I planted a white currant bush last year and this year it gave me a couple of handfuls. They have a fresh taste like a green grape but a bit more tart. I’m in the process of drying them now so I can use them to make some currant scones

  • @dibs@lemmy.world
    51 year ago

    That’s awesome! My parents have a few black currant bushes which they like to make jam with. I’d usually throw a few teaspoons in with some hot water and end up with a nice compote

    • @GravelsackOP
      51 year ago

      That sounds delightful! I also have a couple of black currants and one red currant as well, but these seem to ripen quicker. I think I prefer the black currants, flavor wise.

  • janAkali
    41 year ago

    I’ve seen red and black currant, but never a white, could it be not ripe yet, or it is just one of types? Nevertheless, I love black currant, it makes The best jam with gooseberry.

    • @GravelsackOP
      31 year ago

      No, they’re ripe. I believe its a variety of red currant that lacks the red pigment

  • @plactagonic@beehaw.org
    31 year ago

    Noo you reminded me how much bushes of red currant I have to pick and process.

    Easiest thing is to put it in strong alcohol and make liqueur.

    • @Frexican21
      21 year ago

      Do you have a recipe to share for red/black/white currant liqueur?

      • @plactagonic@beehaw.org
        11 year ago

        Set it and wait is best kind - put it in jar (full), pour strong alcohol over it (55% or more), leave it for 5-6 months. Strain, add sugar (not needed) and drink. Nothing special I tried something with wine but it wasn’t good.

    • @GravelsackOP
      21 year ago

      Haha yeah, they’re a pain. Even this small amount was extremely tedious to get off the stems.

      • @plactagonic@beehaw.org
        01 year ago

        When you have 10 plants it is more then enough to make wine. Problem is that there is too much of it, you get bored and looks for simplest solution.

        I make liqueur from it, just putting it in strong alcohol for 6 months and straining it after. My brother makes wine.

          • @plactagonic@beehaw.org
            11 year ago

            In some EU countries you can distill your own, we make plum “moonshine” about 50%. It makes better flavour but 80% is better so I will buy clean food grade alcohol.

  • MuchPineapples
    21 year ago

    Fact: white currants are better than red.

    Because I can actually eat the white ones while the red ones are donated to the local birds.

  • @Player2@sopuli.xyz
    21 year ago

    White currants are amazing! We used to have a bush and it was always my favorite over the red and black ones, though it didn’t grow as well in our soil.

  • @tlongstretch@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    These are delicious. I had never tried currants until I found some for sale in the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia. I read that currants were illegal in USA for a while because they spread a white pine disease, but for whatever reason are now legal again (as of like 10+ years ago)