The European Commission today decided it is safe for personal data to be transferred from the European Union to US-based companies, handing a victory to firms like Facebook and Google despite protests from privacy advocates who worry about US government surveillance.

  • JavaTea
    451 year ago

    Sooooo… the whole GDPR, including forcing USA companies to have servers in Europe, meant to protect Europeans from “laws” in the USA and other shady parts of the world…

    Oh wait… MONEYZZZZZ

    • Perry
      21 year ago

      I guess it depends on how this “Data Protection Review Court” actually functions in practice. What is written on paper doesn’t seem to really matter much to US agencies so we’ll see how strong these safeguards actually are.

      Nevertheless, it’s good to see that the new agreement is finally in place at least. We’ve had this legal vacuum for years now and it was completely unsustainable in the long run. Sans a complete legal overhaul of the nonexistent privacy laws in the US (hah good luck with that), this is probably the best we could hope for now.

  • @NightOwl
    161 year ago

    No! Don’t do this Europe. Keep data away from Facebook and Google. Protect Europe from them.

  • Marxine
    51 year ago

    And then people don’t like to hear that at this point Europe are just a bunch of vassal estates to the USA. They could have fought against it and become more independent, but didn’t and now it’s too late.