In late December, 77 groups — representing tens of thousands of lawyers, civil society leaders, and activists from six continents — filed an amicus brief in a lawsuit that Palestinian human rights organizations, residents of Gaza, and U.S. citizens with family members impacted by Israel’s ongoing assault brought against the Biden administration.
According to Law for Palestine, a human rights and legal advocacy organization, there have been at least 500 instances of Israeli lawmakers, officials, and officers inciting genocide.
Sourani said that the statements by Israeli officials, along with the actual blockade, the indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian buildings, the basic lack of safe space, and the mass displacement of millions of Palestinians makes it clear: “All of this is tantamount to genocide.”
The plaintiffs responded to the administration’s motion to dismiss on December 22, arguing that there is precedent for U.S. courts to adjudicate questions surrounding genocide and that their legal challenge is about more than the actions of a foreign state. Rather, the plaintiffs argued, their injuries are “fairly traceable” to the actions of the U.S. government. “The suggestion that the U.S. does not or cannot influence Israel borders on the absurd, not least because the Israeli government acknowledges its actions could not happen without U.S. license and support, and Defendants have boasted about their coordination with and influence over Israel,” the plaintiffs wrote.
Conservatives should really be running with this. It’s such an easy win for them. They get a genocide to satisfy their bloodlust AND they get to blame it on their enemy.
They could use it for their impeachment attempt and they could even demand he be arrested and tried in the Hague. Thankfully, conservatives are stupid as fuck and can’t see the easy points.
They’re too busy thinking that surely THIS slaughter jump starts the second coming.
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Yup, the religious right only supports Isreal because they seriously believe once all jews are in Israel and they rebuild a temple, all jews and none believers will die in a holy fire. While the “real” Christians will float off to heaven. I wish I was joking but it’s the truth. These are the people in control of 50% of our government.
What can be done about it? Clearly voting doesn’t work, it got us here in the first place.
Voting does work.
Your should do it more, and harder (by registering others).
I’m also curious how you created this account 3 months ago, only to finally make a comment, and this was it.
I got my account a while ago but only started using it recently, and this happened to be the first thing I’ve felt strongly enough to comment about. What are you insinuating? What’s so curious about it?
My point is that I do vote, I have campaigned, I have canvassed, I have phone banked, I have fundraised. Did it for Obama when I was 18, and the so-called “change” never came. I did it for Bernie, even phone banked from overseas, and we all know what happened there. I even tried tackling corporate irresponsibility head on by working for Greenpeace, fundraised and raised awareness, attended protests, helped people send letters to their reps, the whole nine yards. Took all this for me to realize the problems go beyond the purely symbolic particapatory act of “voting”, a piece of paper in a ballot box is simply not enough. Our democracy is going to have to be fought for, that’s what i’m insinuating, if that’s sates any of your curiosity.
So in your world voting, canvassing, phone banking, volunteering, and protesting do not work.
Your suggestion: violence.
Good luck with that, I’m going to vote.
Why is violence the only other option? Your words, not mine. We could picket and protest outside their homes and gated communities, we could strike, we could organize a boycott. Or is the reason you suggest violence, because deep down, you realize that’s what it might take?
Yeah but they hate brown people
They also hate whites that aren’t the “correct” type of white. Ukrainians are “relatively civilized and relatively european”, for instance.
They don’t like Ukranians because Russia doesn’t like Ukraine. It’s not a racial thing.
It’s complicated. They like Ukrainians just fine. In fact, trafficking cute little blonde haired blue eyed white babies out of Ukraine is a lucrative past time for certain ex-Congressmen.
There’s a real racial split between Russians and Ukrainians, but it revolves around the East/West split between Slavs and non-Slavs. It isn’t something Americans really recognize and Republicans don’t care either way. The GOP aren’t aligning with the Russians nearly so much as they are polarized against the Democrats. And that goes back to the split in the CIA/military under Obama, which ties back to the war on terror, which really boils down to whether or not brown skin disqualifies your humanity.
So its a surprisingly complex racial thing, historically. But for now it mostly just involves taking the opposite position of the second-term Obama administration, because they’re the Not-Democrats Party. If Trump ever gets back into office, it would be fairly easy to convince him to be pro-Ukraine / anti-Russia, with the right collection of NatSec folks whispering in his ear.
Besides, they’d be going much harder than Biden is. They agree with supporting Israel, and if Trump gets back in office and this thing is still ongoing, I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to send troops over to help Israel.
I mean Israel named a settlement after trump lol.
They can’t discuss non-white genocide without getting a boner and tweaking their nipples
This would make sense if they didn’t also want to bomb civilians in the Middle East
Why “thankfully”? Fuck Biden.
Fuck Biden, I do hope he drops out and we can get a better candidate in the primary (if we even have one). But when it comes to the presidential vote, and the only choices are Biden and Trump, I’ll have no choice but to vote for Biden. Because Trump is no longer even hiding his fascism, he’s riding on it now
I really don’t understand why so many people like to pretend a fight for the nomination wouldn’t simply result in losing the Election. All it does is increase the number of folks refusing to Vote claiming that somehow there shall be a lesson learned after we all saw the exact same idiot claims in 2016 which all simply elected the idiot and accomplished nothing else.
Sorry, I don’t understand. Do you think Biden should be the only choice for the democratic nomination for this election?
On 538 I can see he has the lowest popularity at this time than any other president we have data on. I would think more Americans would vote for a different democratic candidate than they would for Biden, even though he is the incumbent. That’s why I think other choices during the primary would be better for support of the democratic party in the national election. I’m just trying to understand your point of view if you think otherwise
Biden is the only choice as he is the Incumbent. Any other consideration is a direct path to losing. That is the simple reality. That is exactly what happened in 2016. People stayed home after their candidate did not get the nod. Demanding, promoting, or in fact whining about not having any other choices is naive and self defeating.
Our system in place creates a binary. There is no third option that is viable. You don’t have to like choosing between a giant douche and a shit sandwich, but at least the douche is trying to clean something.
That’s an understandable argument considering the historical incumbent advantage. However, I think this election is unlike other incumbents and there is reason to believe the incumbent advantage doesn’t apply for Biden this election cycle.
The long-standing reasons political scientists gave for a presidential incumbency advantage included: 1) political inertia and status quo bias (most people will support an incumbent they voted for the last time); 2) experience campaigning; 3) the power to influence events (such as well-timed economic stimulus); 4) the stature of being a proven leader; 5) the ability to command media attention in a “constant campaign” environment; and 6) a united party with no bruising primary challenges.
Today, these advantages seem less clear. Instead, growing disadvantages have supplanted them: Unrelenting media scrutiny; a bruising political environment; pervasive anti-politician bias; and above all, a spiraling hyper-partisan doom loop of animosity and demonization that imposes a harsh starting ceiling on any president’s approval.
I don’t understand your point about the 2016 election, none of the articles I read about how Hilary lost the Electoral College vote despite winning the popular vote mentioned her having opposition in the primaries as one of the reasons.
I’m not saying vote third party, that’s a red herring in a FPTP voting system. (It should be a kind of ranked voting system like approval or STV, hopefully if enough states switch, the national one can too.)
The Voter turn out was depressed across the States in play. That is not remotely in question.
You must get ranked choice in place before not pretend it’ll get put in place.
What is happening in Isreal/Gaza has been an ongoing event. What people forget is 2 years ago 2021 favorability to Palestinians over Isreal was up to 30% a 7% rise in a year. (In the U.S.) So from Truman till October/ November of 2023 there had never been a sitting president who represented a populous that was pro Palestinians over Israel. (Strange way to word that). Tides are changing and things are happening fast. 2024 will show us a lot.
Not sure if this source is any good, but a view from 2021 US Israel/Palestinians
That said, the best thing that could have happened for this country is arresting and sentencing Trump to life in prison in the immediate months following Jan 6. Then it would have given 3 years to die down, and Biden would never have ran for president. There is no candidate that showed an inkling of wanting to run that could beat out Biden and Trump (or Biden would have likely supported them or even offered to have him or Harris stay as their VP to ensure they secured the election)
Because the conservative party is filled with Neanderthals
Found the tankie.
Do you even know what that word means?
Yes, yes I do. I have had the misfortune of encountering several in my life, sadly. They are basically the same as incels, sov cits, and evangelicals in their extremeness and hatred.
They’re probably worried about the legal precedent of a sitting president actually getting in trouble for genocide, since they’re planning one next year and all.
Lol as if regressives give a shit about precedent
Conservatives should really be running with this.
They’ve spent the last 23 years running on the “Arabs are scary and we need to kill them” platform. Why would they support a measure that’s anti-genocide?
They could use it for their impeachment attempt
If they’re going to run bullshit impeachment efforts that die in the Senate, why waste effort and pick a fight with AIPAC when they can just hold up a picture of Hunter Biden’s dick pick and call any Democrat who votes against impeachment a pedophile?
But what will the GOP say when they want to commit genocide to US citizens…
They want the bloodlust in their lives though.
You can’t try a POTUS in the Hague. Well, not without a very serious fight.
That the one single man - Joe Biden - who by changing his own actions could almost certainly guarantee that Trump was kept out, refuses to stop materially supporting Genocide and instead he and those of his tribe demand that millions of Americans (most of whom voted for him and who he is supposed to represent) ignore their Principles and vote for him again, says it all.
Joe Biden’s actions are neither compatible with the stated goal of keeping Trump out nor are they compatible with being an elected representative of the will of the voters.
It’s not only Trump who is against Democracy, it’s just that Biden and his minions use different, less in-your-face methods to disenfranchise the power of the vote.
Man you can’t win as president sometimes. He doesn’t sell weapons to Saudis for houthi shit but sells to a country defending itself and he’s getting accused of genocide. Absolutely bonkers world we live in
“Defending itself” is a very generous description of what Israel is doing.
Israel aim to take down Hamas, not intentional destruction of Palestinians.
If Israel were to aim for a genocide, you’d see hundreds of thousands deaths and anti-Palestinian racist protests.
Israel doesn’t need excuses when it comes to take down Hamas enemy.
That must be why they dropped all those 2000 lb bombs all over south Gaza after they urged civilians to go there for safety. And why things are escalating in the West Bank, where Hamas isn’t.
That must be why they dropped all those 2000 lb bombs all over south Gaza after they urged civilians to go there for safety.
Provide source please
And why things are escalating in the West Bank, where Hamas isn’t.
Hamas has much less military power in the West Bank because there was always Palestinian civil control and joint Israeli-Palestinian security control
This is unfortunate.
It’s important to note that both sides suffer.
In 2023 only, Israel was attacked with more than 11,096 rockets (meaning ~30 rockets per day, whole year). Source:
A 12-year-old girl has died in an apparent strike at a Gaza hospital weeks after she said in an interview that she only wanted “the war to end.”
A tank shell struck a children’s ward at the Nasser Hospital Complex in Khan Younis on Sunday night, killing Dounia, a 12-year-old who had lost her leg in an airstrike that killed her mother, father, brother and sister.
Dounia recently told Defense for Children International she hoped someone would take her abroad so she could receive a prosthetic leg.
Dounia said in the organization’s video that she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up so she could treat other children such as herself.
“I only want one thing: for the war to end,” she said.
Dounia’s interview was filmed between Nov. 24 and Dec. 1, during the recent temporary cease-fire amid the Israel-Hamas war.
Many people have sought shelter at the Nasser Hospital Complex, and there are now fears the facility may be subject to more attacks. The Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health said the targeting of the complex could bring down the health system in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.
The IDF has said it is only targeting Hamas and other militants in Gaza and alleges that Hamas deliberately shelters behind civilians, which the group denies.
Doctors Without Borders and the World Health Organization have said hospitals in central and southern Gaza are at a “breaking point” and struggling to care for the influx of patients. Nasser Hospital, where many patients with trauma and burn injuries go, is facing a never-ending flow of patients and is “now at breaking point,” Doctors Without Borders, or Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), said earlier this month.
For your convenience:–2019_Gaza_border_protests
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Provide sources
The israeli one is 1139
The final death toll from the attack is now thought to be 695 Israeli civilians, including 36 children, as well as 373 security forces and 71 foreigners, giving a total of 1,139.
And the Palestinian at least 23-24.000 now as the news reports every day with likely thousands unreported being buried under rubble. With around 10.000 Palestinian kids being genocided by israel.
Thanks for the source, this is unfortunate.
Please separate between Palestinian civil casualties and Hamas militant casualties.
Since israel is bombing Palestinians indiscriminately with a ~70% child and women death rate. At least one percent of the entire population in Gaza has now been murdered.
Now we can calculate that since Hamas has 30 to 40.000 members. We do 40.000/100 =
400 Hamas members killed. And 22600 civilians massacred by israel. But let’s say 500 Hamas members for good measure of that makes you happy.
Where are these numbers come from?
From a reputable instance called the “Ministry of Health” in Gaza which has always reported very accurate numbers in the past. Or as the IDF called them: KHAMASSSS
Not even the Nazis would kill children as reprisal.
the nazis absolutely killed children for all sorts of despicable reasons. Could you at least make your point without relaitivizing fucking Nazi crimes?
As far as I know the Nazis did not execute children when they went into French villages killing 10 random French people for every German person killed by the Resistance Française, which is the context that’s all around the text you quoted but didn’t include.
They did however kill children in other situations, such as when executing their Final Solution.
I do take your point that the Israeli Government are just as bad as Nazis (or at least getting close to it) rather than worse than Nazis, since the latter would be almost impossible, except perhaps if the Israelis do as a member of the Israeli Government already suggested and nuke Gaza (members of the Israeli Government seriously considering that are probably worse than Nazis).
the Nazis mudered around 70000 french jews during the Shoa, many of them children. what’s your point?
I really don’t get why it is so difficult to shit on Netanyahu and his fellows without resorting to insensitive/antisemitic language. He’s full of shit, yes, and the IDF is commiting reprehensible war crimes. But no, there is no comparison to be made with Nazis. The Shoa stands for itself.
It is sickening to see how there are so many pro-palestinan voices for peace who avoid this sort of language, only to drowned by so many westeners who think relativizing Nazi crimes is somehow helping palestinians
edit: just to expand a little: around 400 000 French civilians have been killed between 1939 and 1945 It’s just ridiculous. I have no idea how people can upvote made up shit like that. sorry, but this is just fucking enfuriating
Well now, that “anti-semitism” dog-whistle is just pure racism - it implies that all members of the Jewish Religion are the same (which only a racist would think), hence Israel represents all of them, hence criticism of Israel is anti-semitism.
I’m afraid that the nation state of Israel not only uses the kind of propaganda straight out of Goebbel’s little book of tricks (the “human animals” thing, murdering journalists, claiming targetting of civilians is “defense” and so on), but it even has already exceed the rate of killing of civilians of pretty much everybody but the Nazis (in 3 months it already killed 1% of the population of Gaza) and done so with even more racist arguments that Appartheid South Africa.
Go back an check your own numbers:
- The population of France at the start of WWII was around 42 million people, 1% of which is 400000, the number that you say took Nazi Germany 6 years to kill.
- Israel has killed 1%, the same proportion, of the population of Gaza in 3 months, and this is based in numbers which do not include the people who are dead under the rubble of bombed buildings: if you remember the recent earthquake on Turkey, once they started digging the rubble the numbers of confirmed dead went up several-fold.
This isn’t yet a New Holocaust in absolute numbers, but in terms of the rate of civilian deaths it certainly has already exceeded everything else but the actual Holocaust, and we haven’t even reached the real start of the deaths by starvation because of the Food, Water and Energy blockade by Israel.
Take a wild guess at what exactly will happen when food has run out for long enough that people’s bodies start eating themselves - I do believe there are some photos from the last time somebody did something like that which you might be familiar with.
Judging by statements from several member of the Israeli cabinet, at least some of them are the kind of ultra-violent ultra-racist Fascist that wants to eliminate the “human animals” in preciselly the same spirit as the Nazis.
Maybe you should be “fucking enfuriated” towards the “unwavering” international supporters of this shit, Scholz, Biden and Sunak, because if it wasn’t for that Israel would already have moderated their actions and weakenned or removed the blockade.
that “anti-semitism” dog-whistle is just pure racism
ahh alright, calling out anti-semitism is racist now? You’re watering down the definition of both of these issues. Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is antisemitic. That’s not up to debate for me.
(which only a racist would think), hence Israel represents all of them, hence criticism of Israel is anti-semitism.
okay, typical Motte-and-bailey. you compared Israel to Nazi Germany. I called you out on that. Moreover, I called Netanyahu “full of shit” and said “IDF is committing reprehensible war crimes”. I’m criticizing Israel. Doesn’t make me an Anti-Semite. This kind of stuff always happens. “Israel is like Nazi Germany!!1” (Motte) and “Oh I’m just criticizing Israel” (Bailey)
but it even has already exceed the rate of killing of civilians of pretty much everybody but the Nazis
You’re making this up. Please have at least the decency and give me sources.
but in terms of the rate of civilian deaths it certainly has already exceeded everything else but the actual Holocaust
The hamas killed 1200 people in a single say. that would be 108000 in 90 day, exceeding the “rate of civilian deaths” of the IDF bombing. Is this a shitty argument? yes, it is awful, and so is yours. It is a fucking tragedy and it needs to end. But why do you use these numbers to desperately frame Israel as Nazis?
Important to note: between May and July 1944, the Nazis killed over 400 000 Hungarian Jews in Auschwitz.
Again: Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is detached from reality, and antisemitic. You are not helping anyone by doubling down on claiming it is.
Think a second about those who are actually affected by the conflict, who understand how complex and twisted it is and who genuinely look for ways to find peace. People who oppose the war, the occupation, Netanyahu’s government, Hamas. These people are drowned out by westeners entirely unaffected by the conflict, claiming to know better what is going on, and resort to simplistic, tribalistic and hateful language.
“defending itself”
Right. Keep telling yourself that. When someone punches you in the nose, you don’t get to kill him, his family, his friends, and everyone who ever encountered him or knows of his existence and claim you’re just defending yourself.
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Can Democrat voters get some pressure going to replace Biden with someone who isn’t a genocidal Zionazi? If you really want to vote Democrat instead of third party at least make it clear that they have to replace Genocide Joe.
There are some strong primary contenders but the DNC is corrupt as shit and refuses to hold a primary election. They’re even going so far as to call the state DNC offices and request that primaries be canceled or candidates removed from the primary ballots. There’s a lawsuit in SC over this and an emergency hearing is taking place on it today as a matter of fact.
All this from those who claim “democracy is at risk” in ‘24 elections.
Personally, I think both parties are far too corrupted by bribe money, and we should just back a new 3rd party. It’s hard to organize that when all of corporate media seeks to snuff you out though.
“The Democrats are corrupt as shit” - that’s some projection there, buddy. Another shit-talking republican/russian bot…
wrong, gross.
I invite you to consider Hillary stealing the nom from Bernie, Biden’s only campaign promise he followed through on being “nothing will fundamentally change” for his rich donors, or Pelosi consistently laughing off so much as a conversation about rampant congressional insider trading on the stock market.
Just because Republicans are open and proud about their corruption, doesn’t mean the 2nd party in a 2 party system isn’t also incredibly corrupt. Americans deserve better, and deserve actual representation in this alleged “democracy”
The unfortunate reality is that any Biden replacement would be doomed to lose to Trump. The degree to which many Americans don’t pay attention to politics is shocking, and because of that they’re more likely to vote for a candidate based on simple things like name recognition rather than actual policy
Trump went from a 1% vote to a victory in a short timespan without even having been supported in the beginning.
Democrats vote Democrat. They don’t just vote for Biden. Even Bernie could have won if the DNC didn’t actively sabotage his campaign.
Bernie would have lost in 2020, unfortunately
Good thing that the Democrats threw him under the bus for Hillary who then lost in 2016?
Lol notice how the adminisitration made a motion to dismiss. Imagine if you could do whatever you wanted and when they sent the papers for your court date you could just dismiss them with the wave of a hand. Our government could slaughter us in the streets and their isnt shit we could ever do about it legally or with physical resistance. Land of the free and all that
Life sure is scary when you don’t understand things
If you look at Israel as a colonial project of the USA then everything makes a lot more sense.
It is a settler colonist project, but it was first sponsored by Britain and Western Europe. The US didn’t come into play until later.
A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples by Ilan Pappe has a huge amount of info on Palestine and the Zionists movement all the way from the 1920s to the present day if you want to learn more. I’m still trying to get thru it all
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Did someone hack your account 2 hrs ago? You’ve been posting the same thing under many articles. Is the title what you call a “mini summary” in this case? Or are you including the TLDR bot’s comments?
No. But thx. Was just tired of this in efficient format. You see it all the time.
We get it you don’t like summaries.
I like a summary, just don’t need it more than once.
I only know how it looks on the Boost app. I like to add a few paragraphs from the post into the description
This bot is spamming across threads.
Not a bot, you bot
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Well it’s been a little over 3 months and we have at a minimum 23k deaths and 60k casualties of Palestinians.
Not to mention Israeli officials literally calling for genocide in Israeli press by saying all Palestinians should be removed from Gaza.
Maybe take off your blinders and reassess. It’s clearly genocide.
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Makes sense.