• @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
    777 months ago

    Even less people are buying homes, but prices won’t drop and mortgage are rising. Great. Seems like a healthy system.

    • Flying Squid
      7 months ago

      And such a sustainable one too! But hey, waiting for your parents to die so you can inherit their house is still achievable by many people!

    • @deegeese@sopuli.xyz
      87 months ago

      I mean… it happens like this at the end of every credit cycle.

      The most desperate sellers take price cuts. Prices slowly come down a teeny bit while inflation eats away at the affordability problem and rates gradually fall back down.

      In 3 years the market will be healthy again.

  • Flying Squid
    557 months ago

    We bought a home in 2018. Not huge, but still a 3 bedroom with a big yard for the dogs to run around in and in a safe and relatively affluent neighborhood. The mortgage is a 3-point-something percent fixed-rate APR. We don’t like living in this town. We would love to move. But we couldn’t possibly afford a mortgage at the rates they have them now. The house is in my wife’s name because she has impeccable credit. The idea that she would even be considered for a fixed-rate APR mortgage at this point is risible.

    By the way, this was the first home we ever owned. My wife and I are the same age. We were 41 when we bought that house and it was pretty much the cheapest house in the neighborhood in a town that isn’t especially desirable and a depressed community with not a huge number of jobs. Back in 2018 before all of this really got ridiculous.

    People younger than us? No fucking chance.

    • @foggy@lemmy.world
      237 months ago

      Am 35. Looking. Friend just closed.

      It’s awful. It’s hard to walk away from my rental right now, all things considered.

      The good news is that price homes are finally coming down. Not much, but folks entering the market with a 250k home asking 400k are going down to about 375k right now.

      It’s a start…

      • @Kage520@lemmy.world
        27 months ago

        Yeah we are looking in NH to move out of Florida and closer to family, but going from $775k to $749,999 isn’t a huge help. Hope the trend continues.

    • Neato
      157 months ago

      In the same boat. 38 and wanted to buy a house, riiight when COVID started. So waited so we didn’t die, then prices shot up so waited for them to go down, but they didn’t and rates are now too high to even consider. And no one can really sell because of what you said.

      So if the government wanted to be sure no one could get a loan and the only people able to buy houses were corporations with cash on hand…good job government?

      • @foggy@lemmy.world
        57 months ago

        Corporations, for the most part, seem to be shirking the interest rates too! The minute they come down it’s going to be a feeding frenzy…

    • @SexyTimeSasquatch@lemmy.world
      97 months ago

      Are you me? Seriously though, we’re in an almost identical situation. How are people supposed to buy homes under these conditions? Prices are insane, rates are sky high. Our home value on paper went through the roof but we’re never gonna see any of the value because we’re basically stuck. The only effect the value increase has is that we pay more property tax. I can’t imagine the difficulty younger millennials and Gen z are going to have getting a home.

  • blazera
    417 months ago

    oh thank goodness we’re no longer in a financial crisis. Im sure people not having homes shouldnt be a metric for what constitutes one. As long as the rich people are still making money.

  • sylver_dragon
    277 months ago

    They really buried the lede on this one. Tight supply and high mortgage rates is leaving a lot of pent up demand. We can keep hoping for a correction, but I’m not being on one quite yet.

    • @ShortBoweledClown
      217 months ago

      There is no supply because private equity is buying so many homes

      • Cows Look Like Maps
        117 months ago

        But they’re still building… 650ft² “luxury” condos for $2600/mo. Utilities and renting shitty “common room” all extra of course.

      • BraveSirZaphod
        47 months ago

        What’s the actual data on this?

        I’m sure PE is buying some homes, but that’s a different statement from the much stronger claim that they’re buying so many that they’re directly creating a shortage.

        • @girlfreddy@lemmy.ca
          107 months ago

          Here’s some data I found.

          Many factors have influenced this unusual market, of course. But one that affects the housing shortage in particular is institutional real estate investment. Institutional investors purchased 13.2 percent of all properties sold in 2021, according to a 2022 report by the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Perhaps more concerning is the fact that they bought those homes for 26 percent lower than the state median prices during that period.

          These large investment companies are exacerbating the home-inventory shortage by buying up the most affordable properties and renting them out, making it even harder for individuals and families, especially first-time homebuyers, to get themselves onto the housing ladder. Source

          Industry advocates argue that they do not control enough market share to dictate prices in any market. Large institutions owned roughly 5% of the 14 million single-family rentals nationally in early 2022, according to analysts.

          By 2030, the institutions may hold some 7.6 million homes, or more than 40% of all single-family rentals on the market, according to the 2022 forecast by MetLife Investment Management. Source

          • sadreality
            17 months ago

            Hitting the low end of the market appears to allow them to set the floor.

            You don’t have to own the market to control it.

            Prices are set at the margins.

          • sadreality
            17 months ago

            Balanced take haha

            Private investors like like 20-30% of the market which is large but pretty standard historically.

            I am not sure what percent is PE of that number. My understanding “smaller” investors with cash is majority of it.

  • @foggy@lemmy.world
    217 months ago

    Banks gotta stop clawing back their $800B loss in corporate real estate by way of residential home buyers and car owners.

    Kinda opening the door for a private equity enslavement of the citizenry.

  • @msbeta1421@lemmy.world
    197 months ago

    Anyone that bought when rates were still 2-3% isn’t selling unless they’re being forced. Why would they, considering their real interest rate is negative at this point.

    This is a non-headline because it’s reporting on something that was expected to happen when interest rates rose.

    That being said, this does suck for those who have yet to purchase their first home. Property investors buying with cash have no incentive to stop buying. This is where government should step in and regulate. Those conversations should be headlining instead.

    • @barfplanet@lemmy.world
      57 months ago

      What property investors are buying with cash? The extreme leveraging is one of the main things that makes real estate investing attractive.

      I think folks might be confused about the term “cash offer” when buying/selling houses. This generally doesn’t mean that someone is literally buying the property without debt involved, but that they can make the purchase without involving the mortgage process. Usually with a line of credit or similar funding.

  • NegativeLookBehind
    107 months ago

    So, buy now and have high interest rates, or wait til they drop and have to compete with dozens of other people, and pay 10-20k above asking?