You can double click on pamac and synaptic too. You just seem slow. Double click on App images too. You just giving yourselves a title of " power user" doesn’t make you one.
apt install funbox
funbox not found
apt install fun-box
fun-box not found
apt install openfunbox
openfunbox not found
Google openfunbox “use apt install open-funboxxx”
Yay -S app is hard? Or apt install app? Or flatpak?
Being used to a habit doesnt make the habit the default way. Humans adapt quickly.
All of that is harder than a double click, yes.
Ok i double clicked on my desktop, nothing happened. Can you elaborate?
You’ll figure it out. You seem very bright.
You don’t
Pot calling kettle black.
You are as clever as you are wise.
You can double click on pamac and synaptic too. You just seem slow. Double click on App images too. You just giving yourselves a title of " power user" doesn’t make you one.
There are not msny apps installed in windows using only a single double click…
apt install funbox funbox not found apt install fun-box fun-box not found apt install openfunbox openfunbox not found Google openfunbox “use apt install open-funboxxx”
That is way yay is superior 🤓