What a meathead asshole Rogan is. Tucker too.

  • Athena5898
    18311 months ago

    are we ready to admit that Joe Rogan is basically just a right wing podcaster now or are we going to continue this stupid dance of “no he’s just a centrist telling it like it is”

    • snooggums
      12011 months ago

      A ‘centrist telling it like it is’ always ends up being a right wing asshole lying about their intentions.

      • NielsBohron
        2511 months ago

        It’s just like all those conservatives that “left” the GOP because they don’t want to be associated with Trump and called racists. The problem is, they still all vote pure Republican down the ticket and support regressive and racist policies, so did they really leave the GOP, or are they just arguing in bad faith?

        And actually, I’d argue that they’re making the problem worse, because that leaves the GOP primaries in the hands of the nut jobs that like the way the party is headed…

      • @yesman@lemmy.world
        1211 months ago

        I think the ‘enlightened centrist’ is born when an adult takes an interest in politics for the first time. It’s natural for someone ignorant to see the extremes as scary. The problem is that the right is better prepared to guide this neophyte into reactionary politics without ever challenging the “centrist” identity. Politics in conservative spaces are never “right”, “reactionary”, or “regressive”, they’re just common-sense ideas, that everybody knows, and totally make sense when you think about it. (There’s also a huge helping of edge-lord humor to desensitize the centrist to ideals that would be appalling if people weren’t “being ironic”. )

        So as they drift farther and farther to the right, the only people to challenge the “neutral” identity are on the left, who appear to be attacking a reasonable person; with mainstream ideals; just asking questions.

        This is where the “I don’t always agree with the right, but the left are a bunch of crazy jerks” mantra comes from.

      • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
        11 months ago

        Watch his episode with Bernie or Cornell West. Every sentence blows Rogan’s mind because he’s so stupid and has never thought of an issue for more than 0.003 seconds before reaching a conclusion.

    • PP_GIRL_
      4611 months ago

      If I had a nickel for everytime a former reality TV host took an unexpected hard turn towards extremist right-wing views in the past decade, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice

    • @PutangInaMo@lemmy.world
      1211 months ago

      Nail in the coffin on this guy lmao what a fucking joke he turned out to be…

      For shame, Joe Rogan, for shame sir…

  • @lobut@lemmy.ca
    9311 months ago

    I remember when Joe was a harmless idiot that had some fun.

    Rather than a right wing crackpot.

    I always thought it was weird when he said you needed to listen to all types of media like Fox as well as MSNBC. I was like, you can listen to neither of those things … Let’s not forget Fox got sued for libel/slander in the Dominion case as well. So it’s not another opinion or side that Fox is on, it’s outright propaganda.

    • Hank
      11 months ago

      I was into his clips on YouTube for a short while before corona and the Spotify deal. Even back then the algorithm decided to pipeline culture war bullshit into your feed in an attempt to radicalize you to alt right bullshit if you watched his clips.
      When I was on Reddit I kept looking at his subreddit to amuse myself with the ignorant stupidity and the insecure overcompensating of the commenters.

    • @jscummy@sh.itjust.works
      1611 months ago

      I think there’s value in being exposed to other media sources outside your circle but it’s extremely tough to take Fox with anything less than a bucket of salt.

      I occasionally see articles from them and they’re poorly written, clearly leaving important parts out, and have random clearly biased editorial asides. Like “Joe Biden, who experts have heavily criticized” but never saying which experts or what criticism

    • @madcaesar@lemmy.world
      311 months ago

      I fucking hate that people are like FOX news or MSNBC, as though they are two sides of a coin.

      MSNBC might be left leaning, but FOX is straight up crazy lies and bullshit.

      It’s like saying you could eat brussel sprouts or diarrhea. You know either or…

  • @Alteon@lemmy.world
    8011 months ago

    Check out the Podcast Knowledge Fight. They’ve been going over Tucker Carlson’s podcast…and holy fuck, Carlsons gone off the deepend. Now that he don’t have a team of writers, you get to see this dingus’s true colors, and trust me, they are dark.

    • @Lifecoach5000@lemmy.world
      2911 months ago

      Seconded. After hearing their specific breakdowns of his “show” it’s laughable even Rogan would make that kind of statement. Well who am I kidding? It’s fucking Rogan so nm

    • @ashok36@lemmy.world
      2111 months ago

      Hey, he definitely still has writers. They’re on loan from Ms. Johnson’s 8th grade creative writing class but… They’re putting words on cue cards and that’s what counts.

      • @Alteon@lemmy.world
        1511 months ago

        [Knowledge Fight] #816: Tucker, The Man And His Twitter- Episode 1 🅴 #knowledgeFight https://podcastaddict.com/knowledge-fight/episode/159086829 via @PodcastAddict

        Check out the podcast. They go over Tuckers entire episode and break it down. Plus, it’s just a fun listen.

        His other episodes defend white supremacy, support Robert F Kenney Jr., and his most recent one attacks trans people.

    • @new_acct_who_dis@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      I really want to listen to this pod, but my podcast time is usually for silly, fun things. Or maybe as serious as 99 invisible or Snap Judgement.

      I’m glad this exists, but I’m never in a headspace for it

      • @Alteon@lemmy.world
        111 months ago

        They’re actually pretty upbeat and fun. They start the first 15 minutes talking about the bright spots of their week. It’s also generally pretty funny which some more serious moments. You should really check it out.

  • ChihuahuaOfDoom
    5911 months ago

    Tucker Fucking Carlson? If he runs I hope John Stewart runs against him.

      • @ButtermilkBiscuit@lemmy.world
        1311 months ago

        You wouldn’t have to, bowtie bitch wouldn’t show up he’s scared shitless of John Stewbeef. The fucker literally stopped wearing bowties entirely after Stewart made fun of him for doing it.

    • @klemptor@lemmy.ml
      2511 months ago

      Respectfully, no. We don’t need more media personalities running for office. It’s too much of a popularity contest as it is. Jon Stewart is intelligent and cares deeply about his chosen issues, but that doesn’t mean he’d make a good (or willing) president. Tucker Carlson is just a boob.

      I want a boring-ass presidential candidate with good solid policies and a willingness to take the long view (as in what’s best in the long term for the country, not necessarily what will get them re-elected). I don’t care if they’re cool or charismatic.

      • @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world
        1811 months ago

        Sadly elections are a popularity contest so being an already known media personality is a massive head start over someone eminently qualified and capable, but unknown. If we have to pick a media personality, I’d go with Stewbeef.

  • @AdmiralShat@programming.dev
    5811 months ago

    Of anything positive you could say about Carlson ‘no nonsense’ isn’t even remotely true.

    Remember Joe, he made fun of someone else who was 5’7, saying they were too short to be dateable

  • @Mantis_Toboggan@lemmy.world
    4411 months ago

    If you listen to the Knowledge Fight podcast, you’ll hear Alex Jones literally bragging about radicalizing Joe Rogan. Alex Jones claims to be constantly in contact with him. So this is just the knuckle-dragger going further deep.

  • @Socsa@sh.itjust.works
    3511 months ago

    Tucker Carlson might not be the brightest man on the planet, but I think even he’s smart enough to know running for president would ruin his grift.

    • Billiam
      1911 months ago

      Tucker Carlson might not be the brightest man on the planet, but I think even he’s smart enough to know running for president would ruin his grift.

      Only if you win. Losing would allow you to scream endlessly about the “deep state” and the “satanic cabal” that “made” you lose to a “pedophile DEMONcrat” while bilking the rubes that believe you out of every dime they can give.

  • @WorldWideLem@lemmy.world
    2011 months ago

    If there’s one thing to take to heart from Joe Rogan, I think it’s this quote of his:

    I’m not a doctor, I’m a fucking moron