• @atyaz@reddthat.com
    18711 months ago

    In this thread lots of uninformed people rationalizing why it’s actually okay to use chromium.

    • @notacuban@lemmy.world
      6211 months ago

      In this thread lots of uninformed people misunderstanding how the open source Chromium project works (or the difference between Chrome and Chromium). Vivaldi is a Chromium-based browser who frequently disable the parts of Chromium they don’t agree with.

      This argument not to use anything Chromium is the same as if someone was fanatically opposed to using Linux Mint or Elementary OS because they’re based on Ubuntu, and Canonical bad.

      I love Firefox as much as the next person, and probably do a 75% Vivaldi 25% Firefox split, but let’s not act like Google isn’t bankrolling Mozilla, because they account for 85+% of Mozilla’s revenue, and if Google does implement this Web DRM and if it is widely adopted, Mozilla either submits and enables it to make sure daddy Google stays happy, or they die.

      • @sleep_deprived@lemmy.world
        6411 months ago

        Typically this thinking is mostly correct - e.g. Manifest v3 - but not in this case. If websites see enough users using chormium, via user agent or other fingerprinting, they’ll be more willing to require WEI. And unlike Manifest v3 etc. this affects the whole web, not just users of one browser or the other.

        In every case monopolies are bad. Including in tech.

      • @ChaosAD@lemmy.world
        611 months ago

        And you fail to understand how terrible monoculture software is for the freedom of the web.

        Stop to spread misinformation.

      • R0cket_M00se
        411 months ago

        Yeah these half informed zealots really think this is somehow a righteous fight against the man.

      • @Chunk@lemmy.world
        111 months ago

        they account for 85+% of Mozilla’s revenue

        So why is a company, one that has a clear incentive to reduce dependence on their competitor, funding something like Rust or Thunderbird?

        • @redcalcium@lemmy.institute
          111 months ago

          Google used to give a lot more money to Mozilla, then they massively cut it which led to huge layoff affecting a lot of Firefox dev. Thankfully the new Firefox engine were just completed at that point. People like to complain about Mozilla pushing their VPN and Pocket, but they have to find another source of income to reduce their dependency to Google.

      • Stoneykins [any]
        11911 months ago

        I mean, define “ok” in this context

        Will chrome kill you? No

        Will chrome physically hurt anyone else because you used it? No

        Will the internet become less free if google is able to successfully force this? Yes

        Does using chrome contribute to this? Yes, marginally

        Would as many people as possible switching off of chrome and chromium and onto an alternative help? Yes

        I find this whole thing an interesting argument, as someone who switched from chrome to firefox for extremely unrelated reasons months ago.

        • Scrubbles
          4111 months ago

          The same people say “boycotts don’t work”. The facepalming here is hard. Welcome to the ad riddled future that you helped make because “people can use what they like” (because it’s being pushed by a huge corporate entity and they want you to use it so they can shove ads down your throat and you should laugh at people who would use anything different)

          • LinkOpensChest.wav
            1711 months ago

            I think Google will win this too, just like I think we’re going to make the planet uninhabitable.

            But I’m not going to roll coal, and I’m not going to use Chrome.

      • @ilikekeyboards@lemmy.world
        10911 months ago

        And spoiling Internet for the rest of us. None of us would have to go through this if more people used alternatives to chromium. No website would’ve accepted a 50% loss in visitors over accepting some companies special protocol

      • @regbin_@lemmy.world
        1511 months ago

        It absolutely is not. Just how it’s also not ok to buy the overpriced RTX 40 cards because it ruins the market for all of us.

        • LinkOpensChest.wav
          2111 months ago

          Exactly right. It requires seeing yourself as a part of a community vs. fulfilling our selfish interests at the expense of others.

          Another example were the suburban PS5 buyers who bought from scalpers so “their kids” could have one, not giving any thought to the fact that they’re contributing to a system that excludes the disadvantaged (or, even worse, knowing but not caring).

        • @fbuslop@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          How does participating in the market ruin the market? It’s literally a fucking market. If they’re so overpriced then why are people buying the cards?

          Why don’t you flock to their competitor if they’re pricing their items right and providing just the right value?

      • @pizza_is_yum@slrpnk.net
        611 months ago

        True fucking statement.

        Most normal people don’t even know adblockers exist. Guys, if you’re going to convince people to switch away from Chrome, it won’t be on the grounds of protecting against some API or ads.

  • @nxfsi@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Just use Librewolf.

    >sensible defaults

    >no telemetry

    >no ads

    >no suggested sites

    >no crypto bullshit

    >it just works

      • @stochasticity@lemmy.world
        411 months ago

        Duckduckgo found tracking attempts in mull for me. It hasn’t in Firefox. I don’t know what makes the difference though.

        • LinkOpensChest.wav
          411 months ago

          I’m not sure about Mull because I’ve never tried it. I use Fennec, which purportedly removes the problematic telemetry, but I’ll be honest I’ve never actually verified this.

          I do know some apps instead of removing trackers will replace them with dummy trackers, so I wonder if this might be what duckduckgo is detecting. I don’t really know since I also avoid duckduckgo lol

  • @eldain@feddit.nlOP
    7211 months ago

    And thus the brave lammings set out to inform other lemmings, who are as tech savvy and know this is happening, that this is happening by posting memes. Hopefully the people, who would already be using firefox if they cared, switch to firefox so we can breach the 3% market share and that’ll show Google, maker of Chrome and Firefox’ main sponsor, people care enough to stop this madness! - I’m not against activism, but activism in an echochamber can turn into a circlejerk. Everyone stop stroking please… I’m here for the memes.

    • @SnowdenHeroOfOurTime@unilem.org
      4811 months ago

      I’m not against activism

      You just spent like 5 minutes reducing activism to “cIrClEjErK”. Can we leave that stupid ass phrase on reddit for Christ’s sake?

      • @eldain@feddit.nlOP
        711 months ago

        Just look at all the people in the comments patiently explaining what the problem is and what can be done. At what point would you consider this common knowledge that is propagated and confirmed because people on this plattform have reached consensus? It is good we had this discussion for a few days, plenty of awareness has been spread on lemmy. I’m proposing to stop posting about this topic as there is nothing new added except repetition that gains traction because we agree. Call that whatever you want.

        • LinkOpensChest.wav
          2111 months ago

          You’re not wrong that this discussion would be more productive in a privacy community or one dedicated to web browsers, but at least people see it here.

          The problem I’ve seen isn’t the discussion, but the fact that some users have become disproportionately hostile toward others, using childish insults to describe their ideas like “stupid” instead of contributing anything of value.

  • @tacosplease@lemmy.world
    4011 months ago

    Firefox mobile app sucks on my phone. Not sure about the rest of you. Doesn’t seem like there is a great alternative though.

    • @Holzkohlen@feddit.de
      3511 months ago

      Works just fine for me. Though it’s been a while since I used anything else, I don’t really have a frame of reference. That being said, I can install ublock origin and dark reader in firefox so I won’t ever use anything else on my phone.

    • @AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
      811 months ago

      It does seem slower on my Samsung Galaxy S10e, but I just downloaded it and as you said, there really isn’t a great alternative, so for now I’ll use it. I’m sure that someone will develop something better at some point.

    • Carl
      711 months ago

      It is extremely slow compared to chrome. But I still prefer to use it, unless I am in a hurry.

      • @AMDIsOurLord@lemmy.ml
        111 months ago

        Somehow it’s shit on 60Hz displays. My 120Hz display phone, it’s quite snappy. But on my older 60Hz display phone, it’s unnaturally slow. If your phone isn’t HRR, then maybe this is it? I don’t quite know wtf is wrong with it

      • @brenno@lemmy.brennoflavio.com.br
        1311 months ago

        Don’t be like them and generalize everything. Browsers are complex piece of software with many use cases. For mine for example Firefox works great without major issues. It might not be the case for you and that’s fine!

      • @sizzling@lemmy.world
        911 months ago

        There are plenty of people without issues using FireFox (like me). That being said, I’m sure there are those that have issues, so no downvotes from me. It is however better to not generalize like that.

      • @verdigris@lemmy.ml
        411 months ago

        It’s literally not. I’ve seen multiple performance-impacting bugs that people mention, which is a bummer for those users… But none of them happen to me (Pixel 5, android 13) or plenty of other users. Insisting that FF is just hopelessly broken on Android is simply untrue.

      • @CrypticCoffee@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        It absolutely used to suck performance wise since I used an S4 for about 2 years. Since then, it’s been great. As someone who used to dislike the performance, and now loves it, even over chromium stuff, I can safely suggest your oversimplified opinion is without any real basis. Sucks is such a vague word, and I guess it stops you having to detail and rationalise your personal opinion.

        It’s always been great on the desktop.

    • @MusabaN@lemmy.world
      311 months ago

      Kiwi browser is very good. You can also install desktop extensions and there are built in dark mode with AMOLED settings

  • JoYo
    2811 months ago

    The past week every post has just been browser icons.

    FFS, go browse the bottom of the Potomac.

      • @tubaruco@lemm.ee
        411 months ago

        if you want a decent browser, there is firefox and basically all its forks and brave

        you shouldnt use brave if

        • you dont want to support google, as brave is based on chromium
        • you dont want to support the people behind it, as there are some people who say theyre bad people but i got no clue if its true

        i dont like chromium so ill stick with firefox (and mullvad browser), even though im still technically supporting google since most of mozillas revenue is from google (though i believe it is better since its not software made by google)

  • Captain Beyond
    11 months ago

    It feels like last week we were defending proprietary software, ads, and tracking against those mean old FOSS zealots who actually care about privacy and freedom. Are you saying we care about those things now?

    • @eldain@feddit.nlOP
      711 months ago

      We now know how much we do or don’t care about these things, based on all arguments provided. Some people might even give firefox a try after last week, which is great. I’m saying we have seen enough memes full of browser logo’s for now.

    • @nottheengineer@feddit.de
      5911 months ago

      If Google does push web DRM through, edge will surely adopt it. The best time to switch is now and there will no second best time if they actually do it.

    • Sebeck0401
      5211 months ago

      Edge is based off chromium, same “engine” that powers Chrome. As most browsers are.

      • @Cleverdawny@lemm.ee
        411 months ago

        Yeah, it’s basically chrome without the bloat, less spying, and without the prohibition on ad blockers

        • Feydaikin
          5211 months ago

          Are we talking about the same browser?

          Edge has all of those things in spades.

        • @atyaz@reddthat.com
          1811 months ago

          That’s fine but the point of the post is that you have to use a non chromium browser to avoid wei. Once it’s implemented it’s likely that edge and others will have to implement it too.

            • @atyaz@reddthat.com
              1211 months ago

              It would be a monumental effort for smaller browsers to keep chromium extensions working, while the rest of the ecosystem moves to the new APIs. The only way that could work is if they all fork chromium and base their browsers on this new fork, and even then it’s not guaranteed to develop a real ecosystem of plugins since chrome has more users than all of those other chromium browsers combined.

              So yeah you have to use Firefox if you want to avoid that, at least for now.

            • @WhyJiffie@sh.itjust.works
              711 months ago

              How is there no way? Yes, there is. Google implements it in the original, websites start requiring it, all of those browsers that didn’t implement it will be denied from access to websites. The end.

    • @TheObserver@lemmy.world
      2611 months ago

      Lmfao. Bro edge is chromium my guy. You just switched from one skin to another is all. It’s all the same under the hood🤣

      • @Cleverdawny@lemm.ee
        311 months ago

        Yes. It’s chromium. It’s based on the open source base engine for Chrome. Which means, it has all the benefits of Chrome without the Google bullshit.

        • @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de
          911 months ago

          Always amazing how much people can know without actually „getting it“. Just use firefox. You don’t get anything for „winning“ on a technicality. Just leave it be.

            • @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de
              1211 months ago

              It’s a fallacy. Why would I stop drinking alcohol, why would I stop smoking, why would I stop sunbathing without protection? Why would I leave the titanic? It is unsinkable. It works for you because you haven’t gotten to the bullet in the chamber yet.

              The people here are trying to tell you that it’s not safe and that it will only get worse. And in opposition to your arguments, these facts are based on professional opinions and the known business practices of the companies these products are associated with.

              I know you have your opinion but an opinion is not your personality. You can let go of it without ruining your life, again in opposition to keeping it and actually harming yourself, either financially or otherwise.

              Why is it so hard to trust people who do this stuff for a living?

              • Catweazle
                411 months ago

                @Haui @Cleverdawny, the discrepancy between Chromium and Firefox users is absurd, if there is a common enemy that endangers the existence of both and all the other minority browsers, it is this that in the end ends up that only Chrome, EDGE and Opera exist anymore, because these have no qualms about including this Google Tokens shit.
                It is a matter of thinking and acting together against this barbarism, something that Mozilla and Vivaldi are already doing, but more is needed.

                • @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de
                  311 months ago

                  Thanks. That is very kind of you to point out. Also, I don’t care about firefox at all. It was just the best I could find at the time and since am watching industry news if something not only marginally better pops up. Hasn‘t yet. As a sysadmin it is my job to keep systems running and ideally not vendor lock the company or myself. That’s why I stay away from google as much as I can.

              • Catweazle
                011 months ago

                @Haui @Cleverdawny, I also use Chromium, Vivaldi since over 7 Years, not because Firefox or Otter Browser, which I also have as second an third one, because of something called business ethics which has Vivaldi, because it fits best my needs, because it’s faster than FF, because it’s de-googled and don’t have third party investors, because it’s a European employees-owned Cooperative, it’s a safe Browser with good privacy, products associated are Mastodon, Vivaldi mail, own userblog, sync…

                • @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de
                  211 months ago

                  That sounds pretty awesome. I read about vivaldi pretty often. If the need pops up I will definitely check it out. Thanks :)

            • @regbin_@lemmy.world
              411 months ago

              It ruins the internet. Google controls Chromium, if most browsers are Chromium-based, that means those browsers will eventually get whatever Google implements which means other browsers are forced to implement them or you can get broken websites.

      • @tool@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Lmfao. Bro edge is chromium my guy. You just switched from one skin to another is all. It’s all the same under the hood🤣

        They are definitely not all the same, and Vivaldi is a fantastic example of that. Just because it’s Chromium-based doesn’t mean it’s chock full of bullshit and a Chrome reskin, it just means that it most likely is. Vivaldi definitely isn’t.

    • YoungBelden [any]
      11 months ago

      As Chromium monopolizes the market they’re able to push anti-user updates because sites don’t care. It’s down to Firefox or Chromium-based browsers. Firefox is basically the only thing that’s kept Chrome from straight up removing adblocking capability and the like.

    • GigglyBobble
      1711 months ago

      Microsoft is at least as bad as Google and has been for quite a bit longer.

      • @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de
        1111 months ago

        Correct. We would not even be here if corporations could be trusted. Everyone needs to get this somehow. Federation (open source project development is kind of federated as well) is the key. Actually, we‘re having the same oppressive authoritarianism that gave birth to federated states. Looks like a pattern.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        211 months ago

        Have you tried the one recently implemented in Firefox? I’m not sure about Edge, but it’s much better than Chrome’s. I rarely have to use anything else.

  • Kayn
    1011 months ago

    Firefox stans are some of the most annoying people.

    Yes, I know I’m contributing to a Chromium monopoly, thank you for telling me. Firefox just doesn’t do the things I need my browser to do.

      • Seems like they are pretty informed. Or are you just mad he’s calling out over zealous privacy advocates who ensure nobody will ever take them seriously because they bitched about TikTok for 5 years.

        • @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de
          1511 months ago

          Let’s have a bit more of a objective discussion here:

          Privacy advocates are trying to keep you from being transparent to corporations, law enforcement and criminals because they see the patterns that can lead to very bad outcomes. E.g. people being falsely targeted by ai face recognition that was on the news recently

          „Stans“ are referring to people identifying with something. In the case of firefox, people identify with privacy and freedom. Those are elemental parts of democracy. The opposite side here is advocating on behalf of corporations who rake in billions in profit, buy up land and real estate, control markets and you can actually see those being subject to lawsuits both by the government and citizens for breaking the law, selling your data and going full send on their profits instead of caring about the communities they operate in.

          So, the term „well informed“ is kind of self defeating here as gobbling up corpo koolaid is not really „informed“. It’s also the same that conspiracy theorists say. Actually listening to the arguments is what does the trick.

          • Kayn
            311 months ago

            Your error is assuming there are only two polar opposites, and thus assuming because I’m not a Firefox stan, that I am advocating for corporations.

            One can be privacy-conscious and still sick of the constant guilt-tripping by the hardcore Firefox fandom.

            • @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de
              311 months ago

              Rhetorical trick: You‘re misrepresenting what I said to make it sound illogical.

              I never said there are only these. What I said is that there are strong arguments for privacy friendly software and people are actively trying to educate others on this topic.

              You‘re also assuming someone is guilt tripping you, either because you actually have that wrong impression or to make it sound more problematic.

              Nobody cares what browser you use. We shit on google, not on you. You‘re the one injecting themselves into this conversation and trolling people with fake „calling them out“ while you‘re the one using all kinds of techniques to bully your way to „being right“.

              If you‘d actually compare arguments, you‘d have to give up so you don’t do it.

              • Kayn
                211 months ago

                You‘re also assuming someone is guilt tripping you

                This is actually a thing, because it’s the best argument Firefox fans have to get someone to switch to it.

                “If you don’t use Firefox, you’re supporting the Chromium monopoly”. It’s the whole point of all those Firefox memes that have been popping up lately.

                • @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de
                  211 months ago

                  you‘re obviously not willing or able to use actual arguments in this conversation so I will have to opt out. I can recommend local bars where you can exchange your baseless aggression with others. Good luck.

          • Privacy advocates are trying to keep you from being transparent to corporations, law enforcement and criminals because they see the patterns that can lead to very bad outcomes. E.g. people being falsely targeted by ai face recognition that was on the news recently

            I don’t think that’s where it ends. If it was I think we’d mostly be on the same page. Constantly telling people to ditch services they enjoy such as TikTok, Facebook, Google, etc. Continued vague references to devices listening to you that really aren’t. Constantly pointing out targeted ads as something that most people really couldn’t care less. And if you say that, “you just don’t understand what the data can be used for”. It’s all highly condescending and created a weariness to the community. They’ve become vista UAC.

            • @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de
              411 months ago

              First, please drop the attitude because you‘re actively being condescending yourself atm.

              Secondly, the argument itself becomes a problem here:

              Constantly telling people to ditch services they enjoy…

              „Constantly“ is a rhetorical overstatement. Nobody is constantly doing anything. You are annoyed and that is ok.

              I honestly don’t care about tiktok and therefore have no opinion on its privacy issues except stuff I heard.

              But from facebook I did download a package of my data since the gdpr forced them to comply and give users their data.

              I used facebook a year or so when it was new and once every quarter since then.

              The data consisted of most sites I visited before and after visiting facebook. Stuff I bought, stuff I looked at.

              And that is not all. I‘m constantly getting scam mails referencing an old address of mine. Guess where this address (exclusively) is still noted. Correct, at facebook.

              So, you absolutely don’t need to do anything. Just know that facebook (the others too but facebook the hardest) actively sells your userdata and behavioral data to make money.

              They are actively being fined tens of thousands of dollars a day by european governments for „leaking“ userdata.

              So, I‘m fine with anyone doing what they want. Just dont school me on privacy.

      • @ultimate_question@lemmy.world
        5011 months ago

        idk about OP but I use chrome because in Firefox I have to manually download my web history and send it to Google so they can log it for my security, Chrome streamlines this process and ensures Google has my data even if I mistakenly wonder onto a website they don’t have trackers on

      • Kayn
        511 months ago

        Off the top of my head:

        • Tab tiling
        • Multi-level tab bars
        • Workspaces
        • Automatic session backups
        • Sidebar panels
        • Spotlight-like global search
        • Commands to toggle parts of the Ul
        • Custom toolbar buttons
        • macniel
          511 months ago

          I’m pretty sure that all of that are from extensions you would have installed for chrome?

          Spotlight-like global search

          Whats that supposed to mean? That you can use macOS Spotlight to search the web with? Yeah same thing with firefox, atleast under linux.

          Commands to toggle parts of the Ul

          Like pressing F12 for fullscreen?

          Custom toolbar buttons

          Like themes?

          • Kayn
            11 months ago

            I’m pretty sure that all of that are from extensions you would have installed for chrome?

            No? Chrome isn’t the only web browser in existence.

            Whats [Spotlight-like global search] supposed to mean?

            That I can bring up a search bar that’ll search my history, closed tabs, bookmarks, open tabs, the web and more all at once.

            Like pressing F12 for fullscreen?

            Not only that, also selectively hiding the tab bar, address bar or specific sidebar panels.

            Like themes?

            No, like custom toolbar buttons that do custom things when clicked.

    • @SnowdenHeroOfOurTime@unilem.org
      2611 months ago

      Out of those who actually give a reason for this position, which is practically no one, it’s almost always “vertical tabs”. Apparently those people can’t use a search engine since there are multiple easily found extensions available that make FF do vertical tabs.

      • Kayn
        211 months ago

        Then how about tab tiling, multi-level tab bars, workspaces, automatic session backups, sidebar panels, Spotlight-like global search, commands to toggle parts of the UI and custom toolbar buttons?

        I can probably find an extension for most of these if I look hard enough, but then I’d have to worry about them being maintained and not sold out. At that point I’d rather use a browser that has all this built-in.

    • @Coreidan@lemmy.world
      1711 months ago

      Firefox just doesn’t do the things I need my browser to do.

      Bullshit. You’re just too lazy to figure it out. Talk about annoying.

      • Kayn
        611 months ago

        Do you think a message like yours will convince me to give it another try?

    • JokeDeity
      1211 months ago

      LMFAO, you’re an idiot. There’s nothing chrome can do that FF can’t do better.

      • Catweazle
        511 months ago

        @JokeDeity @HKayn, Tab groupings, PWAs, hibernate inactive Tabs, vertical tabs, casting on desktop, workspaces, compatibility with some webs, vertical tabs… well, maybe with a ton of extensions…

        • @Coreidan@lemmy.world
          711 months ago

          Why do you need to hibernate inactive tabs? Just fucking close it.

          There is no way you need any of this shit.

          • Kayn
            11 months ago

            “Firefox doesn’t do {thing}”

            • “You don’t need {thing} anyway”

            Do you realize how you’re sounding right now? Is this how you intend to convince people to give Firefox a try? Or are you just looking to start a fight?

            • @Coreidan@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              Is this how you intend to convince people to give Firefox a try?

              I couldn’t give a flying fuck what browser you use.

              You sound like a bitch.

              Or are you just looking to start a fight?

              That’s literally all you’re doing right now.

              • Kayn
                11 months ago

                And yet you’re here flinging insults at other people, giving everyone insight into how bitter the Firefox fandom is.

                You only have yourself to blame for Firefox’ fading relevance.

          • JokeDeity
            211 months ago

            Plenty of reasons to do so, but he’s dumb anyways because you absolutely can hibernate tabs in FF.

          • Catweazle
            111 months ago

            @Coreidan, what if you need switching between several tabs, even if you can use to view them in Split Screen, in saved Workspaces? Open and close these every time? not viable. In Vivaldi no problem, even no RAM problems with mor than 100 tabs open (in extremis), if you want.

        • JokeDeity
          611 months ago

          Oooooof, it’s amazing you couldn’t come up with a single thing that actually is true. Firefox can do all of that.

      • Kayn
        11 months ago

        Who said anything about Chrome?

        You verbally abuse me and hallucinate things I didn’t even mention. You’re exactly the kind of person I was talking about.