with their kids in the room. Single room dwellings where the norm for a very long time.

      • Андрей Быдло
        19 months ago

        With what they don’t do to provide an affordable housing, many would have a first hand experience of that.

        Exhibition no 1: A concrete cave, where three generations lived together before a bloodshed over picking the right sauce. Youth of a clan depicted beheading corpses of elderly, and cementing them unknown to anyone to still have their pension to support their living.

  • @callouscomic@lemm.ee
    149 months ago

    How many people in Missouri railing against her are also subscribed to her? I bet it’s a lot.

    • @spider@lemmy.nz
      9 months ago

      Speaking of which, here’s an oldie but goodie:

      As it turned out, people in Utah County, a place that often boasts of being the most conservative area in the nation, were disproportionately large consumers of the very videos that prosecutors had labeled obscene and illegal. And far more Utah County residents were getting their adult movies from the sky or cable than they were from the stores owned by Larry Peterman.

      Full story