• partypoop@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    It’s reduce, reuse, and then lastly recycle.

    Additionally, the impact that individual consumers can make pales in comparison to the impact a corporation can make when it comes to preserving our environment. We’ve been tricked to think that the most minimal of our actions (banning bags and straws) is enough.

    • ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      It’s been almost 40 years since we were told we had 20 years.

      No one did a fucking thing.

      We were also told that by the time we notice the changes, it’s too late.

      Well guess what we’re noticing?

      Customer service ruined my faith in humanity but the climate crisis killed it completely…

      • alvvayson@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        I will repeat this ad nauseam.

        NASA climatologist James Hansen testified to Congress in 1988 that climate change was a risk and that we should continue building more nuclear power despite Chernobyl having happened the year before.

        If we had done that, we would have solved climate change in the 90s.

        We had sufficient time. We had sufficient technology.

        But instead of fighting for the environment, the environmentalists fought against it.

        This provided the first Bush cover to kill nuclear so that his fossil fuel sponsors could make more profits.

        • tomi000@lemmy.world
          2 years ago

          Environmentalists had virtually nothing to do with it. Yes, many people started opposing nuclear power, but please dont believe that had any impact on the matter. Its been the coal and oil industry from the very beginning and even people considering themselves educated on the matter being fooled shows how well they are covering it up.

          There are exponentially more environmentalists now that in the 80s so how come they ‘succeeded’ in cranking down on nuclear power back then but cant even remotely stop coal from expanding even further?

          • alvvayson@lemmy.world
            2 years ago

            Environmentalists back then succeeded in stopping Freon through the Montreal Protocol. They had major clout.

            They absolutely are to blame. They don’t get a free pass for destroying our climate while being hypocrites.

            The coal and oil lobby also deserve blame, but they were not hypocrites.

            • tomi000@lemmy.world
              2 years ago

              Seriously, please try to break free from your brainwashing. Environmentalists wanted to stop nuclear power. They also wanted many other things. They wanted to stop coal and replace it by renewable energies. I am sure you know very well which of the two was way more important to them and which ‘succeeded’ in the end. Environmentalists did what they could, what they were allowed to influence. Yes, in hindsight the order was wrong, but not because they wanted it that way but because there was no chance at all for it going otherwise.

              • alvvayson@lemmy.world
                2 years ago

                Lol, I am old enough to have seen it with my own eyes.

                And even today they are opposing nuclear.

                With nuclear we wouldn’t have never exceeded 1 degrees warming or 400 ppm CO2.

                History will not be kind to the environmentalists.

                • tomi000@lemmy.world
                  2 years ago

                  Does it feel good to be this ignorant? Makes me sad that those who oppose change dont even seem to realize its them.

    • tomi000@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      Thats not entirely true though. What you are referring to is the impact of a single person vs the impact of a corporation, which is obvious. But if everyone would change their lifestyles and started taking this matter seriously, that would have by far the greatest inpact. Also every corporation depends on its customers and if those dont consume the way they used to, corporations are forced to change in the same way. This ‘people like us cant make a change’ bullshit attitude is the same as ‘Im not voting because whats a single vote gonna do’.

      • hark@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        Entire industries are dominated by maybe a couple of corporations each and you’re telling us they’re at the mercy of the customer? They certainly don’t seem to be at the mercy of the customer with all this “inflation” they keep imposing on us. They choose to pollute because it’s cheaper for them and they don’t bother passing on those savings, they instead use it for higher profit margins. If you think they’re afraid of being undercut by a competitor, then they wouldn’t be fighting legislation that would apply across the industry.

        • tomi000@lemmy.world
          2 years ago

          I never said they are afraid. They dont need to be as long as most people dont care and keep consumung blindly. Still, a company without customers cant exist. How would a butcher keep his Business if everyone suddenly went vegan? Companies wont magically start caring about the environment because they are not people with feelings. Every single decision is based on profits. If changing their ways would become more profitable (eg by greater acceptance by customers), they would do so.

          • hark@lemmy.world
            2 years ago

            Kind of seems like you’re bending in a pretzel to shift blame onto customers. Yes, customers do exist, but they don’t have as much control over supply as you think they do. Companies themselves are not people, but they are run by people and they make deliberate decisions on how they bring their products and services to market. Again, there is nothing that requires them to hire lobbyists to prevent legislation that would improve the situation across the industry.

      • GBU_28@lemm.ee
        2 years ago

        Right but selecting ecologically responsible products is often a privileged, and educated decision. Many folks are excited for whatever plastic wrapped food they can afford after a long day, and they are not going to make a trip to a special recycling center to ensure the plastic is actually diverted.

        Legislation is needed to ensure people can still get things they need, but corporations are held to a higher standard

        It’s exactly these types of group-action dilemmas that a governmental system is best suited to assisting with.

        Overcome tough issues individuals are not well positioned to improve, while ensuring the underprivileged don’t fall off the wagon.

        • tomi000@lemmy.world
          2 years ago

          I absolutely agree, just wanted to point out that we cant divert all responsibility because we feel powerless in comparison.

      • Rodeo@lemmy.ca
        2 years ago

        customers are to blame for the actions of companies!

        Fuck off with this shit.

        You going to tell me the grocery store I work in can’t recycle just because we have customers walking in the door?

        You’re going to say that pulp mills just can’t help but mix waste with sand so they can legally dump it, because somebody is buying some paper?

        Just because someone is buying their product doesn’t mean they can’t be doing a whole fuck of a lot more.

        • tomi000@lemmy.world
          2 years ago

          You misread my comment entirely. I didnt say customers are to blame for companies’ actions, I said as long as customers dont change companies wont either because they dont have to. All that matters to them is profit and not recycling is cheaper. Companies are not people, they are capitalist entities.

          • Rodeo@lemmy.ca
            2 years ago

            No I get it, you are attempting to free the decision makers of these companies from being accountable for their decisions.

            Why can’t you just hold a company to a better standard? Why can’t we just expect better? Why are you giving companies a free pass on this?

            • tomi000@lemmy.world
              2 years ago

              Jesus, please learn to read before starting an argument. Thanks. Whats the point in trying to make me seem like Im defending companies when Im clearly not? I was merely stating facts. Your attitude of getting defensive even when youre not attacked, just by being told that every single person has a part in this, is really sad. You cant keep blaming everyone else your whole life, thats exactly what brought us these problems. ‘I dont have to change because they are way worse than me’.

              Oh and before you reply, I wont respond if you dont at least try to read my comment up there. Quote a single line where I defend corporations and I will gladly keep the discussion going. That wont be the case though, as there arent any.

    • WoahWoah@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      This is great because it means I don’t have to make any inconvenient changes to my lifestyle, but I can blame something else for that decision!


      • zoe @infosec.pub
        2 years ago

        yea man delegate the blame! tbh we need to consolidate housing and transportation (metros instead of cars) but also use trains instead of airplanes for internal trips…and tax the rich actively and passively by cutting on consumerist behaviour like using same day delivery or buying latest gadgets that most of the time come with planned obsolescence and that are basically irrepairable ewaste. keep riding ur diesel car u r not the problem!

  • Son_of_dad@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    It’s almost like we were tricked into thinking we did this, while billionaires and corporations continue to fuck the earth

    • dx1@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      Conductor vs. orchestra, conductor may be giving them rhythm and directions, but they still decide to follow them.

        • dx1@lemmy.world
          2 years ago

          Easily disprovable - if there’s a revolution against them, who does it come from? Whose choice would that be? Also theirs?

            • dx1@lemmy.world
              2 years ago

              Nothing but accepting the fact it’s just a set of a few billion individuals and a hierarchical socioeconomic structure resulting from them, both perpetuated by and oppressing the group as a whole. That’s the duality of oppression, a society full of people accepts a mode of operation that’s suggested by a handful of them but made into a reality by the whole population. No need to get snippy about it. Really, accepting that the real power rests with the people is typically the only viable way to overthrow an oppressive system. It’s the “illusion of no alternative” itself that keeps the system in place.

  • cristalcommons@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    in Spain we get fined if we don’t recycle or even if a box is outside their respective container (even if it’s not ours, some councils just want to fine people)

    the company in charge of recycling (EcoEmbes) is not doing their job of waste collection, sorting, separation and treatment in our country, and they are even faking their statistics to make us think in Spain we are achieving our recycling goals, when we are not recycling even the 25 %.

    GreenPeace Spain has been reporting this for years but nothing is done, because this EcoEmbes company is just a part of the political corruption network that reigns over us. https://es.greenpeace.org/es/en-profundidad/ecoembes-lo-reyes-del-greenwashing/ (Spanish)

    many Spanish citizens already know about this and they recycle ‘just in case’, or they get so damn discouraged that they decide not to recycle at all. we are just… tired and depressed. no will to fight since 2014.

    i have four containers, one for each garbage type, and i still recycle even if i know maybe not even the 25 % of it will be treated as it should.

    it’s very depressing. it’s not just companies, but our governments too. they are allies one to another, and their enemy is every nuisance that interferes with their greed. the only green they like is money.

    i wish European Union helped us Spanish citizens with the EcoEmbes corruption and our many other corruptions, but the European Union is just an European richman’s club, so i suspect they probably will be doing their own corruption schemes in their countries too, and being allies to our politicians.

    our Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, who is probably going to be re-elected, and his Ministers, but also members of the Royal Family, and other Left and Right governments before since forever, = all of them politicians and monarchs in office, have been using the Falcon airplanes to go to the most simple reunion, vacation, music concert, football match… just citing ‘security reasons’ even if the reasons are not related to their job.

    here you have the usage statistics of our current Government’s Falcon airplanes, taken from FlightRadar: https://falcondespega.es

    thanks to this page, the Government stopped using the airplanes so innecessarily because people started being aware of it. but if not, our Ministers and monarchs would be still doing as bad as before.

    they could be using trains but why doing so, right?


    sorry for the long post.

    • supermikea@lemmy.kya.moe
      2 years ago

      If the world leaders of today would want to fix climate change or pollution they should focus their attention on countries that do not already do a good job fighting against these problems, instead of focusing about smal national problems. Remember this is a GLOBAL ISSUE which is what many people forget.

      • cristalcommons@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        i agree, but the thing is that we could be already doing more ‘here’ and ‘there’ to fix this corruption, but in the end we don’t get anything done ‘here’ or ‘there’ anyway because we are not organized enough in local.

        if i can’t fix my own stuff, how can i pretend to fix others’? i get the ‘there is no time to think small’, but i don’t think we currently are ‘locally big’ enough to think ‘big globally’ either.

        also, the ecologic problems in countries like India, Bangladesh or China (for example), mostly depend directly on how economy is being handled by these countries, but also in rich countries that externalize their industry and garbage there, which makes this not an isolated corruption problem, but a whole failed economic model, in global as you say.

        we people from Western countries import industry and export garbage, when we could have a responsible national, inner, circular, market first, so we don’t affect other economies so much and so bad.

        i feel we people from Western countries are in a much powerful position than people from those countries because we are the Demanding part of the market. we shape it. they Offer what we Demand. sadly, when it comes to the market, a bunch of Westerners can have more impact on India’s Government than one of their citizens.

        the problem: we are powerful but we cannot make it count because we are disorganized on what to do and how, we have been numbed and individualized.

        we can cry in forums or go greta’ing to random politicians, but when it comes to action it feels like we are “oh no! … anyway” and go to daily stuff again. i think the easiest way to not get overwhelmed by this is starting local, making active choices in our economies and prosecuting corruption.

  • Phoenixz@lemmy.ca
    2 years ago

    Yeah, I gave up and stopped caring a couple of years ago. There’s nothing I can do, the world is about to end for humanity but rich people want more money today and they managed to convince retards that it’s allm fine because it’s snowing outside so nothing will happen.

    Once the world ends I just hope I’ll be hugging my wife

  • Trollception@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Recycling is simply a way to get people to buy more plastic products. Plastic is rarely recycled and even if it is, it’s only for a single time. Recycling is supported by oil and gas companies since it promotes plastic container sales if people feel like they are helping the environment by recycling.

    • Smoogs@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      You’d still be just as depressed even with reusing, not using. Bees are still dying. Bad things are still happening. Because it’s not all on what one individual person does.

  • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
    2 years ago

    It isn’t your fault, corporations tried and continue to try to shift the blame to the average Joe even though they’re the ones causing the problem

    • hh93@lemm.ee
      2 years ago

      The problem is that there absolutely need to be political measures taken and those will have to mean that gas gets far more expensive, flying won’t be easily possible anymore and meat will be a special treat instead of the go-to option

      But unless a decent amount of people change to show politicians that they can be re-elected even if they pursue those changes noone will even try

      A politician promising rising prices (even if indirectly) will never have any success as long as it’s possible for opponents to run on a platform of “nothing has to change” that denies the reality

  • Franzia@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    2 years ago

    I did my part. I think. I dunno. Calculating your carbon footprint is pretty much fucking impossible, and every time I vote in a candidate that supports green energy they also do a bunch of oily shit, making their position on fossil fuels a toss-up.

    • Black616Angel@feddit.de
      2 years ago

      I mean, nobody ever says “I got cancer despite exercise and healthy eating!”

      What? People literally say this all the time!

      …we are fucked because people reduce shit to memes rather than doing something (talk to MPs, companies, buy ethical).

      Oh yeah, why don’t some people just strike?

      Just buy ethical (with not enough money), write a letter to your local politician (who doesn’t care and can’t do anything about it) or talk to Amazon and Starbucks, they will surely listen!

      How many of those things do you do?

      Are you a vegan? (everything else is not ethical)

      Do you buy in stores? (nearly nothing is produced by companies who really do smth for the environment)

      Do you regularly write to all your politicians to all matters? (How did it work out?)