• @Dasnap@lemmy.world
    1864 months ago

    Creates something free to use and ask for nothing in return

    People complain because they have to chmod +x a Shell file

    A tale as old as the internet.

  • @Just_Pizza_Crust@lemmy.world
    1424 months ago


    I can kinda vibe with that. Worst I’ve ever seen was installation instructions posted in a Discord server.

    • @_number8_@lemmy.world
      344 months ago

      i quit my CS degree 2 years in because these sorts of people are the absolute worst at empathizing with a problem and giving a clear and fair answer. the attitude is usually that if you’re asking at all, you didn’t try hard enough to figure it out yourself. how dare you make me do my job

    • Album
      124 months ago

      Jokes on you all the good software you’ve never heard of has obscure and hard to find instructions for a reason.

      • @droans@lemmy.world
        24 months ago

        They also have crazy long config files. All but like two lines in the file will be the same for everyone.

        Except the program also is ignoring half the config file and is instead using hardcoded values.

        Oh and there are six different config files all in different directories. Why? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • @Ironfacebuster@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Steps to building a cool program (the really cool way)

    1. Clone the GitHub repository
    2. Open command prompt
    3. Run the build command
    4. It fails because the repository owner uses a different c++ compiler and it only works with that one
    5. It fails again, realize you installed visual studio wrong somehow so spend an hour trying to get the visual studio installer to find and uninstall it before deleting the installation directory entirely and installing the required version again
    6. It still fails, the project looks for version “” of protobuf but you have “” so you reconfigure it to look for a real version of protobuf
    7. It fails again, some tool that isn’t in the readme is required to build it
    8. It fails again, it’s not actually compatible with windows yet
    9. Give up and wait for pre built binaries

    Edit: did the other guy that responded block me? I got a notification about it but can’t load the comment

  • freamon
    4 months ago

    A meme made in response (not by me):

  • @random9@lemmy.world
    1164 months ago

    I agree that github is for developers or people who at the very least don’t mind learning a bit of development and getting their hands dirty. The poster demanding an exe is quite entitled - and also from what I understand the repo he is referring to is a python repo, so there normally wouldn’t be an exe, it’d just be run via a python command.

    There’s a bigger problem here, which is that technical skill in newer generations is also decreasing - as someone on reddit had once said “I’m a millennial and I’m doing tech support for my parents as well as my children”. A generation raised on tablets and phones have gotten the false impression of being tech savy, when their actual technical skill is using end products.

    Expecting every github repo to provide you with something you just click-and-run is overlooking the complexities and reality of how code is. By it self that isn’t a problem, but the entitlement it takes to publicly and arrogantly post that on a public forum is astounding and counter-productive to people who work on those small repos.

    • body_by_make
      614 months ago

      Nobody has any idea how old this poster is, it could be an old ass boomer as easily as it could be a zoomer and we’re just going on making statements about the technical abilities of new generations without any actual evidence other than a single person that can’t do something for themselves? There are many, many people from my graduating class who would be as helpless as this person and I’m fucking 30.

      • @shinratdr@lemmy.ca
        354 months ago

        The same thing happened in the previous generation too. Some boomer would start raging about how these millennials don’t know how to fix cars or install toilets or whatever anymore based on one cherry picked example and the other 95% of boomers that have been paying a mechanic or a plumber this whole time and don’t know how to do shit would just nod along.

        • @OpenTTD@lemmy.zip
          104 months ago

          Yes, but knowing how to install a toilet the difficult way (instead of hiring a plumber) was replaced by knowing how to install a program the difficult way (via a command line instead of an installer).

          Now, Zoomers aren’t stupid or tech illiterate, I have a Zoomer friend and she’s more tech literate than I am. The issue is that installing a program the hard way has been replaced with minimizing your carbon and digital footprints. That’s not the skill of a super predator, its the skill of prey. We’ve been reduced to prey for the shareholders of corporations.

    • @Facebones@reddthat.com
      14 months ago

      There are people whose entire understanding and knowledge of the internet exists entirely inside the Facebook app

      Buy phone Install Facebook The end.

    • @recapitated@lemmy.world
      14 months ago

      I would argue that “development” is a superset of “pc operation” which includes things like opening a terminal, issuing commands, installing things, and occasionally light scripting and programming.

      At some point these things should be middle school literacy, but maybe not, I’m probably biased.

  • @boringbisexual@lemmy.today
    4 months ago

    GitHub is easy

    1. read the readme for any prerequisites

    2. follow the installation instructions

    3. forget you have the program on your computer

    4. find another neat GitHub program

    5. goto step 1

  • @Mr_Blott@lemmy.world
    794 months ago

    I’m from the 90s and early 2000s Windows days when most of my time was spent figuring things out and getting things to run

    STILL don’t understand what I’m supposed to do with the stuff on GitHub lmao 😂

  • @whotookkarl@lemmy.world
    654 months ago

    There’s a little trick my parents passed down to me whenever I asked them what a word meant or how to do something when I was a kid, “look it up yourself”. Look up the word in the dictionary, learn how to learn how to do things, and then when you get stuck ask for help graciously. Self reliance isn’t something that just happens, it takes effort and often failure.

    • @Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      224 months ago

      It’s a great learning technique. My family and girlfriend always say I’m so smart cause I know a lot. I don’t think I’m that smart I just always take that extra step to Google something if I have any questions. Doesn’t matter how small or unimportant it may seem, you never know what sort of rabbit hole you’ll fall down and how much you’ll learn because of it.

    • @ZC3rr0r@lemmy.ca
      264 months ago

      It could be used for cyberstalking, but it’s not expressly built for that use case I think. All it does is spit out sites that have a matching user name on file. It’s actually quite useful for periodic social media / account cleanup to check for account you created for one reason or another and no longer need / have grown dormant.

      In that sense it’s similar to something like Mine.

    • @DODOKING38@lemmy.world
      144 months ago

      I mean I used it to see what shit I signed up with, especially if you’ve had your email for a few years. I used the website not the app

  • Dizzy Devil Ducky
    4 months ago

    Jesus! Ipad baby script kiddies just sounds like an absolute nightmare!

    They, the people like that r*dd!t person, have the technology to look up how to do the thing that’ll probably get them in trouble but are so used to everything being essentially hand fed to them thanks to “smart” phones dumbing everything down that the second they find anything inconvenient, they don’t know what to do or get furious because of their lack of knowledge and start blaming everyone else.

    At least that’s what it sounds like to me.

  • @mlg@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I think this is satire because the app in question is a social media finder and the only non computer users who would want to use it probably uses apple or won’t know what an exe even is.


    # clone the repo $ git clone https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock.git

    # change the working directory to sherlock $ cd sherlock

    # install the requirements $ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

    3 commands lmao

    • 520
      4 months ago

      You would be surprised. There are a lot of wannabe hackers out there and many have the entitled attitude shown in OP’s posts.

      Many of them are also completely alien to the command line as well. What are clear instructions to you and me may as well be Hylian to such skiddies.

      I used to have a lot of old cybersec material from late 90s/early 2000s. A lot has changed since then but skiddies? They haven’t changed a bit.

      • @_number8_@lemmy.world
        164 months ago

        fellas is it entitled to want to install a program without learning the intricacies of the command line

        • 520
          4 months ago

          It is when it’s a tool for the hacking community by the hacking community. This is NOT an end-user program. This is a tool made for OSINT, a crucial step in social engineering.

          The hacking community is not going to budge on its culture for skiddies. It never has and never will. If you don’t understand what’s going on, the tool probably isn’t made for you.

          If you don’t understand the technical implications, it is very dangerous for you to be fucking around with hacking tools, both on a technical and social level.

          Edit to add: the hacking community is very different from the regular open source community. They do not want people who DGAF about technology or security barging in.

          They do not want to make ‘destroy a persons life’ buttons for some random twat to push without thinking. In this particular case, they do not want to be indirectly responsible for some DV twat literally ending their spouse. The computer knowledge barrier is far from perfect but it’s enough to get in the way of most of the worst would-be abusers.

        • @mods_are_assholes@lemmy.world
          124 months ago

          Not in the linux world they aren’t, the entire community is built on entitlement and elitism.

          If you can’t ‘be on their level’, they don’t want to even know you exist.

          I have been working in IT 3 decades and I’ve NEVER had a more hostile forum thread than just trying to get help in a linux forum for gpu drivers.

        • experbia
          34 months ago

          yes. I am not sure how beggars became such strong choosers, but it’s very distasteful.

          the program was written for the command line, for command line users, and for absolutely free. if you are not comfortable with the command line, you are perhaps not the target audience for the tool. you are not entitled to force hobby developers to build things in the way you prefer so you can use it the way you want to use it. they built it the way they like it. their opinions of their own project are the only ones that matter.

          if you don’t like how the software works (that someone made for you for free with their own time and is now allowing you to use it), make it yourself. if you can’t, learn what you need to learn to use it or modify it… or stop complaining.

        • @daltotron@lemmy.world
          14 months ago

          yeah, pretty much. using your computer is entitled. don’t like that you have to run around and fiddle with a bunch of shit all the time to get your computer to work, or to use a nintendo switch controller on windows 10? too bad, that’s just how shit is now.

          More realistically I think they’re just frustrated because a lot of them are legacy user kind of dudes that have been forced to learn a bunch of technical shit in order to do relatively basic things, or learned such in the past, and then kind of expect that to be the default standard, when realistically most people are just going to want to hit one, maybe two buttons and have something just work straight out of the box, because most people aren’t IT guys and have other shit going on in their lives. They have their reasons for technical understanding being a kind of goal, right, like, oh, this increases your knowledge of your computer as something you interface with on the daily, oh, it’s probably good if you know how to do this generally, oh, you have to know how to do this because nobody else is going to do that for you.

          But then that all ends up being bullshit, because some corporation will come along, scoop up the uneducated userbase of all the larger profile vacuums in the space, generally, and then the corporation will provide them with like, the single button that does everything, in return for destroying any semblance of user privacy and totally ruining the modern internet and every facet of it by plugging monetization in every orifice they can think of. And then you’ll get a bunch of people who complain that all the oxygen in the room is getting taken up by a huge corporate interest, so it’s impossible to make competing standards, and how they no longer have any privacy, and how the users nowadays are just so stupid. They’re completely faultless in all of this, of course, since they’re tech-literate, and jesus smiles upon the tech-literate, even when they’re being honestly just kind of mean and gatekeepy.

          Realistically they just kind of retreat to their annals, right, to the smaller spaces that don’t have corporate interest, until they interface with everyone else who’s using normal shit, and they kind of lose their minds because they’ve been living in an alternate reality they’ve kind of constructed and pruned, and not actual hell, where an ad is served to them every five minutes.

      • @mlg@lemmy.world
        44 months ago

        I miss the days when the Kali community used to dunk on people asking basic linux questions because they had no idea what Debian is lol.

        I remember some nicer dude in a forum telling newbies to use Linux permanently for at least a month before even trying to do anything with Kali.

        Everyone else was bringing a metric load of roasts and Torvalds level of insults lmao.

        • 520
          44 months ago

          Those still go on in certain places and omg the Kali Facebook groups xD

  • @prof@infosec.pub
    324 months ago

    In an upcoming post: “Why can’t anyone just make a button that automatically hacks facebook???!!!”

    It’s really interesting how differently you see technology as a professional compared to “normies”. So much stuff is easily solved by following instructions or reading error messages.