• @DrPop
    21 year ago

    Maybe because I don’t know what the fuck you want me to say. You made accusations at me, my original post at least I can see it. I did research.

    Here is my research path. Where there was one racist ass doll on Etsy I found but no other instances of it.

    Here’s my search history. I don’t know what the fuck Else you want. Everyone says it’s racist but I just want to know why. And yes this instance is blocked but I’m still getting messages.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Still waiting for you to block this instance.

      Your “research” is all ass covering that happened long after the racist shit you already said. It’s ass covering, it’s blatant, and for all your pretenses of innocence you’re just digging yourself in deeper.

      Spare us all your melodramatic woe-is-me crybully theater and just go away already.

      • @DrPop
        31 year ago

        I fixed the original fucking post you ass. Hope you feel better about yourself.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          31 year ago

          Hope you feel better about yourself.

          Your concern trolling attempt is noted and will be given all the consideration it deserves. 🚽

          I fixed the original fucking post

          Again, that is you covering your ass after you said the racist dogwhistle. Everything you’ve done after that has been ass covering, and at no point could you acknowledge that, yes, it is racist dogwhistling. If you were oh so innocent you wouldn’t have wasted hours trying to bullshit your way out of it.

          Still waiting for you to block this instance, by the way.