In the years following the 2013 debut of Adult Swim’s cartoon phenomenon “Rick and Morty,” its star and co-creator Justin Roiland became a titan of the animation and video game industry and a rock star of youth counterculture. His artistic style and caricatures became ubiquitous in cannabis culture, and his career expanded into producing other animated series, creating NFTs and leading a virtual reality gaming studio. In 2017, a “Rick and Morty” collaboration with McDonald’s led to such a viral frenzy that police had to be called to at least two locations.

But as he partied with Los Angeles’ superstars and traveled the country for conventions, he also found he could use his fame to strike up conversations and develop relationships with young fans, including some who were underage. This is according to interviews with 11 women and nonbinary people who shared thousands of messages with Roiland from 2013 to 2022 — with nine of the people saying he turned the exchanges sexual. Of those nine people, three said they were 16 when they started talking to Roiland. To corroborate their stories, the 11 women and nonbinary people also shared pictures, videos, social media posts, emails, and plane ticket and Uber receipts with NBC News.

Warning: Lengthy and graphic details

      931 year ago

      Yeah, this story needs way more precision than it has.

      “Were 16 when they started texting him”. Ok, well how old were they written the allegations occurred, and what is he alleged to have done?

      • JasSmith
        801 year ago

        The imprecision is by design. Modern journalism is trash.

          211 year ago

          Not to defend it, but in situations like this I think they have to be vague for legal reasons. There’s a fine line between reporting the news and defamation (regardless of how true it is).

          It’s bullshit, and people will use defamation and lawyers to attack people accusing them. But I can see why you’d want to be extra careful how you worded the title.

      • DarkGamer
        461 year ago

        Seems like he waited until they were 18 before meeting them, although he would send sexually-charged texts to women as young as 16.

        Roiland usually asked people how old they were, if they were single, and if they were “into girls.” In three cases, when the person said they were under 18, Roiland would message them again months or years later. Those three conversations started with people who said they were 16 at the time, and continued for years, until they were 18 and older.

        • So did he actually groom them? Because the way this is written it sounds like he asked them their age, and then waited for them to be legal, which is creepy, but I wouldn’t call it grooming.

        • CMLVI
          91 year ago

          Lmao age of consent laws don’t mean it isn’t statutory rape.

                41 year ago

                I think it’s Betrayal at House on the Hill where you lay out all the tiles to build the house, and one of them has permanently become the Statutory Corridor according to our house rules (because we’ve misread it so many times).

            • CMLVI
              1 year ago

              I think you’re missing the double negative I used. Lol I’m saying that even if someone is above the age of consent, statutory rape is still an applicable charge.

                • CMLVI
                  31 year ago

                  Take it up with Virginia; age of consent there is 15. Intercourse with a minor above 15 as an adult can still give you statutory rape charges, as referenced here: “The age of consent for intercourse is 15 years old in Virginia; however, there are other sex acts that set the age at 18. These acts include cunnilingus, fellatio, and anal intercourse, which means that minors cannot legally consent to certain sexual activity. Additionally, if you are an adult and have sex with a person under 18 years of age, you may be prosecuted for statutory rape. Statutory rape is generally charged as a Class 4 Felony, but the exact charge and penalties will depend on all the factors and ages involved.”

                  Pulled from

                  It isn’t always the case, generally age of consent precludes it, but not always. Age of consent isn’t a get out of jail free card. Additionally, it doesn’t specify about relations between people in positions of power.

                  It’s all moot anyway, Roiland lives in CA, and he was inviting a 17 year old to his house in Los Angeles. Age of consent there is 18. Did he assault her? No, but what 36 year old man is inviting a 17 year old to his house? Multiple other reports of girls at 18, still in high school, also receiving advances from him.

                • CMLVI
                  21 year ago

                  There is further conversation with another user below this, but that isn’t the case in some places, namely Virginia.

                  Additionally, statutory rape isn’t just bound to age of consent. There are myriad other statutes it can apply through, namely family, age difference, and positions of power over minors above the age of consent.

    • pips
      151 year ago

      Literally in the second paragraph of the article and the summary at the top of this post.

      But as he partied with Los Angeles’ superstars and traveled the country for conventions, he also found he could use his fame to strike up conversations and develop relationships with young fans, including some who were underage.

      The article then goes on to discuss his conversations with underage fans. The article uses “young” because his conversations with of-age but teenaged fans were also bad.

        • eric
          121 year ago

          I think you must have missed their last sentence. The title uses young because it wasn’t just underaged girls he was texting, and texting the 18 and 19 year olds at his age is also a pretty bad look.

        1 year ago

        The fact that these women and enby folks were underage is like the most important part of the story. Calling underage girls “young” and not correctly calling them underage in the title of the story is called burying the lede.

        Justin Roiland used his ‘Rick and Morty’ fame to pursue young and underage fans, text messages show would have been a better title.

        • pips
          41 year ago

          For most people, except apparently many in this thread, “young” heavily implies underage. When character limits matter, it’s okay to start by saying “young,” which is accurate, then clarify further in the article.

            31 year ago

            Lemmy has an unusually high concentration of people who have an inability to understand context.

            For example, every joke, the top comment is “I don’t understand, can someone please explain?”

            • pips
              31 year ago

              I tend to give jokes a pass. Humor is often contextual and cultural so some jokes really do require an explanation.

          1 year ago

          Per the article, he explicitly did not pursue underage fans, though.

          Roiland usually asked people how old they were, if they were single, and if they were “into girls.” In three cases, when the person said they were under 18, Roiland would message them again months or years later. Those three conversations started with people who said they were 16 at the time, and continued for years, until they were 18 and older.

    • andrew
      1 year ago

      Still creepy if not illegal at just above 18. Turns out he was more than just creepy though.

      21 year ago

      “Underage” in which locale, and for what? If you’re referring to age of consent, 16 isn’t underage in most places, as it shouldn’t be.

    1621 year ago

    From the article, really buried: “Roiland usually asked people how old they were, if they were single, and if they were “into girls.” In three cases, when the person said they were under 18, Roiland would message them again months or years later. Those three conversations started with people who said they were 16 at the time, and continued for years, until they were 18 and older.”

    After reading the whole article it doesn’t seem like he did anything sexual with anyone under 18. My takeaway is that he’s a creep, abuses his fame and power (part of a big club there), he’s manipulative, and he plies underage people with alcohol to get them to sleep with him, but it appears he’s not a pedo. Or at least smart enough not to get caught.

        1451 year ago

        Don’t mistake my comment as a defense of him as a person. He’s been accused of domestic violence, forced oral sex, and taking advantage of intoxicated women under the drinking age. Despite him getting off on the DV charge, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. He’s obviously a pretty terrible human being.

        I just don’t like people throwing around ‘pedo’ unjustly, because it waters it down and takes away the impact when used against even worse monsters.

      1 year ago

      And continued for years is the key.

      He made sexually explicit comments to minors for years. And solicited pictures? That’s solicitation of child pornography

      The guys a pedo. Rather or not he gets charged with something related to under age girls, we’ll see.

    • Alien Nathan Edward
      81 year ago

      According to the screenshots shared by Twitter user @/MartyAmericaUSA, Roiland asked the minor to run away from school and go into “sx slavery.” He also allegedly addressed her as a “ft btch,” called her “jailbait,” and said she would go into “cam w*ing” once she turns 18.

      A Facebook user called Janna Waters also claimed that Roiland texted on Twitter when she was 16 and called her “insanely hot.” The user also alleged that the Rick and Morty co-creator allegedly had a “predatory scout” named Christy who used to find “young girls who looked a certain way” for the creator.

      No, dude’s a pedo. “Starting the conversation” with someone who’s underage then waiting til 5 minutes after their 18th birthday to make a move doesn’t make you not a pedo, it makes you a pedo who doesn’t want to go to prison. Even then, there are at least two documented cases where he didn’t wait. Because he’s a pedo.

      81 year ago

      You say he abuses his fame and power. I don’t really see and power accept money and fame. If people are attracted to fame and power, then why should he not be allowed to use his? Why is that different than a woman who shows off her breasts to get a date?

        61 year ago

        I don’t really get the people that bitching about using their fame to get laid either. Are we only allowed to date within our own social class? If they’re being coercive, yea, that’s a problem but it’s possible to have a relationship without coercion.

        I’m not defending this dude but the problem with him was that he was pursuing minors not that he was famous and successful.

        631 year ago

        Dan Harmon was super problematic in his own way. His difference was he apologized to the people he wronged in a way that they accepted, and seems to have changed his behavior. His change in behavior seems to be part of what left Justin out to dry as Dan no longer came to work intoxicated, but Roiland just kept doing it.

        1 year ago

        Well the subtype of funny that Rolland had (and Harmon still has to a degree) had was from being creative and weird and sad. Smart, dark, absurdist, existentialist humor. I think that’s a pretty reasonable way to roll it up.

        Edit: crossed the names up, derp

      1 year ago

      A person who otherwise wouldn’t be noticed suddenly getting attention they never received thrown at them can easily abuse it if they don’t control their behavior with a moral compass, which is becoming less and less a priority. When something feels good, many indulge. When you overindulge, you justify. When you get good at justifying, you can make anything okay in your head. If you don’t have a line drawn, it’s wild how far people will go… he went way too far and he should endure the consequences.

      • @agent_flounder
        311 year ago

        I think getting to be super famous is much easier if you have no moral compass to begin with.

        61 year ago

        I contend it’s not that it’s less of a priority but rather we’re (as a society) getting better at collecting evidence, identifying un aceptable behaviour, and taking people seriously when they present an accusation. I firmly believe humans have done and do worse all the time.

          31 year ago

          I agree, actually. It’s actually unreasonable to think people were any better or worse before, there’s always good and bad… The difference is what’s accepted by the rest of us. Great response, I appreciate it!

          191 year ago

          Which there’s absolutely nothing wrong with, provided both parties are over 18

          No one is upset that he fucked fans, there upset that he at least tried to fuck underaged fans.

          Frankly if you don’t see a difference, I’m scared for you

            171 year ago

            Oh muricans… Have to be 18 to fuck and have to be 21 to drink. The hell is wrong with you, prudes?

            61 year ago

            Plenty of folks arguing now that literally any imbalance of power is unacceptable – I’ve heard people argue that it is also not time-limited. So rich people can’t fuck poor people, a professor can’t ever fuck a former student even if they meet years later at a conference, and don’t even think about workplace romance ever again if you are talking about college educated folks. The insane rules mean that you’re only allowed to date someone precisely the same as you in every way. These are the same cis het allies that helped alienate and target the trans community through absolute absurdity.

    441 year ago

    Glad to see more reporting on this. The way they swapped out Roiland’s voice in Solar Opposites was absolutely perfect, it really hasn’t lost anything imo.

      1 year ago

      I still fucking laugh thinking about it.

      It was so unexpected for me that they would make a change to a hoity British accent and just run with it like nothing happened.

      Brilliantly handled. I’m actually looking forward to how they are going to make the change for Rick and Morty now.

      81 year ago

      “This is what my voice sounds like now. I don’t care if it’s jarring, get over it. And that Voice Changer Ray had chronotons in it, so this is what I’m gonna sound like in flashbacks too. You got a problem with that? Then tough shit, it’s called science!”

        21 year ago

        Wait, he was voiced by Roland? I thought they were just taking a shot at Roland and Rick and Morty, that’s 10x funnier

  • chaogomu
    431 year ago

    Grooming is more than just convincing a minor to not tell their parents.

    The actual definition is grooming a minor for a later sexual relationship (not fully restricted to them still being a minor)

    As with any scummy/horrible behavior, there are levels of scum/horribleness.

    • DarkGamer
      331 year ago

      According to the article he would text underage women but would refuse to meet them until they were 18. Seems like he was operating within the law.

          521 year ago

          You called him a pedo, but he doesn’t appear to be one. Correcting your mistake doesn’t mean anyone is defending him.

          • Flying Squid
            71 year ago

            How is he not a pedo when he was sexting teenagers? Just because he waited until it was legal to fuck them?

              91 year ago

              He is a pedo he’s just smart enough to wait until they’re 18 to assault them.

              Unfortunately making a pass at a minor isn’t in itself illegal anyplace I’m aware of.

              Touching one definitely and if he tried to meet up with them in person it would show intent.

              Soliciting child porn though? Rape, I mean, he fotced oral sex. That’s rape.

              The guy should be in prison and I suspect with NBC handing thr cops all of this evidence, someone will charge him with something soon.

          191 year ago

          …yes? He’s waiting till they’re 18. Besides the fact that, as someone referenced above, in many states the age of consent is 16, so, if he was really scummy, he wouldn’t have even waited at all.

          • Flying Squid
            51 year ago

            Again, I find it very hard to believe that adults can sext teenagers legally. I’d like some evidence for that claim.

            • DarkGamer
              1 year ago

              Again, I find it very hard to believe that adults can sext teenagers legally. I’d like some evidence for that claim.

              They make lists of illegal acts in the law books, they don’t generally list the legal ones. I’m curious if this is a crime as well, so please share with the rest of us if you find the answer to this question.

              • Flying Squid
                51 year ago

                You’re curious if this was a crime, but above you’re saying it isn’t a big deal because he waited until they were 18 to act. Which is it?

                • RickRussell_CA
                  161 year ago

                  you’re saying it isn’t a big deal

                  Literally nobody said that. Nobody is trying to defend this guy. Suggesting that Roiland was “operating within the law” is a claim of the facts of the case, not a defense of the morality of his actions.

                • DarkGamer
                  1 year ago

                  you’re saying it isn’t a big deal because he waited until they were 18 to act.

                  Where did I say that? Please cite the text.

                  You appear to be projecting a lot of positions onto my comments that I do not hold. All I’ve said is that he does not seem to have broken the law based on the article and my own legal knowledge, I never said anything about what was or was not, “a big deal.” Having sex with 18-year-olds is not an example of pedophilia, legally speaking.

          • Blue
            21 year ago

            Don’t bother, they have a weird way about sexuality and age of consent, puritan nutjob heritage.

          • Flying Squid
            61 year ago

            Does it being legal make it okay? And I’m not sure sending sexual messages to 16-year-olds is legal.

        • Solivine
          61 year ago

          I don’t think they are defending him, but if they’re right he’s adhering to the letter of the law, not necessarily the spirit of it.

          • Flying Squid
            51 year ago

            Is adults texting sexually explicit things to 16-year-olds legal? I find that hard to believe.

    241 year ago

    not gonna lie, after reading the article, there’s not a lot there. I understand that people can be put in positions where they feel like they “have” to say yes, but they literally don’t? I think this is more of a case like Louie C.K. These guys are likely autistic and lacking the ability to really clue in on social cues. Guys that have always been unattractive and lacking in attention from women, suddenly has all the attention of women! So they do dumb stuff, that they should have learned not to do when they were young, but again, nerds gonna nerd, and nerds have not always been celebrated like they are today. I think he just going through a slutty phase because he finally can. from his texts he doesn’t come off as a predator, but as a person who’s so used to being told “no,” that he doesn’t know what to do with himself or how to act once they started saying “yes.”

      221 year ago

      I think this is more of a case like Louie C.K

      You tell me you say that the guy who literally waited for women in their dressingroom naked and started to masterbute as they walked in was just “lacking the ability to really clue in on social cues”.

      I don’t know anymore with these apologists like you. Are you trolling or really this misguided?

        1 year ago

        If I remember correctly he asked them first and wasn’t just in their room naked. They just felt they couldn’t say no because he was in a position of power.

        Although I think this is a little different because it involves children who may think they know what they are doing but don’t fully understand yet. So a little different

          31 year ago

          I thought he invited the women to his room, and never tried to force them to show up or stay. I’m not trying to defend Louis, the most charitable thing you can say is that it was creepy and weird AF. But If there is more to it, this is the first I’m hearing of it.

    • These guys are likely autistic and lacking the ability to really clue in on social cues.

      My wife is autistic, that’s not how autism works. You may be bad at reading social ques, but that doesn’t mean you don’t understand rejection, or that you don’t understand that you shouldn’t be prowling for underaged women. Most of the times its just not picking up inflections of voice, or they don’t know if theyre reading people’s facial expressions correctly.

      So they do dumb stuff, that they should have learned not to do when they were young, but again, nerds gonna nerd, and nerds have not always been celebrated like they are today. I think he just going through a slutty phase

      Kinda sounds like youre equivocating powerful old dudes grooming kids to boys will be boys…

      his texts he doesn’t come off as a predator, but as a person who’s so used to being told “no,” that he doesn’t know what to do with himself or how to act once they started saying “yes.”

      The simple fact that he’s talking to several 16 year old about sex is predatory in and of it’s self.

      Maybe its because I’m closer to his age than most people on here, but the thought of chatting up anyone close to 16 years old is fucking gross. I have nothing in common with a sixteen year old girl, he has nothing in common with a sixteen year old girl.

      He just a gross asshole, and anyone who defends him because you like the same shitty played out subculture… is also a gross asshole.

    211 year ago

    Imagine being so lucky that you become a household name off of animation of all things but then deciding to do exactly what John K did. At least Rick and Morty won’t go the way of Ren and Stimpy. Not yet, anyway.