Just in case the plane is not recognized immediatly, it’s the PW-MK.I from Project Wingman, cool video game, I recommend it for the planes, the music and the memes.
puts credible defense hat on
But you know, stealth isn’t the be-all, end-all, really. The Navy’s been dragging their feet on 35 procurement for a while, more heavily emphasizing Rhinos and Growlers. Growlers have an absolutely silly amount of extremely advanced ECM and EW hardware onboard. The general doctrine for USN in peer conflicts right now is to just jam the absolute shit out out anything that’s making unfriendly electronic noises around it and then kill the things with prejudice. Don’t need stealth when you just straight up blind the enemy. Definitely more of a brute force approach, but it’s absolutely valid.
Problem is that makes the growler a huge target. It can’t really hide when it’s emitting so much. It can be somewhat further back, but it’ll still need to be pretty close to the action to be effective jamming.
Exactly. The growler is great when it’s emitters outrange the enemy missiles, not so much when they don’t.
Now granted, I dont think I’m smarter than the entire US Navy, so they probably thought of this too, but it seems like a big issue to me.
I believe US doctrine is to overwhelm the enemy’s air force and air defense within an hour and establish air dominance. There is no way to do that stealthily.
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It can hide among decoy drones.
The decoy drones would need to be emitting too, or it’d need to stop emitting for a while once the missile gets close. But that is a pretty good idea.
ADM-160 MALD does serve that purpose and has been in service for a bit.
Putting on my brewing hat
Growlers are pretty good. Drunk in one bottle
But they were all of them deceived. For in secret, another generation of fighter was forged. And in it he poured all his stealth, all his sensor packages, and all his missiles.
Pffft… I’m building a 12th generation fighter in my garage. It’ll be called the F-9000 SuperThunderLightningHog. You just wait and see!
6th generation, 7th generation… when will we have the love generation?
All generations are made up
Is that art actually from the game? The cockpit and the rest of the plane aren’t at the same angle of roll, and the canards aren’t lined up
Edit: no it isn’t, it’s from this person on deviantart who has a whole bunch of AI anthro pokemon waifus on their profile
That’s the extra gen. Wings roll, body stays upright. We are beyond science.
It doesn’t matter how maneuverable a plane is when the human pilot is the limiting factor. UAVs are the future for air combat now.
A human can’t handle negative Gs, a computer can. That alone gives uavs a huge maneuver advantage.
Weak, real military would skip at least two generations.
Since when did Tahiti have extensive high-tech manufacturing capacity?
Well it is a magical place you know
Who needs fight jets when you have advanced missile with targetting system that cannot be fooled by chaff and flares?
Who needs advanced missiles when you have “Jewish space lasers”!
man the top of that add on makes me think gundam and now I want them all to have it.
… Veritech/Macross.
Those mini missile barrages
Then explore the wreckage on a cyclone motorbike
gimme some of that sweet sweet protoculture, baby
FAST packs for the win
Project Wingman is the best Ace Combat game
Is it comparable to the H.A.W.X Series? I really liked those but don’t have a elaborated controller setup
Never played H.A.W.X., so I can’t offer a comparison. As far as elaborate control setups, I played it on Xbox, and a regular controller was plenty sufficient
Nice, thanks
Source or gtfo.
lol what
@Skua found it on DeviantArt.
You forgot the story! Project wingman had me feeling like I just came back from cascadia when I took my headset off.