As quoted from the linked post.

It looks like you’re part of one of our experiments. The logged-in mobile web experience is currently unavailable for a portion of users. To access the site you can log on via desktop, the mobile apps, or wait for the experiment to conclude.

This is separate from the API issue. This will actually BLOCK you from even viewing reddit on your phone without using the official app. link in case the post is removed.

  • shellsharks
    1531 year ago

    Jeez. The speed at which I’ve gone from “man it sucks that Apollo is shutting down but I still really enjoy Reddit and will suffer the first-party client” to “wow, Reddit is really trying to destroy their service and it’s probably best I don’t invest any more time there” is insane… going to draft up some thoughts and a probable farewell message for my frequented subs and followers there. End of an era.

  • sintamo
    1371 year ago

    It’s one thing to test a new idea or a UX tweak or similar on a small portion of users - but just turning off a key way to access your service is so just so weird to me. How many of Reddit’s decisions at this point are some version of, “hey, how angry do they get? What can we get away with?”

      791 year ago

      People need to understand that this is about tracking your eyeballs. Reddit viewed on a webpage does not provide the metadata they want. What metadata does the app provide? Things you wouldn’t think about wanting as a human, but the aggregate is very valuable.

      Stuff like how long did you watch that video Ad? Where did you click on screen and at what time? What content were you viewing and what course of action did you take to get there? Web viewing only shows the landing page you arrived on reddit from and the exit page that took you away from reddit. Performing these actions in the app provides metadata cookie crumbs like a trail of roach shit to every single thing you’ve done on reddit in micro activities.

      381 year ago

      It’s so completely wild and backwards. Imagine your not a reddit user, but a search leads you to a reddit link, and you’re on your phone. You see all this stuff about downloading the app instead, and you’re just going to bail, never reading the post. If there was no friction, they may have converted a new user.

      They act like everyone already uses reddit and the users are so addicted they’ll put up with anything.

      • Moneymunkie
        181 year ago

        Mean there were times when I was logged out of Reddit and was trying looking up something on mobile and the constant badgering to install the app just had me tell it to flip off and I looked elsewhere instead. Lot of people tend to do things based on how convenient it is for them and if they go ahead with this, sure maybe some will download the app but a lot of other people will just get fed up and stop, particularly if they were using the browser version so they didn’t have to deal with the app in the first place.

      • @CmdrShepard
        141 year ago

        It’s funny because this is a huge issue with Pinterest and googling images, so many people automatically add -pinterest to their search terms so it’s completely blocked from the search results. Wonder if someday that’ll be reddit too.

        1 year ago

        They act like everyone already uses reddit and the users are so addicted they’ll put up with anything.

        It seems like a lot of users are. I deleted my Reddit account (for whatever good that does) but have gone back to peek a few times - very few people seem to care. The black out, the app shenanigans, the power-mad mods; it’s just a minor inconvenience. API, IPO, VC, what’s that? Just gimme my crude humor and canned outrage!!

        • Pigeon
          121 year ago

          Most active users though are lurking voters only, or not logged in at all, and don’t comment/post. When they leave, it won’t be as obvious. And the more contributing users leave, the more the only ones left and talking will be the ones who don’t care.

          I think a lot of people are riding the sinking ship all the way down and planning to bail on the 30th, when the apps are actually banned, too. Probably enjoying the drama of it and not realizing they could be enjoying the drama of it from, like, over here on dry land instead.

          But yeah. There’ll be people who put up with it for now, or who join after and missed the whole controversy, or who straight up don’t care at all.

          I think there’ll be these initial waves of people who can see the writing on the wall leaving, then after that there’ll be a steady trickle of people abandoning ship over time, with spikes whenever the next outrageous thing happens, and the whole thing will collapse gradually, perhaps over years.

            101 year ago

            Although, people have been saying that since Ellen Pao and Voat… 😅

            I think you’re right to a point, but also, the whole fragmented fediverse thing is going to have to… at least be simplified if the “lurking voter” mainstream are going to end up here.

            Me (enthusiastically):
            “It’s federated, so you have to choose an instance! They’re all different, but they can all talk to each other! Some of them have different rules. Oh, and they can all have their own ‘videos’ community, so you have to decide which ones you want to follow. Also some of the instances are kbin and some are Lemmy, but most likely the website you log into won’t be called either of those things. And if you don’t curate your own frontpage (which doesn’t even show your subs by default) you’ll just see everything at once!”

            Average Internet user (starting a new Facebook account because they forgot their password):
            “reddit dot com has funny gifs on it”

          51 year ago

          Yeah. There are a ridiculous amount of users that just use the official app and don’t really care about 3PAs or the whole API situation.

          It’s a shame. I remember the old Reddit before all the redesign and other crap they added.

        1 year ago

        They act like everyone already uses reddit and the users are so addicted they’ll put up with anything.

        To be honest, this may actually be true for a significant portion of the userbase.

        • Temple Square
          41 year ago

          I would have thought so of myself, but yet, here we are

          These federated let me things really really remind me of the way Reddit used to be about a decade ago. And frankly, now that I found the Jerboa app, I really don’t miss Reddit at all.

          I just wanted to find a place where I could scroll around and chat with other nerds. And that’s basically what Lemmy is.

        81 year ago

        They’re going to do the Instagram thing where you can view a teaser but then it forces you to the app.

          51 year ago

          This is why I never got into instagram. So often I just couldn’t view the image. I’m like, imgur is better than this.

      • Temple Square
        61 year ago

        Quora, basically.

        I don’t think I’ve ever successfully read one of those, because Google brings me to the site and then it demands I log in. They even go so far as to blur all the content. It’s really really stupid.

      1 year ago

      The more I look at this mess, the more I see elements of speedrunning. Reddit is really trying very hard to loose as many users as possible as fast as possible. It’s as if there’s a competition between Reddit and Twitter.

      221 year ago

      Bruh, I agree. I’m super interested to see the fallout of the community from this. I know it’s super easy to say “fuck /u/spez”, but how many people will truly pull through to delete their accounts and/or stop using reddit?

      • sintamo
        231 year ago

        The whole blackout thing is super interesting, and to my knowledge it’s the biggest protest of it’s kind since Reddit hit the mainstream. I can’t imagine it kills Reddit soon though. It’s just the start of a brain-drain that will make Reddit lose relevancy over the next 5 to 10 years, and they’ll wonder where they went wrong. Even I’ll probably keep my alt account there, but the days of actually contributing will end for many.

        But also fuck spez ;)

          101 year ago

          I did this as well. Sad to see the content I created disappear, but at least now I can start reposting to a whole new fediverse 😅

          81 year ago

          Make sure it actually overwrote all your comments. PowerDeleteSuite doesn’t respect the edit rate limit. I used a fork which runs much slower but respects the limit.

          Also, it’s a good idea to wait several days between the editing and deleting your account. Many users on reddit were suggesting that reddit holds on to pre-edit text for a while. Obviously archives hold onto it forever, but if your goal is to deny your content to reddit, that’s orthogonal.

        • Gotta weigh in here and say overwriting comments like that can hurt the end user more than it hurts Reddit. A lot of traffic to Reddit is intentional, with posts and comments showing up in search results from ddg/google. I know I’ve found my own posts from troubleshooting the same issue years later. Sure, delete/overwrite comparatively useless comments and posts, but leave up other useful content and use an ad blocker instead. That will hurt them more than deleting content, but still allow others to find the info they need.

            91 year ago

            It’s true that it will hurt people long term but it will drive traffic away more than deleting the inane stuff. No website like that should be such a central repo when it’s unstable like this. The internet has survived link rot and info loss before.

          • Pigeon
            1 year ago

            You’re not wrong, but also I’d like to move away from the world of “” being the go-to troubleshooting/advice-seeking search, and my posts turning up in such searches would be driving traffic to reddit, which I don’t want to do. I also don’t want my account history used for advertising purposes, and across the life of an account I tend to share more personal specifics than I’m comfortable with sharing in aggregate.

            But you’re not wrong, either. I can see both sides of this one.

      • MrWiggles
        51 year ago

        I deleted my 10 year and 5 year old accounts. I didn’t purge my posts and comments, as I doubt they’re truly deleted from the database and I wanted to leave that content for people who aren’t reddit. I’ve moved to the fediverse, andi think I’m here to stay.

          51 year ago

          I’ve heard editing comments is likely more effective, but it’s hard to say. I’m guessing they take regular backups anyway, so maybe that’s not really a thing anymore.

          Regardless, I’m planning on replacing all of my comments with something like “screw you Reddit, use Lemmy instead” or something to that effect. I have a ton, so I’ll need a script to do that, which will probably get blocked anyway.

          • Pigeon
            21 year ago

            You can user Power Delete Suite for this purpose; that’s what I did. It missed some comments/posts, but it got enough that I could go through and manually edit the stragglers.

            For those who just want to edit comments to random letters and then delete, redact also works (but requires login) and might be more thorough.

            Idk really if my copypasta about deleting my comments/posts in protest of the reddit api changes, and about lemmy, will do any good (I suspect the account may just get quickly banned), buuuuut it sure did feel good to do. I’m glad to no longer be supporting that website in any way, shape, or form. Although I understand the people who think it’s better to leave their comments/posts up for the other users, too - that’s valid also.

              11 year ago

              Ideally, it could just let me include a small message at the bottom that recommends switching away from Reddit.

              IDK though, I’ll have to decide. I’m definitely deleting my accounts though.

      • 42triangles
        31 year ago

        There’s some communities on Reddit that don’t yet exist in other places; so I’m going to continue browsing those rarely; but once they move somewhere else I’m moving with them.

        • Pete Hahnloser
          21 year ago

          I thought I’d be making a long-tail exit as well, but I’ve been looking at my feed of mostly niche subs with an especially critical eye this week and concluded that even there, the signal-to-noise ratio had hit the point the web did as a whole that initially drove me to Reddit.

          I’ll still use it to declutter Google results, but I expect that utility to decline as helpful, detailed posts become fewer and fewer. There’s still some distance to Facebook-level network lockdown.

    • @CmdrShepard
      51 year ago

      Spez must have seen that “reverse funnel” episode of IASIP and thought it was an idea worth stealing. “We’ll just funnel everyone into our broken app and then endless profit!”

      41 year ago

      I wonder if some of it is fluffing the metrics too, like “Since we announced that third party apps are going away, we’ve had X thousand downloads of the official Reddit app” (meanwhile not mentioning that they’re forcing a majority of mobile users away from the mobile website)

  • It’s unbelievable how’s user hostile all of these major site have become. I deleted my 11 year old Reddit account today and while it hurt a little it’s important that we send a message and not use Reddit at least until they repeal this bullshit.

    681 year ago

    This… is dumb. Reddit gets traffic from people using it as a secondary search engine to get relevant answers.

    Most people on the Internet view it from mobile. Reddit already makes their mobile experience genuinely awful despite this. Blocking it entirely?

    The herding to their mobile app is so transparent (and DEFINITELY through stick, not carrot) I’m morbidly curious to see what horrible things they planning to put in their app that they know users will loathe, that requires their alternatives to be zero.

  • @duncesplayed
    641 year ago

    I hate when people use passive voice in these things. It’s such a slimy way to try and avoid responsibility.

    “We have blocked you from using a mobile browser.” is the active voice. It includes a subject (“we”) and a verb (“blocked”). It says that someone made a decision, executed that decision, and is responsible.

    "It looks like … “, " … is currently unavailable” is so fucking weaselly and irresponsible. You are 100% a complete piece of shit if you ever say something like that. You are not responsible enough to handle a Wendy’s drive-through order, let alone a large organization.

  • Sat
    571 year ago

    It’s getting worse by the minute. I really really hope Lemmy usage picks up.

    • sgt_fridge
      361 year ago

      It seriously is. I’ve been on the site for all of 30 mins now and I am loving it so much more than reddit

        141 year ago

        Why? It’s a less mature platform with less features and not enough content. I get the idea of it being attractive but it’s like Mastadon without the content you’ve got an uphill climb.

          1 year ago

          The main reason is that although the concessions we make may seem ever so insignificant, they pile up and dettach you from what you were looking for in the first place. You barely see your acquaintances posts on instagram or facebook anymore. Twitter is on it’s way to become a cesspool. Every new Reddit “feature” jist makes the experience worse. It won’t be long for those platforms to all converge into a big mind grinder for propaganda.

          In fediverse there is no valuation seeking to ruin things, and there won’t be for the foreseeable future, so it’s good ground to build upon, it’s just good sense.

          Take the content problem for example. You can think of that as an opportunity to be the content you want to see.

          1 year ago

          It’s a less mature platform with less features

          That’s why I like it. It literally has every feature I used or wanted on reddit already.

        • @unceme
          151 year ago

          It feels a lot more snappy, clean, and modern. I think most of that is because it hasn’t accumulated a lot of the bloat and feature creep that Reddit has over the years. The biggest downside, though, is that the community is much smaller and there isn’t a lot of the niche content that Reddit is so good for.

            201 year ago

            As soon as more of those niche communities start to pop up, there won’t be much reason not to use it over Reddit. It’s like a back-to-basics version of Reddit.

            • ddh
              131 year ago

              Exactly. Every advantage I hear that Reddit has over Lemmy comes from the community, not the platform. Add or move those communities to Lemmy and I don’t think people will see much reason to use Reddit.

              • The struggle is going to be getting the community to actually move over here.

                Like it or not, Lemmy takes work to use and understand. It’s not the best metaphor, but Lemmy is a custom built PC whereas Reddit is a plug-and-play console. Mix that with the growing pains new platforms need to go through, and it’ll be tricky to pull new people in.

                It took me about 20-30 minutes to get a handle on what’s going on, and hopefully it gets simpler as more people join!

                  1 year ago

                  Maybe I already had the right models in my brain, but for me I just created an account and started using it like reddit. Only thing different are the different servers.

                  01 year ago

                  Yeah but, referencing your analogy, if you want knowledgeable and informative conversation, you want to talk to your custom PC buddy, not the friends who only know how to plug and play. The comments sections on Lemmy are not dumpster fires like on Reddit

            • @unceme
              21 year ago

              I hope so, I just hope that it actually gets some traction in the wake of all this instead of getting a modest bump and then mostly dying out again, which is what seems like the most likely direction. I have faith though

            • @unceme
              21 year ago

              that’s fair, I exclusively used old reddit but I never touched RES for whatever reason

        • Communist
          121 year ago

          Because it doesn’t actively try to make your experience worse

          The problems with lemmy are actively trying to be solved, the problems with reddit are artificially created in order to make the user miserable.

          111 year ago

          And there was a time when the same could be said for Reddit. Is Lemmy perfect? Of course not, but at least we have the ability to build something better instead of making the hippo dance to our beat, as it were.

          Not to mention there’s a lot of those features that have been added over the years that we could do without. Nobody’s clamoring for an RPAN clone over here (I hope), or for three different ways to DM/chat with people.

            21 year ago

            Yeah, there’s a really nice feel to when dealing with something simply.


            plus, instead of remembering all the key combines, you can click below which is diff from reddit app. Finally, accidental spoilers are no more!

          71 year ago

          I’m loving it, there isn’t half as much karma farming bs and pointless arguing in any of the subs I’ve joined. The content will come if folks don’t give in and go back.

        • @Uniquitous
          71 year ago

          Less mature and much less far along (and susceptible to) the enshittification curve.

        • Sentient Loom
          41 year ago

          Lemmy is better than mastodon, for me at least. There was nothing interesting going on at mastodon, but Lemmy is thriving.

          21 year ago

          What sort of content do you want? I’m fine with what’s her right now, but I’m more about discussion and knowledge.

      281 year ago

      Blocking all mobile access except for the official client is the whole point of “API gate”. Don’t want people to just fall back on something with equally poor monetization, gotta show them all the ads.

        71 year ago

        Right, but I’ve seen tons of comments that say “I’ll at least use the mobile site instead of your app”. If they do this now, then those people will just leave. Plus, blocking mobile site is a dumb move.

          31 year ago

          It’s a dumb move but it’s in line with their goals. Giving third party Apps the “Fuck you quote.” price is also dumb when they could have offered a reasonable price and got some cash out of it.

          Regardless, this interaction is from a month ago, so if anything it’s not reacting to the current situation but was a clue as to what they were and already are planning.

    541 year ago

    Having already rather violently shot himself in both feet, spez has started aiming for his other body parts.

    451 year ago

    Elon and Donald taught everyone that when you start being a dick, double down on it.

    Love how totally out of touch with human psychology these decision makers are.

    441 year ago

    Pretty disappointing to see something I’ve spent so much time with go down the tubes like this. I know that for a lot of people, Reddit has been dying for years, but I’ve stuck to old.reddit and my Android apps, and haven’t looked at /r/all in a long, long time. I unsubscribed from all of the big/default subreddits, and just hang out in my happy subs where people (mostly) are people and aren’t lunatics, and it’s still been a nice place.

    Killing the mobile apps is pretty much the last straw for me. I’m sure I’ll still click on search results from Reddit sometimes, but I won’t be logged in anymore and it will only be on a browser with ad-blocking and privacy features. There is no way I’m downloading their app.

    If they were to go this route for all users, I would simply never use Reddit again on my phone. And yes, I’m in the minority, and yes, I know they don’t care about losing me, but man, what a bummer.

      61 year ago

      The small videogame dedicated subs are the reason I’m still hesitant about leaving Reddit completely, but on the other hand, it would be entertaining to watch another big site burn lemmy grow, and it’s not like I contributed much besides occasional comments. I might browse by top every few months or so to see what I missed.

        61 year ago

        niche hobby subs are absolutely why i suspect i’ll not truly be able to leave, unless they were to migrate to lemmy or somewhere else. though hopefully i’ll be able to move my general browsing here instead, it can be hard to find those same like minded people on a whole new platform :/

    • Alatain
      41 year ago

      Yeah, I have put in a lot of time in some of the communities over there and would be sad to leave, but I refuse to continue to drive conversation and generate the content for a site that has such low regard for their users.

      We’ll see how it develops, but I am sad to say that it looks like the writing is on the wall.

    431 year ago

    Damn now this is just next level bullshit. I thought that even if I can’t use Infinity anymore I can still access reddit through a firefox mobile with adblock and privacy addons to make the ux somewhat bearable.
